Russian Scam Message Board – Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Russian Scam is the alphabetical listing of Russian scammers and Russian agencies involved in Russian dating fraud or Russian scams. The name of the person where the money is sent is the key issue in a Russian scam, and the same Russian scammer may use different photos. Also, the same set of photos may be used under different names. Russian Scammer Nataliya Abatourowa
Same Russian Scammers
Most known Russian scams appear to be run by the same few groups of Russian scammers using different names and photos. Photos used in a Russian scam do not necessarily belong to the Russian scammer, and may be simply downloaded from the Internet.
Publishes Data of Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Please remember that Russian Scam is not a law enforcement agency and do not investigate or prosecute criminals. Only authorized law enforcement agencies can prosecute your offenders. To have them prosecuted, you will need to make an official statement to police and lay charges. Russian scam collects and publishes data of Russian scams and Russian scammers only.
Report a Russian Scam or Russian Scammer
If you would like to report a Russian scam or a Russian scammer and to be listed on the pages of Russian scams, please do it here.
Russian scam listings are in alphabetical order according to Last Name of Russian scammer or Russian Agency Name
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H| I | J| K | L | M | N | O | P | Q| R | S | T | U | V | W | X| Y | Z
Abatourowa, Nataliya – Moscow, Russia
Address: Taganskaya street 9, Moscow, 109004, Russia
Details: “I have some money but it’s not enough to complete my trip. Please send me 900 US dollars and I will complete my trip! After it please write me all details about the transfer”
First reported: Noel

Abdulina, Olga Vladimirovna – Kazan, Russia
Phone: 902 670 2257
Details: “Visa and tickets” scam. Initiates the contact, falls in love with you, wants to visit you, asks money for visa and tickets.
First reported: Pete

Abdulrahamon, Suliyat Vladimirovna – Sochi, Russia
Phone: +79528299500 and +79530857638
Address: 27 Gogolia Street, Sochi, Russia
Details: Attached her international passport and part of Western union money transfer receipt, pictures and plane ticket. Of course did not use plane ticket, because it was a scam. She is active on and many other websites. Please take action to block the woman and publish this warning to protect others.
First reported: Moustafa

Details: Initiated contact from American Tried to scam for $750 for visa and ticket.
First reported: Andrew

Abdylina, Olga Vladimirovna – Kazan, Russia
Phone: +7-8-7-902-7135552
Address: 420015, Russia, Kazan, Podlyznaya, str.28-36
Details: I emailed Olga from MatchDoctor.Com. She sent me three pics in all one slowly after another then as she fell in Love we set up a meeting. She said she could pay for the trip but then the punch-line arrived she asked for money for a computer and I told her I would not send her the money.
First reported: the kid 79

Abromova, Natalia (Natasha) – St Petersburg, Russia
Phone: 011-7-812-950-2437
Address: St. Petersburg 194357, Moskovsky Street 40, #20, Russia
Details: This girl will send you her passport and visa details. Once you have corresponded a few times she will say that she will come to your Country and send scanned photos of air tickets. The scam is then she will ask for 600 US dollars to be allowed out Russia ( St Petersburg) and be sent by Western union. Guess what once this money arrives she disappears.
First reported: Reggie

Adamova, Ina (Inna) – Minsk, Belarus
Phone: + 375 296 20 70 80 (mobile) ; + 375 17 220 84 27 (home number)
Address: Kirova 3-71, Minsk 220050, Belarus
Details: A real person living in Minsk, Belarus. Claims to be a doctor in children’s hospital. Actually is unemployed and makes living asking money from foreign men: for Internet connection complaining about its expensiveness, or for visa and tickets to come to your country. Usually works through placing her data at international dating agencies. Money are to be sent via Western Union to Inna Adamova, Minsk, Belarus.
First reported: Watching you!

Adamova, Raisa – Murmansk, Russia
Address: Sovetskaya 65-32, Murmansk, 183054 Russia (later shown to be false address)
Details: “Visa and tickets” scam. Initiates the contact through a personals website, falls in love with you, wants to visit you dying to be with you and wanting to marry you, asks money for visa and tickets. Prewritten letters.
NOTE: different pictures may be used
First reported: Paul

Agupov, Valeriya – Luhansk, Ukraine
Address: Luhansk, Ukraine
Instagram: lerunya.a
I registered on Anastasiadate site recently. I noticed lots of discrepancies with one particular lady on the site I communicated with. I have an instagram account and I google search the ladies photos on her profile and saw that she is married. The lady is Valeriya id 1949942. Her instagram account is (lerunya.a) and her husbands is (v.agupov) both from Luhansk and not Kiev. Did more research and there is a photo album from the wedding that happen last year in August. If you go to the wedding photographer (Andrew Kiyke photography) that took the photos of the wedding and put on his site. I put the link below Лера и Ваня. Свадебный и персональный фотограф Андрей Кийко Краснодар Луганск ( I never send any money to this person but would like her to be reported as a scammer operating out of Luhansk.
First reported: D K

Aivagyan, Areg, – Yerevan, Armenia and Tanya (Moscow, Russia)
Address: Agatan Gexosi 8 str,bld.37.apt.15. Armenia,Yerevan
Details: I am single, and have no children. I have my profile on and that is where Tanya first contacted me. She asked me to contact her on personal email address in the first message. I made the mistake of doing so. Within two weeks she had fallen in love with me and was asking me for money for a cultural exchange program. She requested money to be sent to, Aivagyan Areg. Agatan Gexosi 8 str,bld.37.apt.15. Armenia, Yerevan.
After thinking this was a scam I did some research and found her photo on another website under a different name as a known scammer. After asking her about this she sent me a email for her new email address because she was in Moscow getting a stamp on her passport. The address is She has never contacted me since then. I reported this to and they remover her profile from the website.
First reported: Peter

Agzamowa, Guzilya – Barayt, Russia
Address: Stepnaja street 10 flat 3, Barayt, 662436, Russian Federation
I am a single 49 yr old male and was approached by a woman on with a mysterious profile. She told me she was leaving Match and to email her personal address. I did and received and email from Guzilya, 24, from Russia.We exchanged several email but I grew suspicious as she never really answered my questions. She did send some sexy photos. I did a search on Russian dating scams and found the exact same letters that were sent to me, were also send to a many men (word for word).
I did eventually found the same photos on another anit-scam site calling her Tatyana K. In her last email she asked for money for a plane ticket so we could be together. I said, sorry not interested.
First reported: Robert

Aklanova, Tatyana – Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Address: Charl Marks’s Street 129-4, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Details: Typical fall in love fast and asks for money for visa and airline tickets.
First reported: Damian

Aktanaeva. Irina – Samara, Russia
Phone: 007 962 5904684
Bank Account: VTB 24 (JSC) Moskau Russia) Account no. 4272290930040357 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG
Details: She ask for paying passport and Schengen visa and ticket. She writes very kind.
She was at Moscow airport “to travel to me” cause she told she has the Visa, but the Russian custom will let her no pass, cause she has no pocket money. To live in Germany, so I sent 1200,– the customs first asks for. Next day she ask for more cause she send a copy of her visa which was for 90 Days and they ask for 40,– Euros a day she told. I gave a copy of visa to the Bundespolizei for checking : They told this visa was valid for a Russian man born 21.9.1959 and the number of this visa was valid from 7.1.2001 till 11.2.2001.
First reported: Max

Aktnaeva, Olesya – Orenburg, Russia
Address: MONTAZHNIKOV 43 APT 21, Orenburg, Russia (Fake Address)
Details: Met her through Yahoo Personals. She said it costs US$360 to get a visa. She didn’t write back after i said she is a scammer.
First reported: Campos

Albahtena, Olga – Dubovka, Russia
Phone: 902 670 2257
Details: Contacted from Yahoo Personals. Use Pre-written letters. Scammed US$1,1000 for visa and tickets. Scam many men at same time.
First reported: John W.

Albahtena, Olga – Volgograd, Russia
Address: 21 Cental’ naya, Russia, 163523
Details: Met her through Yahoo Personals. She fell in love and planned to come and see me at her own cost. Last minute asked for money and I gave her 320 USD for she had to pay for an operation for her best friend. When she arrived at the airport she said she needed 800USD for return trip or they would not let her board the flight.
First reported:

Aleks/Sasha – Kazan, Russia
Details: “Visa and airfare” scam. Initiates the contact through a gay personals website, falls in love with you, wants to visit you. Asks money for visa and tickets.
First reported: Bob

Aleksandra – Omsk, Russia
Address: Omsk, Russia
Details: After about the fifth letter she was madly in love and wanted to be with me. Finally she asked for visa money $480.
First reported: Claus

Aleksandrovna Latypova, Irina aka Aleksandrovna Potorochina, Aleksandra – Primorsk, Russia
Screen Name: Julikana
E-mail addresses:,
Physical address:
Lebedeva Street 6-15 Primorsk, Russia, 188910
The Primorsk this individual lives in is in the Leningradskaya Oblast as to avoid confusion, as there are 2 other Primorsks in Russia in my research on
Details: I am a full-time employed, single white/caucasian 31 year old male living in Monroe, LA. I have stumbled upon another recent scammer that has been hitting up alot apparently posing as a girl from Plano, TX but then revealing herself as from rimorsk, Russia. Her screename on is “Julikana”, I have already ontacted them about her as a Russian scammer as well to have her account removed and her IP perma banned.
Typical bait and switch “visa and tickets” scammer, thankfully I have NOT sent her any money, I was wise to be suspicious of this individual’s true motives. I have yet to resolve our conversation after she sent me her forged Visa(verified that it is indeed forged by the St. Petersburg U.S. Consulate) and at this point I don’t care to.
First reported: Jay

Alekseenko, Irina – Magnitogorsk, Russia (aka Tatyana Kononova)
Address: 13 Bibisheva str, app#7, Magnitogorsk, 455007, Russia
Details: “Visa and tickets” scam. Initiates the contact through a personals website, falls in love with you, wants to visit you. Asks money for visa and tickets.
First reported: Jethro

Alekseev, Aleksandr (aka Sasha) – Ulyanovsk, Russia
Address: Vladimirskaya Street, 84a-123, Ulyanovsk, Russia
Details: Typical visa/ticket scam but the scammer claims he is gay and contacted from
First reported: Jay

Alekseeva, Elena
Details: Prewritten letters; requests money for visa/tickets and passport/flowers/english lessons etc.
First reported: Alien

Alekseeva, Nadezhda (Nadya) – Lyskovo, Russia
Address: Swerdlow Street 14/3, Lyskovo, Russia
Details: She is good. After 3 weeks i ask her to visit me in my country (Netherland). 3 weeks later she said that she will visit me and she’s going to a travellingagency for info. There they told her how much money she needed for the document, ticket and visa. About 800 euro. She asked me to send the money by MoneyGram.
Then she went to Moscow to visit the dutch ambassy to get her visum. They told her that for a visum of 90 days she needed 4500 euro’s. 50 euro a day to live. A place to sleep, to eat and drink. Thats the law in the Netherlands and is correct. After that she send me the flightinfo, also correct. But she never show up.
Indeed, she is good. She used as a emailaddress; I’ve got messages from her in my own language, she used a online translator. In every letter she called my name several times, a different strategy? Now she told me that she was arrested saturday on the airport in Moscow for smuggling antic stuff. Her own stuff, she said. Now she must pay a penalty a 9600 euro’s to be free or by judge and than between 3,5 and 6 years prison. Can that be truth? I dont believe it. She needed still 5100 euro’s to pay the penalty.
First reported: Chris

Alekseeva, Oksana – Kotlas, Russia
Address: Travel agent: “Max Travel” Arkhangelsk, Kotlas, Kirov Street 76. Postal code 165300
Details: We met on She seemed incredibly sincere. We exchanged lengthy emails almost daily for 2 months. I saw only minuscule red lights. Her poetic, sincere, romantic nature intoxicated me into trusting her. She shared stories of how she lost her 3 yr old brother at the age of 6. She felt bad as her mother (mum) still mourned the loss but she could not hardly remember him.
Her father mostly enjoyed wasting” time in the garden. She worked as an art teacher for teenagers. Only wanting to pass on the skills her mother taught her. She shared a story of how she saw one 13 year old student smoking a cigarette and was horrified. She complained of many drunken men in the streets and being very afraid. A couple weeks later the fire department appeared at her school and closed it for not meeting regulations. Her first time without work.
I suggested perhaps meeting in Europe six months down the road. She could not wait that long for us to be together. She had so fallen in love she could not wait a day. She tried to get a loan at the bank but was unsuccessful.
Finally her retired father was able to get a portion of the cost to fly to America. I told her I was in the middle of bankruptcy (true) and not able to help. I talked to the travel agency “Max Travel” ( about delaying her flight so I could raise funds. They said that was not possible because tickets had already been purchased (Red light). I did get them to delay the flight briefly. I finally flinched and sent money ($490) to her travel “agent” Elena Avdeeva via Western Union. Oksana only spoke of money indirectly, mostly focusing on love and romance.
I appeared at the airport for her arrival. She was not there. A call to one connecting flight airline at London Hethrow did not show her on the passenger list. Then came the frantic emails of a frightened, innocent young girl stranded without food or shelter in the big scary city of Moscow. She described successfully getting her visa at the Moscow embassy. Only to be stopped by customs while trying to board the plane. She needed to show evidence of having $3000 to travel with a tourist visa (true I now believe – this IS a requirement). Her following emails became more tattered and frenzied. I offered to get her a nights hotel stay and a train ticket back home. I told her to have a Western Union agent email me with instructions. She replied that the agent has no information to send me.
At that point I Google-ed “Russian Scams” and found this site After searching pictures I found her photo under a different name and city. She was good. And I foolish. Fortunately no more money was sent. I’m sure I blew apprehending her when I replied to her email with “I caught you”. I only hope my faith in the goodness of people is not severely damaged. I did follow up with a final ill-spirited message declaring that cruel, soul-less people belong in prison.
First reported: Tim

Alekseeva, Veronika – Lipetsk, Russia
Address: 57 Nedelina, 94 Lipetsk, 398000, Russian Federation
Details: Prewritten letters; requests money for visa/tickets and passport.
First reported: Tom
Second reported: Del

Alekseevna, Largo Anna – Boksitogorsk, Russia
Address: Boksitogorsk, 187650, street Pavlova 9
Details: Anna contacted me to say she wanted to have emails. She then said she wanted to come to England but she had no money and would I help her with the air fare. She then after I sent her 17000 Rouble asked for the necessary money for a visa which I also sent. After she received this amount to her bank she then asked for an additional amount. When I replied very politely NO all the communication stopped.
First reported: msw456

Alekseewa, Oksana – Velsk, Russia
Address: 20 Pushkina Street, Apt. 34, Velsk, Russia 165151
Details: After researching antiscam records, I noticed that the stories for “Oksana Alekseeva, Kotlas, Russia” and “Elena Awdeeva, Gryazovets, Russia” were almost exact, word-for-word, identical experiences to my own. If you are reading this now, I would take the time to read these stories. I will note the few exceptions in my story. We met on She contacted me first on 7/2/13 and asked that I only speak with her, to develop our relationship.
A few days later, I noticed that her personal profile had been removed from Zoosk. From the beginning, she has appeared to be the sweetest, most romantic woman, I have ever known. She continually speaks of her best, and only friend, “Elena”. This is why I believe with almost complete surety, that the woman mentioned above, are partners in this scam, or could even be the same woman using 2 identities.
She also mentioned that she was born in “Shenkursk” on 6/15/84, where her parents, “Aleksandr and Svetlana” live as “pensioners”. I am very embarrassed to say this, but she easily convinced me to send her money on 8/2/13, to cover cost of her passport and visa, 700 dollars through Western Union. I did ask the address of the bank where this Western Union was located. She replied, “VTB24 Bank, 33 Mira Street, Kotlas, Russia, 165300”.
She also explained at this time, that the cost of airline tickets would be around 1200 dollars. She said that, all documents could be processed and obtained more quickly through a professional travel agency in her city of Velsk. When I asked, she said the name of the agency was “I-V Tour, Pushkina Street 36/2, Velsk, Russia, website: , email: “
She said that I could write to them about any details, but they only speak Russian, but could answer any inquiries in English. I thought this strange for a professional international tourist agency. But, the website did seem legit. I did not send the sum for the airline tickets, because I wanted to get to know her better. The emails continued, becoming more romantic, and more talk of starting our life together. I also spoke with her on the telephone several times, but she contacted me. She claimed that, she had no telephone or cell phone and could only call from a public phone. Which ironically, she said “did not receive incoming calls”.
Finally, on 12/18/13, I had convinced myself, that she was honest, and sent her the 1200 dollars for the airline tickets. She could now go to Moscow, to pickup her passport and visa, have visa interview and fly to the United States to meet me for the first time. She had sent me the flight information previously, to depart from Sheremetyevo Airport on 1/7/14, landing in Miami, US, on 1/8/14, with connecting flight to Albany, New York on the same day. This is where the previous stories I referred to, line up once again.
On the day she was to fly out, she was detained by Customs, and now required to have 2800 dollars in her possession, before they would let her leave. She sent me a copy of her passport and a Customs regulation (in Russian). All of the documents seemed official, stamped and dated. When I tried to send this amount through Western Union, the transfer was not approved. I now applaud the actions of Western Union, that I did not lose more money, than the 2000 dollars I had already spent.
Knowing that she would be waiting near the Western Union, I called the airport and found an agent, near the terminal where she was to depart from. I her paged several times, but no one came to the desk. I then gave a description of her from her photos to the agent. She had security personnel go to the Western Union. I waited for the obvious answer, there was no one there matching that description. My suspicions had been confirmed.
This was a red flag, and started to examine things more closely. I believe that this Oksana Alekseewa of Velsk” is the same woman as “Oksana Alekseeva of Kotlas”, because my monies were wired to a bank in Kotlas. The numerous mentions of her friend, “Elena”, make me believe that, this is the same woman as “Elena Awdeeva of Gryazovets” because of the identical matching stories. After closer examination of her passport that she sent me, I noticed words missing from the document, place of birth stated “Velsk”, not Shenkursk” as she previously stated.
The signature was definitely a man’s beginning with an “M”, last name beginning with a “B” and ending with a “Y”. It was a very sloppy signature for a teacher at a school, and letters did not match up to her name. This is when I started searching the internet and found . I was shocked when I found the stories I mentioned.
I have always felt that crimes of the heart do not have an equal punishment in society. It is the worse crime that can be committed against another human being. I could have been scammed out of much more hard earned money, and I am glad that it ended here with your help. As for dear Oksana, she certainly deserves what is coming to her, and then some.
First reported: Embarrassed

Aleksenko, Oksana – Kemerovo, Russia
Address: Kirov street 18 appt 37, Kemerovo,650014,Russia
Details: Received an email in my inbox from a girl, respond to link that took me to website In the first letter she informed me that she lives in Russia. Corresponding for a while then she fell in love and told me that she would like to come and visit me in US. She told me that plane tickets would cost $850.00 but ask me to send money because she does not have the money to pay for the plane tickets. She also emails me a copy of her passport and that is when I found out that it is a scam.
First reported: Matthew

Alexeeva, Anastasya – Ukhta, Russia
Address: Ukhta, Russia
Details: Recently I have been contacted by a Russian Lady. We had a good conversation in the beginning even though sometimes she appeared not to react on Details in my Mailings.
In the end she first asked in a shy way for Money to get her visa, in the end she got more and more insisting. Anastasya contacted me on a Dating site (Zoosk) and sent me her mail address so we could communicate literately. She told me about her life and was a Kind Person. When I told something about me she didn’t really react on what I said. I kept the good vibes in the communications and as I was alerted about scamming I just went ahead.
She wanted to visit me in Germany as soon as possible. Her German seemed to be out of Google translator, but with a Little Imagination it was possible to understand most of it. Once I told her that I will be abroad for work. First she did not really react, then she finally accepted to visit me abroad.
I told her she will be Pais all her accommodation once she is there, but first in a gentle and shy way, then always more insisting she asked for Money for her flight. Even when I offered to send her a flight ticket she insisted on Money by wire.
I replied it is not possible as I am in a foreign Country and Western Union is only possible during my working time. As she understood that I will not ever send Money to an unknown she interrupted the contact in an offensive way. Please investigate the case and make further attempts impossible.
First reported: Jaun

Alena – Lugansk, Ukraine
Details: Answered my email. In the second letter, she started telling me that she needed a translator from
First reported: Michael

Aleskeenkova, Marinochka (Marina, Natalya) – Tomsk, Russia
Address: LEBEDEVA street 11-7, 634000, Tomsk, Russia.
Details: She contacted me through the Yahoo Personals. She never answered any of my direct question. Never heard back from her when I requested of a picture of her and her family together.
Second story: She contacted me through Yahoo Personals. By the eighth email she wanted $350 to get a visa and to come visit me. She emailed me for 3 weeks before stopping after I said I couldn’t give her the money.
First reported: NoCigar
Second reported: wontbefooledagain
Third reported: HEYNEHOME

Alexandrova, Tania – Magadan, Russia
Address: City of Magadan proletarskya,3-15 Russia
Details: Prewritten letters; requests money for visa and tickets.
First reported: Bob

Alexandrova, Yulia – Nizhniy-Novgorod, Russia
Address: Nizhniy-Novgorod, Russia
Details: Requests money for visa and tickets.
First reported: Ray

Alexeenko, Irina – Samara Russia
Address: 40b Lebedeva Street, Apt. #4, Samara, Russia
Details: She initiates contact, requests money for visa/passport/airline tickets. Then she asks for more money to be put in an account as proof for the INS that she can support herself.
First reported: Dave.S

Aliona – Chernivtsy, Ukraine
Details: asks for money and then disappear. she was born on the 27th of march 1973 she has 2 sons and she is divorced. She was talking to Phillip Sterling from USA and she took a lot of money from him! She was also the member of my marriage agency and I noticed that she is a lier and a scammer!
First reported: Tatyana

Altybaeva, Dinara (Katya) – Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Phone: 99871-1253103
Address: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Details: Found on Absolute Agency. Typical visa/ticket fraud. Wants you to send money to come to America. Has friend in Travel Agency with connections to get visas to UK or USA. Sends lots of photos with each email. Then some sexy pics to entice you. Doesn’t want you to come to her city. Says meeting weill be “impossible”. Only meeting in your country will be ok. Absolute Agency doesn’ty care. They have many scammers in their site.
First reported: Brian
Second reported: S. Redonnet
Third reported: Victor

Amaukova, Ekaterina – Borki, Russia
Address: Russia, Omsk area, Siberian federal area, Borki, Sovetskaya street 10-12
Bank Details
Kalachinsk, Russian Federation
For : Ekaterina Amaukova
Kalachinsk, Russian Federation
Details: I was approached on yahoo personals…typical fall in love fast…but lots of pictures…emailed me a US Visa….said she paid for it.$340..said she paid $240 toward plane ticket (sent itinerary) and needed me to Western Union her the balance $700+..I checked her visa with U.S. Embassy in Moscow. They said the didn’t issue one to her.
First reported: Cory
Second reported: Dan W.

Andreeva, Maria – Volgograd, Russia
Address: Oblast, Volgograd, Russia.
Details: Typical scammer using same profiles with different pictures, names, addresses, and accounts. Used,, olesya/ masha, (mashakid)-username. Volgograd (Olesyakid, member id O000016, different photo) – word for word same profile. Haven’t request money but hinting to visit without letting me visit to Russia first.
First reported: Johnny

Andreeva, Sveta or Svetlana – Cheboksary, Russia
Address: Ekaterinburg, Russia
Travel Agency Name: “CHT Travel Agency”
Address: Cheboksary City
Bank Details
Beneficiary Bank:
Account with correspondent bank: 04413603
Name: Guta Bank
Address: 5 Dolgorukovskaya Street, Moscow
Payment Details:
Private Transfer to Telebank Client 517931
Details: I sent her everything that she and the agency requested including round trip airfare, visa, passport, etc.
First reported: Scott

Andrey – Cheboksary or Chuvashiya, Russia
Address: Cheboksary or Chuvashiya, Russia
Details: Contacted me through website. Changed emails twice. Typical: wrote letters, stated fell in love with me, needed money for visas and air fare. Stock letters, never answered questions. Stories didn’t line up.
First reported: John

Andreyerna, Anna – Pyatigorsk, Russia
Address: Pestova 8 sq 10, Pyatigorsk, 357500, Russia
Details: I recent did a search for Russian mail-order scams and came across your website. I’m really concerned that I may be involved with someone who is not who they claim to be. Anna contacted me via She put me on her “Favorites” on I later noticed she had two profiles going at once. I informed about 10 days ago, but have heard nothing from them. She explained to me that a friend helped her get on as a Free Member. She claims to be 30 years of age and no children. She would nearly always send me 2 pictures a day. She said that they were taken by a friend. There are a number of “red flags” which make me think twice. However there are some things that make me wonder if she “is for real” Like a picture with someone who looks like they could be her mother. Red Flags: No telephone nor access to one? She claims to have been “attach” by a man she knew (within about 10-12 days of knowing her). She has contacted a local travel agency in her hometown, yet they do not have a telephone? They quoted me a price just under $1500. There Company is called “Kolumb” and the main agent is Anna Konakova (Hummm?)
First reported: Dana

Andrianava, Nataliya – Marsk, Russia
Bank Details: ABSOLUT BANK TSVETNOI BULVAR, 18MOSCOW 127051,RUSSIA ,Tel: (7 ) (095 ) 7777171
Address once she is in Moscow:Russia,Moscow Llenina sreet,build 161 flat 37
Email address:
Postal address: home 78 flat 14
Details: Don’t know how she got my email address, just out of the blue. Starting corresponding and she left her town to go to Moscow but when she got there she was $550 short for her plane flight and living expenses. She was supposed to come to U.S. I found her pic. on this website, emailed her back told her about seeing her pic. and gave website address and have not heard anything else from her. So watch out, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
First reported: Darrell

Andries, Andrea – Bucharest, Romania
YM is andreea andreea and sometimes it is alesya_alesya
E-mail address: alesya_18us
Details: She wanted to come to Toronto Canada.
Then I said i wanted to see her on cam. I sent her $35 US she said she needed medicine and spent the money. A week later, I sent her $50 because I still wanted to verify she was real, and it is not alot of money. She bought internet time and told me that the camera in the cafe was not available.
We were talking about her coming here, and I said i would see her on cam the next day.
On the next day she slipped up and said that she will meet me in Quebec next week. She seems to have her sights set on Canadians. I confronted her and you can see the conversation below that I coppied from Yahoo. so now she picks a fight with me over this because she just realized how stupid she is. The funny thing is, she is the one who contacts me to taunt me. She is just to stupid for words. please post her pictures and her information. Like I said, she is very active in scamming smaller amounts because she thinks we will not care. Truth is, she is still a scammer.
First reported: Dale

Andriyanova, Natasha – Tuymen, Russia
Address: Russia . Tyumen. str. Green 163-11
Details: Asks for money for visa and tickets to be sent by Western Union.
First reported: Ringo
Second reported: Tim
Money should be sent via Western Union to: Intermediary: Bank Of New York, New York, S.W.I.F.T.: IRVTUS3N
Acc/No. 890-0372-664
Account with institution: SWIFT; MENARU2PMOS, Bank Menatep St.Petersburg, Moscow Brunch
To beneficiary’s account: Acc/No. 30301840200450000017
Beneficiary customer: Yoshkar-ola Branch of Bank “Menatep SPB”
Details of payment: Firstname – Nataliya, Surname – Andriyanova, Acc/No – 42301840200171000092

Angela – Tashkent Uzbekistan
Phone: Unknown
Details: Typical visa/ticket scam.
First reported: Chris

Angelica – Volgograd, Russia
Address: Volgograd, Russia
Details: No money was sent. Didn’t get to that point. Suspected something fishy after first few e-mails. Went along with it for a bit longer. The last photo with the cleavage left me no doubt.
First reported: Pachelbel

Angelika – Lugansk, Ukraine
Phone: Unknown
Details: Typical visa/ticket scam and also asks money for her dance lessons. Writes dirty sometimes.
First reported: Chris

“Angelina” – First Marrige Agency in Ekaterinburg “ANGELINA” (also known as Scarlett Agency, Dinasty Visa and Internet Club, Myriad of Hearts, Cupid Internet Club etc) – Ekaterinburg, Russia
Phone: +7-3434-867719
Address: Russia, Ekaterinburg, 15 Lenina street
Managers: Dmitry Baklykov, Dmitry Ptashinskiy
Web site address:
Details: Non-existing agency. Ads of pretty girls are placed on popular personals sites. When answer the ad, you find yourself corresponding through an agency in Ekaterinburg. The “agency” promises to fly the lady of your interest to you, asking money for tickets and visa, and giving you deadlines when money should be paid, or “her visa expires”. They write good English, and pressurize with deadlines very well. You may be requested to send money on the name of the girl of your interest or one of the “managers”. May supply you with “addresses” and phone numbers of “clients who successfully used their services”; also have references listed on their website. Email addresses given as references are registered at free services like Hotmail, and those people are non-existent. Phone numbers given in USA as references are voice mail.
Most often connected with Elena Zakhareeva scam
First reported: Mike
Anjelika, Guelbing – Kiev, Ukraine
Phone: 0038-044-51677434, 0049-0179-8870112
Address: 04212 Kiev 212, Ukraine, P.O. Box 49
Details: Typical visa/ticket scam
First reported: Morris
Anna – Poltava/Schastie, Ukraine
E-mail address:
Details: I contacted her and after the first letter I
wanted to know more about Schastie – Ukraine. I discovered that there are a lot of scammers from Eastern Europe and I decided to browse her e-mail address on internet. Well, the e-mail address is located in two scammer lists, so I ask her stop writing me anymore. By the way, she told me that was paying for translation services.
First reported: Fernando

Anna aka Nadezhda/Riyna/Svetlana – Russia
Postal address: Russian Federation, street Lenina 85, apartment 69
E-mail addresses:,
Details: she found me, says through a penpal site i went on, BUT i canceled that account 6 months ago? that made me question er right there as being odd. then she mentioned about “me asking her to come to us” which i found odd, i never did, so i knew she was bringing it up in a starnge way, odd…then i had a gut feeling to look under scam sites, found her photo, then info anbout her scamming allot of people under tons of names. she still dont know im aware, and its
the 5th letter now, shes now starting to bring up money things, so its coming!
found her on:
First reported: Joe

Anna – Ukraine aka Golubina, Anastasiya (Nastya) – Cheboksary, Russia, Maria Evdokimova, Julia, Kitty, and Semyonova, Olga
1. Cheboksary 428000, Charles-Marx’s Street 56-92 or 66-92. Of course it is a fake address.
2. Cheboksary, street of the world 80, apt. 145
3. Lobachevskogo the house 21 apt. 15 Index=42000
Cities: Cheboksary, Kazan,Novocheboksarsk, Yoshkar-Ola, and Novosibirsk
4. Novosibirsk, Russia with a name Olga Semyonova on the
E-mail addresses: She writes to XXX from UK and her name is Julia. Julia is on the scammers’ list on the She is now writes to XXX from USA. She tries to set up the place to meet She is writing now to XXX from Australia and asking XXX to send her money through the Western Union This is her email address she uses to write to me and her manager’s email: alian_99. Found her on the She is Anna and from Ukraine. She write to XXX from Greece
Details: I have been scammed by this evil woman for $4900. I received 100+ letters from her.
First reported: Manny

Anna – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Agency: friendscout
Details: She wrote me a letter through friendscout after few letter she sait she loves me
than she told me she need money to visit me
180-200$ for visa -> the current cost is 35$ she would come fast. Ha ha She told me she has no phone and I never got any address
First reported: Ralf

Anna – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia aka Valentina/Valya Valechka – Cheboksary, Russia aka Rebakova/Ribakova, Olga – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Nickname: lovely80
E-mail address:
Details: I started coresponding with one that was nicknamed “olgalovely” who’s supposely real name was Olga Rebakova. Then when she asked me money to get papers done changed to Ribakova. I was coreesponding with her and at the same time, in the beginning, I was chatting with another girl, met on the same website, called Anna (lovely80). Olga once asked me if I was corresponding with another woman. After telling her that I was, Anna stopped corresponding with me. She never wrote back to me.. I think that it is the same person writing, that’s why she wanted me to stop. When Olga quit our relation, because I was asking too many questions and I wasn’t sending money, another russian girl wrote to me. Her name was Valentina. After a couple of letters, she made a mistake and sent me twice the same message. She even forgot to fill the blanks there was on her template I should say….
First reported: Roy

Anna (Dreamy), aka Maria A- Yerevan, Armenia
Address: Yerevan, Armenia
Details: Contacted in Live with uncle in Armenia (Yerevan). Only in the first letter, she said she loves me. She never give her full name or address. When it was asked I never heard back from her again.
First reported: Gilles 34

Antonova, Svetlana – Russia, Ekaterinburg
Phone: +7-3434-867719
Address: Svevlana Antonova ,
Russia, Ekaterinburg, Sovetskaya 38,apartaments 26
Details: Contacts men through singles sites. Tells you everything you want to hear. Asks for money for visa and tickets to be sent by Western Union.
First reported: Russ

Antropova, Elena – Vladimir, Russia
Address: Vladimir, Russia
Travel Agency Name: Avia Travel – A bogus travel agency
Address: Vladimir, Russia
Contact Name: Mochalova Zinaida Semyonovna
Phone: +7-343-266-77-21
Details: Met her on Email you many times and said she must meet you. Then she recommended a travel agency “Avia Travel”. They will send you fake flight information. Sent a lot of money for her visa, documents, travel expenses through customs but she never showed up.
First reported: Michael

Anya (same story as Yana Vladimirovna Repka) – Lugansk, Ukraine
Details: Initiated contact. After the 4th letter she is your girlfriend. After Anya began inviting to Lugansk, Ukraine. Anya was very glad about the visit and began offering you to use LuganskRental’s service The agency and Anya has the same IP address. The agency doesn’t have a permit or licence to occupy yet.
First reported: Robert

Apaeva, Alisa
E-mail address:
Details: all we did was e-mail, she told how she liked me and how thankful she was to god that she find me….oh well you can read it in her mail, I replied how sweet and beautiful she was.
Adding a few pictures of me at work and at home, on my motorcycle.
That’s really it, didn’t send any money. with every mail she wrote she send a picture.
First reported: Sil

Apaeva, Alisa – Elabuga, Russia
Details: Wants me to send money for visa. Fell in love quickly and gave her heart totally to me HA
First reported: Castlewade

Apenova, Marina – Balaso, Russia
Address: Titova 19, Balasov, Russia
Details: I met a girl who had a add on the platform BADOO. After more than one month writing nice letters with a girl named Marina….she finally give me her full name first in the last letter , even i asked her several times before. She said she loves me and wanna come to me…the trip she pays herself, but for the Taxi and Hotel she would need 430 Euro, which i should transmit with Moneygram….she even sent me different places where i can pay it in my hometown…! Incredible…so they must be well organized! They really made it very clever….and were waiting until its in hurry for the visit and it should be fast…else she cannot go to Moscow….
First reported: Markus

Arbenina, Diana – Riga, Latvia
Address: Mascavas Street 56-C, apartment 137, LV-1615 (ADDRESS DOESN’T EXIST)
Bank Details:
Beneficiary’s Bank: A/S “Akciju komercbanka “Baltikums””
M.Pils iela 13, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
Beneficiary PROXIM LLC
Beneficiary`s Acc No. LV85CBBR1320173900020
Intermediary bank: Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, New York, USA
Beneficiary’s bank: Latvijas Krajbanka, Riga, Latvia
Beneficiary: Colindale, INC (beneficiary’s name)
IBAN LV43 UBAL 1500 1118 9800 2
Snoras Bank
Address: 7 A.Vivulskio
LT-2600 Vilnius
Acc. 336710671
Beneficiary Bank: AB bankas Snoras,
Bank code for transfer 260101758
Intermediary Bank: Acc. 2000193009631
Details: Initiated contact through Her photos’ titles are “to Allan”. Madly fall in love after couple of weeks and found out how much it was going to cost for Airfares, Visa etc and the Visa cost was far greater than any Visa cost on the Australian government website. A letter I sent was returned saying her address doesn’t exist.
Gave 3 different bank accounts for money transfer. The beneficiaries did not match any business name of a travel company (her aunt Marina’s) in Riga. Account Name of the third bank account is well known internet scammer’s bank account who numerous residencies on the scamming sites, but one of them was: Latvia, Riga, Mascavas Street 220-C, Apartment 137, LV-1615.
Some of her other known alias’s from other scamming sites that I have seen are: Tamara Gataullina, Ekaterina Belyh, Julia Solodovich, Diana Arbenina, Tamara Tikinia, Ekaterina Belyh; Uliya Suslova. Some of the other email addresses I have seen for this one person are:,,,,,, and then lastly the one I received my correspondence from
First reported: Allan

Arbenina, Diana (AKA Daria) – Tbilisi, Georgia
Address: 22 shakidze St Tbilisi Georgia 0160
IBAN LV43 UBAL 1500111898002
Details: Her name is also posted several on once as Daria at above address and once as Diana at Diana Arbenina – Mascavas St 56-C-137, Riga, Latvia. Found her through Mention about money after 1 month corresponding.
First reported: The shadow

Arbuzowa, Svetlana – Kedrovyi, Russia
Address: st.1-yi milkrorayon, 32-9 street, 636615, Kedrovyi, Russia
Details: Told me she loves me and wants to fly to live with me. I sent her money for her Passport, Visa and Ticket. Then was asked for 2750 euros as this was required to show Customs on leaving Russia for a 90 day Visa calculated at 30 euros per day.. I could only manage 700 Pounds which gave her 800 euros. She promised to give back my money once arrived in UK on 12th June 2014.She even sign an agreement. However she borrowed 1200 euros from a Bank on the understanding she would return the money once she arrived in the UK. She was stopped by Customs inside the airport who refused to issue a Visa on the grounds of borrowing money and so she asked me to help her by sending the 1200 euros to get on the lane, but I refused this time. I understand she has my money in a secured box in Moscow Airport.
First reported: Gary

Archakova, Oksana – Novokuznetsk, Russia
Phone: 7(3843)37-11-25
Address: St Lenina 38-81, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region, 654015 Russia
Details: I have visited her once. Didn’t let me meet her parents. When asked to meet again, suggested to meet her at Kazakhstan and France instead. She said she needs visa to go there. When emailed with different email account, she replied asking money for a computer to communicate. At, her profile was removed as someone else complained about sending her 2000 Euro for visa and tickets.
First reported: Billy

Archimieva, Elena – St Petersburg, Russia (aka Irena Kiseleva, Tatyana Stolyarenko)
Address: Gerasimova St 101, 2nd floor St. Petersburg 871331 RUSSIA
Details: “Visa and tickets” scam. Initiates the contact through a personals website, falls in love with you, wants to visit you, asks money for visa and tickets, which suppose to be processed by “an agency”.
First reported: T.M.

Arina – Romania
E-mail address:
Nickname: RIDAVNA
Declared name: Arina
Details: met on Adultfriendfinder but found she had a profile also on
Requested money for passport.
First reported: P.

Artemeva, Margarita – St. Petersburg Russia
Address: 42000,Kazan Dekabristov street 158
Details: Pretends to be a gay guy. Uses female name “Margarita”. “Visa and tickets” scam. Falls in love with you, wants to visit you, asks money for visa and tickets.
First reported: Richard
Second reported: Scott

Artemieva, Elena – St. Petersburg Russia
Address: Dynasty of Heart Internet Club, Gerasimova St 101, 2nd floor, St. Petersburg, 871331 Russia
Details: “Visa and tickets” scam. Falls in love with you, wants to visit you, asks money for visa and tickets.
First reported: Duke

Asenova, Asya – Alyssa, Greece
Phone: +306986207422
Address: Alyssa, Greece
Details: Asya Asenova played theatre and pretended to be a victim in Greece. I suppose to be her hero and protector. it ended with stressful and quick questions and I was under moral pressure. i paid for tickets, passports and taxes total= 4500 euro.
Ps: The last name used is a Russian name
First reported: Dilér

Averyanova, Natalia – Saratov, Russia
Address 1: 20A-9 Zarubina, SARATOV 424003, Russian Federation
Details: Contact you first and she is not even from your interested area. Starts to talk about wanting to buy phone and stop contacting when the persons get suspicious. Didn’t write letters herself, obvious that the letters are cut and pasted from somewhere and sometimes send you exactly same message more than once.
First reported: Richard

Awdeeva, Elena – Gryazovets, Russia
Address: Polevaya street, House 27, apt 7, Vplogodskaya Oblast, Gryazovets, Russia
Details: I’ve been professionally scammed by a person who went by the name of Elena Awdeeva. Her stories were exactly the same as another person’s report of a girl by the name Oksana ALEKSEEVA of KOTLAS, RUSSIA. I vetted her out to the absolute best of my abilities, she’s truly a professional! She got over $ 5500 from me over a span of several months, now she conveniently had to have an appendectomy! The stories in her emails were the exact same as the prior’s statements! I can’t believe I was so deceived, I am in shock still!
I’m starting to get over my shock, she got over $5500 from me over a span of several months, the story is the same as the other person who was scammed. She even gave detailed flight info to me with the name of the local airport she’s be arriving at and times, I didn’t tell her the name of the airport, it would of have been researched to totally scam and receive me. Yes, it was the “I need $3000 more to get thru customs for travel money” and how she broke down and cried at the airport act. This person is truly a professional, must be part of a syndicate to be that good, complete with dated current passport.
First reported: James

Aytakowa, Albina – Shelekhov, Russia
Address: Russia,Shelekhov, Sosnovaya street 3,flat 7
Details: Hi, this woman is already on your scam list as Irina Mitina, she went under the name of Albina Aytakowa and wanted $990 dollars for the difference in plane ticket that cost apparently $1290.She asked that I must send the money but use a Moscow address but she is living Shelekov. I told her she was a scammer. I have sent some other pictures she was using as well. I hope this may help you and others from being scammed. Thanks others.
First reported: Rick

Azarova, Dina – Tomsk, Russia
Address: Tomsk, Russia
My name is Richard, I am single and was contacted by this women posing as Canadian on a dating site called Lavalife. She gave me her email and then I contacted her. Her next email to me, informed me that she was living in Russia. She said that she loved me and wanted to come to this country to go to school, find a job and have a future with me. She told me she was not like the women from Russia who are scamming men.
She told me that she did not need the support of a man to come to my country. She told me that she did not want to talk about money. After those emails this was the next email, that I have printed. I just want to warn everybody about this women, who is obviously a scammer.
First Reported: Richard

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