Russian Scam Message Board – Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Russian Scam is the alphabetical listing of Russian scammers and Russian agencies involved in Russian dating fraud or Russian scams. The name of the person where the money is sent is the key issue in a Russian scam, and the same Russian scammer may use different photos. Also, the same set of photos may be used under different names.
Same Russian Scammers
Most known Russian scams appear to be run by the same few groups of Russian scammers using different names and photos. Photos used in a Russian scam do not necessarily belong to the Russian scammer, and may be simply downloaded from the Internet.
Publishes Data of Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Please remember that Russian Scam is not a law enforcement agency and do not investigate or prosecute criminals. Only authorized law enforcement agencies can prosecute your offenders. To have them prosecuted, you will need to make an official statement to police and lay charges. Russian scam collects and publishes data of Russian scams and Russian scammers only.
Report a Russian Scam or Russian Scammer
If you would like to report a Russian scam or a Russian scammer and to be listed on the pages of Russian scams, please do it here.
Russian scam listings are in alphabetical order according to Last Name of Russian scammer or Russian Agency Name
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H| I | J| K | L | M | N | O | P | Q| R | S | T | U | V | W | X| Y | Z
Babenko, Alla – Kiev, Ukraine
Phone: 38-097-995-1300.
Details: Initiated contact through, and was requested to respond to her email, instead of through the dating site. Supposedly just graduated from University in English translation, which her English was not very good, claims to have a sister, Marina. Gives a sob story about her Aunt having heart problems, and 2 weeks later, she dies. Then requests money for all expenses to come to you, but when i suggested that i go there first to meet her, i never heard from her again.
First reported: Dave

Babenko, Yuliya – Ukraine, Kiev
Phone number: +380 50 358 87 85 , +380509971618,+380955470197
First reported: Nail

Babikova Yulia – Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk Area, Russia
Address: 8,13 Botkin Street 455020
Details: Initiates contact, thru either FriendFinder or She pretends to be only child, from poor family, a sickly grandmother, Falls in love quickly, Begs for visa and ticket money, claims she is coming as soon as she the gets VISA ! Ask $1000 dollars through Western Union.
First reported: Yube

Badea Adriana – Bucarest, Romania
Address: Bucarest, Romania
Phone: +40 725347421
Details: With Mrs. Adriana Badea, I had contacts in Facebook chat until we have established a relationship that I thought of love, told me that she worked at a goldsmith and that she pay could barely pay the costs of the rent home, she lived with her mother who had a small income derived from the pension ansianità and being divorced, which had a 17 year old son.
Initially our relationship was really happy and were planning a future together. She would have moved to Italy to live with me, that being separated from my ex-wife was living with my eldest son.
Almost immediately begins to have to have economic problems. She told me that he had committed an error of assessment of a jewel that a customer wanted to sell and that it has paid more than was the actual value and would have to compensate his employer of 650 € and because I naively thought by now the woman of my life I offered to send the money before but she told me no and then when I insisted provided me with the details of her bank account where to transfer the money, so with the international bank sending the money.
Thus begins a long series of problems from time to time she has: need to buy a dress for a very important ceremony and I will send you the money, then it breaks the refrigerator and must buy a new one, I am sending you the money, following your car breaks down and I’ll pay the expenses of the mechanical, tells me that she was in the hospital for a bad infection, I pay the hospital.
Not to were bored in the story I have spent more than € 5,000 for her. Result the lady is gone, yet the Facebook (Adriana Gig) profile but every time I try to ascribe stops me. has changed the mobile phone number. I found out later that makes this game for years and even now has an alleged affair with a gentleman of Spain.
First reported: Vittor

Badenko, Marina – Kirov, Russia
Address: Kirov, Russia
Details: Marina, 29 year old music /art teacher , single lives with mother, father abandoned her as a child, visits grandmother each weekend, after 8 months of very heart felt detailed, emotional correspondence, stole $1100 from me.
First it was money for computer, then airfare , then additional visa money request, I refused due to bad feeling , all money sent through western union, friend anna and scam partner named Elena Vokhmintseva ( mum) terrible actress and I could tell in the last call she was reading words that were spoken, also could tell letters (emails were written by someone else) this saved me another $1200 I almost sent.
First reported: Kemp

Badyagina, Natalia (aka Maria Belyaeva, Maria Perepelkina etc) – Ulan-Ude, Russia
Address 1: Russia, city Ulan-Ude, Petrova street 90-100
Address 2: city Ulan-ude, Russia, Petrova street 92-107
Details: Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals in response to your ad, or by placing own ad on the same sites. Informs that she can obtain visa to your country asks for money for tickets, then for insurance.
First reported: Paul Indiana

Bagdasarova, Eugenia – Ivanova, Russia
Details: Met through Typical scammer. Request money for visa, passport and air ticket at the end.
First reported: Jason

Baholdina, Irina – Belyy Yar, Khanty-Mansi Russia
Details: She posted an add on with a local address. I email her and then see got back to me and said a friend set up her profile on Asks for money for airfare and visa.
First reported: Kfan

Bakhtina Lazarevna Svetlana – Tatarstan Republic, Zelenodolsk, Russia
Address: Lenina 79, Tatarstan Republic, Zelenodolsk, Russia, 422542
Skype: zera.zera5
Details: Sveta contacted me through Lava place with a virtual kiss, I a message back, she in return sent one stating she is looking for a nice guy ect and requested to go to our private e-mail sites if I wanted to or chat at Lava Place. I sent my e-mail. then she sent hers.
We started corresponding with pictures every e-mail, some was of her as a kid, teenager, she has a dog in her original pics, which was common throughout , even a short mp4 video she sent and when we talked live on skype webcam , It was her who was in all the pics , looked like same dog!!
After about 2 weeks we decided would be great to meet I offered to go there, but needed passport and such, she wrote as she has international passport and only needs visa which could be done in 8 days possibly, at Moscow, she talked of how it is dangerous for Tourists to arrive in Russia, especially if I don’t Know Russian.
I first sent $700 for visa and expenses in Moscow. I sent $2200 more in two western Union transfers, for tickets. I sent $1500 more with W. union, she would get it to make airline changes and finish visa the day of her flight. I lost $4400. Feelings, heart broken, trust, looking for a fantasy younger Russian companion, plans gone , hopes and dreams gone!!
First reported: Mike

Bakulina or Haustova, Svetlana – Maikop, Russia
Bank Details: Western Union MENATEP PROLETARSKAYA, 449 MAYKOP, 385020 (7)(8772239299) Use Svetlana Haustova for sending money.
Details: Started contact from Fell in love in 3rd letter. Didn’t answer questions. Requested money for a phone. The same time I was reading “9 rules to not be scammed.” Thanks to Russian Scam informations i avoided to be scammed easily from that lady.
First reported: Hayssam

Baliuc, Irina – Chisinau, Moldova
Details: Uses Prewritten letters when you don’t write back. Gives prewritten letters to all my email addresses. Sometimes she makes phone calls to improve her scams. Asks for money for visa and airfare.
First reported: Frazil

Balytska, Iryna Bogdanivna – Rogatin Rohatyn Ivano-Frankivs’k Region, Ukraine
Postal address: 18 Shevehenko Street or Krushelnytskyh, 1, Ukraine 77000
Phone number: 011380343521504
Details: I courted Iryna for over a year (02/01/2005-04/05/2006). I had sent her money through Western Union in March 2006 in the sum for the $350.00USD for her physical and her Kiev Embassy visit. That was the first time I had not sent money through She took that money and ran. They condoned her fleecing of my bank account and excessive cell phone use. I cancelled both. They where not very helpful.
No friends or family (cell numbers) will speak about her including her mayor Uncle ‘The Honorable Volodymyr Husak – Gusak’. (He runs the town of Rohatyn and is involved in the ‘Budgetary Reform’ of the Ivano-Franskovskaya region). That is funded by USAID funds. I found out that she attempted to leave the Ukraine twice though US Educational programs and once through another customer at She is trouble. The entire situation is trouble. I never saw the village of Rohatyn. I was to never go there as per I would suggest that anyone stay away all together from these people. I have MANY documents, names, and contact details.
First reported: David

Balty/Berezovski Elena (aka Mnushko Svetlana) – St.Petersburg, Russia
Phone: 7-812-535-2791
Details: Initiates contact through the personals sites. Falls in love, asks for money to come to USA for a visit (“visa and tickets” scenario). 1. Iuri Berezovski (claim to be her dad) 2. Svetlana Mnushko (claim to be her mom)
First reported: zoorapa_2000

Baranyuk Irina – Odessa Ukraine
Address: Gen.Petrova 1 art.9 Box 42 65065 Odessa Ukraine
Details: Requests money for continued correspondence.
First reported: To die 4

Bartsev, Aleksey – Orenburg, Russia
Details: Be carefull with this guy, I got screwd up by him in Oct. 2002. He will ask for money to bail him out from pending military service, he mentioned to me about his tribulation with his family because he is to be a gay, and will contact you via yahoo personal.
Also I did see his photo under Alexander Yakolev aka. Sasha, a typical visa/airfare scam.
First reported: Willie

Basilova, Irena (mother – Larissa Basilova) – Moscow, Russia
Address: 109444, Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7095 174 68 29
Details: She was asking for money every month. She got between $ 400 – 6– on a monthly basis for 16 months plus IBM laptop and clothes. Avoid the subject with marriage. Her mother Larissa Basilova hired an Egyptian criminal called Ragab Abuhimela, who stole my money while being in Moscow staying at the Rossija Hotel – Red square…They stole $ 12000 and my compaq laptop togther after putting a seditive on my tea…
First reported: The victim of Irena Basilova and Larissa Basilova

Baskakova, Polina – Yakaterinburg, Achinsk, Russia
Address: Russia, Achinsk, Nazarova street 68, flat 56
Email: Agency: “Lora Tour” Agency, Manager: Sergey Smirnov, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Radischeva 33, e-mail: tel: +7 (343)31-61-028
Details: profile for a ‘friend’ in the states. Many emails back and forth about trying to get out of Russia into a better life in the US. She lived in a small town, was going to travel to Yakaterinburg to the Embassy and then fly out of there to come to the US. I’m generally a pretty sceptical person so I asked for lots of details.
Pretty much all the details provided by the travel agency and “Polina” checked out. The itinerary had actual flights on it, the type of visa was real. I even call the US Consulate in Yekaterinburg and verified the details with them before sending any money. Once they money was sent, the communication stopped. I usually don’t get fooled very often but I did on this one.
First reported: Mr Smith

Batstrakova, Ekaterina – Kazan, Russia
Address: Kazan 467000, Dekebbristov 169 flat 62, Russia
Details: Contacted from Yahoo Personals. After a few letters, started requesting money to visit as her family is poor.
First reported: Ron

Batsman Victoria/Victoria Potapenko/DJNatasha
Address: Levtchenko Block,13A,91, Lugansk, Ukraine
Email: ;
Details: Uses prewritten letters. Starts hinting about money from the very first letter. Wants money for translations and correspondence
First reported: Atlantis

Bednova or Chigrintseva, Larisa – Votkinsk, Russia
Address (Money transfer): Moscow, mira st 14 apt 8
Details: Ask for money for visa fees etc. I found letters word for word from Larisa Chigrintseva to someone on another scam site that she sent to me with my name at the top….
First reported: David Y.

Bel Tour – Brest, Belarus
Phone: may give you a phone number of mobile phone with an autoresponder
Details: The non-existent “tourist agency” promises to provide visa and tickets for a “Lady”, asking for money for visa, passport, certificates, tickets, and insurance – altogether $1200-2000. You correspond simultaneously with the “Lady” and “travel manager” (Vasille Bondarev, Alena Halas etc). Money are to be sent to the name of the “travel manager” via Western Union. You will be given very detailed information about the flights including time of arrival and numbers of flights, and possibly sent a scanned copy of “visa”. Letters are written in good English.
First reported: Tony Crowe
Belorykova, Olesya – Omsk, Russia
Address: st.Gaseka 24-73, Omsk,Russia, 644109
Tel number friend: 007-9136-100952 (most of the time out off reach)
Tel number travel agency: 007-3812-412146 (I don’t know if they are involved)
IP Address for Computer: (important)
Details: Very convincing and caring but after all she turned out scammer just like every others.
First reported: Rudie

Belova, Eleonora (aka Lida Koshvenko)- Odessa, Ukraine
Address: Odessa, Ukraine
Email: and others
Details: Places ads on the popular personals sites. Falls in love with you within a few emails. Then her mother is “hit by a car”, and asks for money for the operation. May be a variant: asks for money for ticket and visa to visit you.
Pictures used belong to the international photo model Leticia Casta.
First reported: Tom Johnson

Belova Irina – Arzamas, Russia
Address: Arzamas, Russia
Details: I have been contacted by a person claiming to be a beautiful young woman. Got an email from “her” out of the blue, but I never contacted the person from the beginning. When I have had an ad on Zoosk on Facebook and one on Socialove where my email is available and I have looked at some Russian dating sites, I assumed it was from there she found me and my email address.
I was initially curious/interested because this person wrote in good enough English, long letters and of course she is a beautiful young woman in “her pictures”. I’m 53 and I have learned now that if a girl from Russia contact a 20+ year old man she probably is a dating scammer, yes I was flattered who wouldn’t be? I became suspicious when I did not think the photos “she” sent were the same young lady in every picture they are small and seems not to be original in size.
She “fell in love” quickly and early on wrote about her family and how she spoke to her parents about me/us. I have now read a lot about dating scams on the Internet. The letters started 1 November, she’s now “preparing” to visit me but she have not enough founds and say perhaps she need to ask me for money to make her visit possible, and today that letter requesting money came. I have asked if I can visit her instead but she insist she want to come to me her reason something about me not being comfortable there
First reported: Jan

Belousova, Ekaterina – Chelyabinsk, Russia(aka Lubov Bazhenova, Orenburg Russia)
Address: Chelyabinsk, Russia
Details: Asks for money for ticket and visa to visit you.
First reported: Norm

Belya, Ekaterina (aka Ekaterina Belyh) – Narva, Estonia
Address: Tallinn Rd. 9 – 26, 20303 Narva, ESTONIA
Name: Snoras Bank
Address: 7 A.Vivulskio, LT-2600 Vilnius
Swift: SNORLT22 Beneficiary Account: 336710671 Beneficiary Bank: AB bankas Snoras, Bank code: 260101758 Intermediary Bank: Acc. 200-297-36 Harris Bank International Corporation, New York SWIFT: 668785 HATR US 33
Details: She wrote to me on She wanted to come and visit me but needed money for airfare. After transferring the money for the tickets, she said her ticket was robbed from her and I never heard from her again, and the profiles on the website vanished.
First reported: Mtchme2
Second reported: Mark

Belyaeva, Maria (aka Maria Perepelkina, Natalia Badyagina etc) – Tyumen (or Ekaterinburg), Russia
Address 1: Russia, city Tyumen, Petrova street 92 – 107
Address 2: Russia, city Tyumen, Petrova street 90 – 100
Address 3: Russia, city Ekaterinbourg, Belinskogo str. 149-89
Details: Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals in response to your ad, or by placing own ad on the same sites. Claims to be a virgin (usually 27 years old) who lives with her mother. Works as a cashier in supermarket and earns $40 per month. Informs that she can obtain visa to your country for $350 with the help of “firm” in her city, then asks for money for tickets, then for insurance. Write about her sexual dreams about you.
First reported: Max Randall

Belyanina, Ekaterina (Katya) – Seversk, Russia
Address: 636070, Kommunisticheskiy prospekt 65/11, Seversk, Russia
Email: or
Details: met her on Sent money for visa and airfare via Western Union. She was to take a train from Seversk to Moscow to pick up her visa. She was then to fly to LA, then to my home town. Did not hear back from her.
First reported: DR

Belyh, Ekaterina (aka Kate) – Narva, Estonia
Address 1: Postal index 20303, Narva city, Tallinn Rd., 13 apartament 3, Estonia
Address 2: Tallinn Rd. 25-8 20303 Narva, Estonia
Address 3: Latvia Riga , Mascavas street, 220-C, appartement 137
Email: Karamelka275@Alabama,,
Bank Detials:
Beneficiary’s Bank: A/s Akciju komercbanka “Baltikums” M.Pilsiela13, Riga Lv-1050,Latvija
Swift Code: CBBRLV22
Account No: LV81CBBR1310165100010
Details: Initiate contact saying she wants friends from USA. Use pre-written letters. Same old visa/ticket scam
First reported: So.Crates
Second reported: Dom
Third reported: Mad2
Fourth repored: Joe
Fifth reported: redtime21

Berdink, Inna – Lugansk, Ukraine
Details: She never answered any of your questions at all and by the second letter her agency was requesting money for translation and internet services because “Unfortunately her account is over and she can not reply to your letter”. This is the same letter that all of the women posted by this agency send to you and is an obvious scam.
The money is to be sent to Olga Kupinskaya, Manager of agency Caprise or Inna Berdik by Western Union. I again wrote back to her over a month later with the same introduction letter and recieved the exact same pre-written letter sent to me before.
First reported: Roland

Berezena, Tatyana – Kazan, Russia
Address: Pskovskaya 17, Kazan, 420123, Russia
Details: Asks for money for airfare and visa.
First reported: Chris

Berezena, Tatyana – Kazan, Russia
Address : Pskovskaya 17, Kazan, 420123, Russia
Details: Asks for money for airfare and visa.
First reported: Chris

Berezina, Tatyana – Read also about Pirogova, Luba
Berillo, Elena – Ekaterinburg, Russia
Details: Initiate the contact through the Australian yahoo personals web site. In the third email she completely falls in love with you and wants to spend the rest of her life with you. She had organised a flight but needed $700 from me to pay for half of the airfare as she only earns $150 per month. Never allow you to talk with her. She insisted on sending her money through the western union money transfer system.
First reported: Almost sucked in

Berkova, Elena – Nikolaev, Ukraine
Phone: 380512417809
Address: Lazurnaya 52b, apt 151 Nikolaev, Ukraine 54058
Details: Meets you in person to convince you that she is real. Said yes to all proposals from many men at the same time. Requested money for airfare, visa, clothes, expenses and gifts, etc.
First reported: hurtnmad

Details: It offers in marriage, girls who turned out to be porn models. They took money from me for phony telephone numbers and email addresses. Photos were taken off of Russian modeling sites. Once they had my money, they would not communicate anymore. One girl they listed had a bad phone number and email address and the owner apologized, saying there was no other number, but they continued to offer her number for sale for six months afterwards.
First reported: Donald

Bezpyatchuk Maria – L’viv, Ukraine
Address: Wuchinetska 2, flat 50,L’viv, 79010, Ukraine
Phone: +380-971-691-886
Details: Maria contacted me on She wanted to visit brazil, was her dream. After about one month the website deleted her profile and letters did not reach her. I wanted to talk with her everyday but she was busy all the time she told she worked for
First time I asked them again later she told me something different. She did not ask for the money. I offer to send the emergency money so she could travel. I send 650 dollars via western union to her name her city her passport number, not to be spend, money not to be touched, she agreed with me. One she SMS “do you think they will let me travel with 100 dollars??? I asked what happened to the money she said she had emergency. So all she had was the 100. I was shocked, asked how she spend the money she said she did not want to talk about it.
So she put a man from Borispol airport on the phone, he told me she cant board if she has only 100, but if she has 700 it would be ok. So I run to the bank borrow money and send her 750 via Western Union. The next day there was still a flight, she told on the phone they could not change the tickets, I got mad crazy.
I said ok I am going to talk with Lufthansa in brazil, they told me different and realized she was lying. I sent another 375 visa card with dollars for to pay. I said it is all good this is your code you can board the plane NOW so she told me she board the plane and 2 hours later she said SMS I am in Frankfurt it is all good.
Then after a few minutes she SMS me o my good my mother is sick I am going back home. I thought how it is possible if she is in transit in Frankfurt. So I call her she said several times I cant do this I cant do this I want my my mum the phone went of line I call again I told her don’t do this came to me we will help your mother what ever she need from here I would send money to her etc. them i told her I was going to wait her at the airport she said ok.
It was Christmas day here 25 I stayed 10 hours on the airport and she never show and that was my Christmas gift …. I was shocked. I cry a lot I did not believe any one could do this to someone on Christmas day. I called 10000 times she never got the phone and she never answer my emails so I called her on the website, if she was not guilty she would contact me and tell me ask me how could you do this to me a page like that on the internet, but she never did because she does not care she just wanted the money that was all she wanted nothing else it was all a big lie from her part.
First reported: Felipe

Bezruchko, Lena (aka Gulnara Inucheva) – Lugansk, Ukraine or Kirov, Russia
Details: Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals in response to your ad, or by placing own ad on the same sites. Asks for money for airfare and visa.
First reported: Max Randall
Second reported: Ake

Bezruchko, Natalya – Nikolayev, Ukraine
Address: Kosmonavtov str. 142/158 54031
Phone: 380979545909
Email: nata kuva1 u-ni@yandex[1].ru
Details: She is on the site ID:72020889. Requested money for her to visit you. Can’t come the first time because there was a Ukrainian Election. The second time, she can’t come because her mother was scared. Then she request money for computer to communicate with you.
First reported: Kalervo

Bezukladnikowa Elena – Kalinovka, Russia
Address: Kalinovka, Russia
Details: She sends, text and says she is coming to Australia on a work visa, and she be working at the kindergarten as a tutor (she says that she works in a kindergarten, at kalinovka). she then get close to you then tells you she is getting paid, by the kindergarten and the embassy for the flight to Australia. everything goes fine and she says she bought the plane ticket, but then she says the flight isn’t for 5 days and she has no money to live or eat, she then ask you if she could borrow the money till she works here in Australia, and she pay it straight back. she then want you to send the money via money transfer.
I told her that I wasn’t going to send any money, and then she said if she cant get to me, she’s got nothing, and she will commit suicide.
First reported: Peter

Blinova, Julia – Cheboksary, Russia
Email address:
Details: she made contact, after 5 prewritten letters she was in love, she also made mistakes in her letters. so I did a simple google search and found a scam profile on her on another scam site
First reported: Rob

Blokhina, Tatyana – Yoshkar Ola, Russia
Address: Yoshkar Ola, Druzby st, 87-55, 424039
Phone (Internet Cafe): 8362 631143
Details: Contacted through American singles. Called every morning. Said she need money for visa, tickets and money to leave the country. Scammed $3000.
First reported: Tony C

Bocharova, Elena – St Petersburg, Russia
Address: Vosstaniya, 1/39,St Petersburg, Russia
Details: She told me that she will borrow money for plain ticket from her uncle to come and visit me.
First reported: Steve

Bocharova, Tatiana – Moscow, Russia
Her email:
Details: 4 emails sent to me about how she wanted to come to England to work and live, sent me photo and then asked me for money to be sent to her for plane ticket.Never answers a question you ask her. Another Scam, as her photo has been used before on a different name
First reported: Jay

Bodo Roberta Carmen – Galati, Romania
Phone: 0040757243118
Details: I have known Roberta and after some correspondence we agreed to meet us in Italy. I bought the ticket for her and I sent it to her email address. She informed me that she lived quite far from airport and she could arrive in airport only in taxi, but she didn’t have the money to pay taxi. She asked me to send to her € 100 for the taxi. I sent to her the € 100 with Western Union. She took the money, she didn’t come and disappeared.
First reported: Luca

Bodroova, Marija – Arkhangelsk, Russia
Address: Gaydara Street 50 – 17, Arkhangelsk, 16300, Russia
Details: Asks for money transferred to western union to pay her utility bills before she could apply for a visa and pay for airfare
First reported: Dean

Bogatyreva, Elena – Mari El, Russia
Address: 424000 Mari El, Ivan-Kirlya 17″B”-93, Russia
Details: Asks for money for airfare and visa to marry and she has to go Moscow for a modelling job and after that she has to visit to her parents at Novosibirsk.
First reported: Jim

Bogdanova, Anzhela, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Details: Asks for money for airfare and visa to visit because she is in love and would like to to meet. Ask to transfer funds with Money Gram or Western Union. Also ask money for food.
First reported: Randy

Bogdanova, Marina Anatolievna – Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Postal Code: 720028
Street Address: 7district 33home 26 flat
International Phone Code: 996-312
Home Phone: 457422
Mobile Phone: Not Available
Agency: russianbrides
First reported: Rod

Bogomolowa, Elena – Murmansk, Russia
Address: Lenina prospekt 18-3, Murmansk, Russia
Details: Typical scammer. Request airfare and visa money to visit.
First reported: coachm

Bohlodina, Irina – Belyy Yar, Khanty-Mansi, Russia
Details: Asks for money for airfare and visa.
First reported: Kfan
Boiko, Svetlana – Lugansk, Ukraine
Address: ul. Rechitskoye shosse 85-24, Gomel 246012
Details: Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals in response to your ad, or by placing own ad on the same sites. Asks for money for airfare and visa. Claims to have bought plane ticket, just before her departure, her mother becomes ill and she cannot come to see you.
First reported: Alfred

Bolbat, Volha – Minsk, Belarus
Phone: claims to don’t have a phone
Address: Skoriny Ave., 145, ap. 201, Minsk, Belarus
Details: One of the names used by Minsk group. Acquaintance usually originates from a personals site where you placed your ad, and she responded. Writes personal letters, answering all your questions. After 2-3 months informs that her aunt working at University may help her to come to USA including her in student exchange group, and asks for money for visa and tickets. Doesn’t stop writing after receiving the money.
First reported: Lawrence Marshall

Bolkova, Olya – Civilsk, Russia
Agency: filipino friend finder
Details: posted ad on filipino friend finder. heard from olya and marina on same day. by second letter, she was talking about how deep our feelings were becoming and of marriage! she never responded to things talked about in letters or to questions asked. i sent one letter with nothing but a paste of info about hunters in the world of warcraft online game, and next letter, no reference to it at all, just more of her growing love. lol! so, she must have a pre-set group of letters that she mass-mails to those she has on the hook and never even bothers reading what is sent to her. that should be a flaming neon light clue to anyone when that happens. look for it. by the way, one picture of her is on your site under Prohorova, Olya – Cheboksary, Russia with similar details, especially the $440 wanted for visa. here are the payment details i finally got today:
Amount: 440USD
INTERMEDIARY BANK: Deutsche Bank Trust Company
Americas, New York
S.W.I.F.T.: BKTR US 33
Hansabanka, Riga, Latvia
S.W.I.F.T.: HABA LV 22
Riga, Latvia
For Olya Bolkova
First reported: Neal
Bolsheva, Lilian – Voronezh, Russia
Phone: +7910249293
Address: Lilian Bolsheva, Ul. Lizykov D. 56, Kv. 285, Voronezh, Russia 394088
Details: Responded to the personal ad and demanded to buy her pocket computer from America. Because you didn’t buy it for her she makes you feel that you are greedy, cheap and unmanly.
First reported: John
Bondar, Natalia – Donbass, Lugansk, Ukraine
Address: Bondar Natalia – Donbass, Lugansk, Ukraine
Phone: +380662185830
Details: I got know Natalia Bondar on She stated that she had lost her parents when she was 15. She always did mention her godmother. She also stated that she was the owner of a hair salon. We corresponded on for at least 6 -8 months. Our communication I thought was going well. I did think of all the scams but things with Natalia seemed different. I would ask her to send me photos with a message just to make sure she was real and she did. I did not save these photos. I also received a photo after I sent her chocolate candy which is in the photos I attached. I always asked her if we could get off and correspond with personal email or on another social site. I did get her contact information from After the situation in Lugansk with the fighting, Natalia told me in a text message that she moved to Sevastopol in Crimea and told me she deleted her account on RomanceCompass and wanted me to delete my account because she said, she wanted me to be her man, so I did. After a while, she did send me her email and we started corresponding on email and I did talk to her on the phone a couple times. Then I received an email stating she was running out of money for food and needed a place to stay. She did ask for help a few times. Hearing the news of all displaced people in Lugansk because of the fighting it just seemed legitimate and That is when my heart was feeling the pain for her. My heart was telling me that I could not let a young pretty 26 year old live in that kind of situation. In the 4 months we corresponded with email, I did send Natalia Bondar $400 via Western Union. After the last time I sent her money, I did not hear from her in a few days and she responded in an email that she had a new account on which is an app. for free text messages and phone calls. I did text the first few times with her and after that, I did not get any response from Viber or email. I did call her on the phone and she stated she could not get my messages on Viber and to email her. I finally did realize that she must have blocked me on Viber because she had group messaging. Then I knew what was going on. I did decide to call her one more time and a man answered this time, and that confirmed my suspicions. Yes, I have learned my lesson. After reading all the information on dating site scams, I will be more knowledgeable what to look for. And actually that will be my first and last time.
First reported: Gary

Bondarenko, Elena, aka Banderenko – Lugansk, Ukraine
Email Address: (new), (old)
Phone: 380-642-951054
Address: Ukraine, Lugansk, Vatutin Street 93/51, Zip code 91040
Details: Asks for $100 per month to continue communicating. This woman advertises by herself (I suspect) and even responds to e-mail but involves other people when it is time to start some serious business called communication. She appeared on under whitelily_2001 and golden_rose. Her co-conspirator is Yelena logvinenko who operates the successful juggling of phones and answering different customers. She has a person(s) stationed at the phone number 380-642-951054 in Ukraine. Based on who is calling she will say Elena is not available/sick/traveling and asks you to write an e-mail.
First reported: Lawrence Marshall

Bondarev (Maiden Name), Andrey (AKA Andrey Churikov) – Ulyanovsk, Russia
Address: 432046 Russia, Ulyanovsk, Telmana street, 3-50
Website: (Contain his picture)
Email: and
Details: Contacted through Gay Scammer, use the same tricks. Requested money for his visa, and air ticket to America.
First reported: Henry

Borisenko, Ludmila alias Yulya Borisovna – Belaya Tserkov Ukraine
Phone: claims to don’t have a phone
Address: U.L.Yaroslava Mudrogo 5/13 Flat3 Belaya Tserkov Ukraine 2456400.
Details: Asks for money for visa and tickets.
First reported: Daniel

Borisova, Alena – Cheboksary, Russia
Address: Kadykova Street, 36. ap.138, Cheboksary, Russia, 428000
Details: Initiates contact, uses prewritten letters. Asks to visit you but states that she’s short of money. Asks you to help out.
First reported: Bastian

Borisova, Oksana – Cheboksary, Russia
Address: Kadykova Street, 36. ap.138, Cheboksary, Russia, 428000
Details: Initiates contact, uses prewritten letters. Asks to visit you but states that she’s short of money. Asks you to help out.
First reported: Bastian

Boukhtiyarova, Olga – Donetsk, Ukraine
Phone: 380623852527
Details: Asks for money for visa and tickets. Stops corresponding later; you are informed of her being in an accident and asked for more money by the agency so they can organize for you to visit her.
First reported: Octavio Nadal

Botvinkina, Tatiana (“Tanya”) Kremenchug, Ukraine
Phone: claims to don’t have a phone
Address: 1905 str. 4-40 Ukraine, Poltava region Kremenchug
Details: Places ads on popular personals sites; often listed as residing in USA. Requests moeny for correspondence in the first letters. Claims to have a small daughter.
First reported: CSG

Botvinkina, Tatiana – Kremenchug, Ukraine
Address: Kremenchug, Poltava area, Ukraine.My adddress – Pervomayskaya str., 7-68.
Details: Places ads on popular personals sites; often listed as residing in USA. Requests money for correspondence in the first letters. Claims to have a small daughter.
First reported: J. Bravo

Boyko (Boiko), Olga – Donezk, Ukraine
Phone: no phone
Address: Bobrova str.21, app.47, 83012 Donezk, Ukraine
Details: “Visa and tickets” scam. Initiates the contact through a personals website, falls in love with you, wants to visit you, asks money for visa and tickets. Prewritten letters. Calls you “Dearest Prince”, and herself “Your princess”.
NOTE: different pictures may be used
First reported: Josesph MacLeod

Brikman, Natalya (aka Natalya Brigthman and Natasha) – Lugansk, Ukraine
Address: Lugansk, Ukraine
Details: Always send out standard letter and never give answer to your questions. After a couple of mail she needs 100$ for the translations cost to English. She makes you trust her by crying and later ask some more money for different reasons.
First reported: Peter

Bronnikova, Olga – Syktyvkar, Russia
Address: 20 Stavrapolskogo, 320a
Syktyvkar, 167610
The Russian Federation
Details: Visa/ticket scam
First reported: Muggs

Bronnikova, Olga – Vorkuta, Russia
Address: Russia, Vorkuta, 169912, Street Sadovay house 9
Details: She contacted me on
Details: I sent her money via Western Union@Vortuka, zipcode 169912, Gagarina,6A, Ukhtabank
Total scam $4500.00 plus all I spent for her to buy food, birthday presents, & to fix up her room with new linen, etc, etc. She is detailed in her letters and has many pictures to back up her life style.
First reported: Scammed to poverty

Bulatova, Ekaterina – Cheboksary, Russia
Address: Russian Federation. ZIP 424003, Zarubino ST. 20A-9
Details: “Visa and tickets” scam. Initiates the contact through a personals website, falls in love with you, wants to visit you, asks money for visa and airfare.
First reported: Phantom

Bulatova, Ekaterina – Omsk, Russia
Phone: 7-3812-245797
Address: 20 partsezda 25 – 7, 644029, Omsk, Russia
Email: or
Details: Requests money for travel expenses and visa
First reported: 2die4

Burkova, Natalya – Cheboksary, Russia
Postal address: 628031 Russia Cheboksary Konakova 75-28
Details: Contacted by this girl sent a lot of pictures and requested money
First reported: Fermin

Burmistrova, Nadezhda – Volgograd, Russia
Postal address: Kazanskay Street, #12 (False address)
Phone number: Never gives personal phone number but that of agencies, one of them blacklisted
Details: Span of Relationship: One month
I met Nadezda Burmistrova at American Singles. She posted a personal with her photo. The personal was quite strange, since the information provided below her fake address, which she put as Tucson, Arizona, seemed to be pasted excerpts of other American women’s profiles. She even mentioned having a baby, saying in her profile, “my son is the world to me”, but in one month of correspondence, she never mentioned the missing child and she also lied about her city of residence, which was Volgograd, Russia, not just a stones throw away from my personal address, but across an ocean.
I should have been leery of this dating ad and avoided correspondence with her altogether, but I’m a failed romantic and I was attracted by her picture, so I sent her an email through American Singles with my personal email address. She immediately sent a return message offering to show me her pictures and then sent me a detailed letter at my outside email address about her family and personal life, even mentioning a past relationship with a boyfriend.
She described in her initial email mostly Russian pastimes, which made me believe her to be an immigrant who had moved to Tucson from Russia. She insisted in her profile that money meant nothing to her, “BALONEY”, that she does not care about a persons job and the money in which he makes, which in scammer talk means: “ looking for anyone who can easily be played into a confidence game”. Watch out for these clues for I did not realize until almost too late that such words do make sense to a scammer, since a smart or well-off person, would be able to sniff a confidence game at its onset.
At first, I am still unsure if I am being scammed, so I first ask if she is living in the US as an immigrant, for her pictures show her in Russian dress. She finally tells me she is living in Volgogard, Russia and did not want to tell me initially, since she did not know my person. Well, thanks for lying! I get very skeptical of her after this so open up another email account and start sending emails to her from the other one to see if she is a mass scammer. She fails the mass scammer test by giving detailed answers, even including my name throughout the letter, instead of just the header, like mass scammers do.
Therefore, I continue writing to her about romantic pastimes since in her profile she lists great romanticism as a trait she desires in a man. She sends many pictures, which look as if a hired photographer had done them, but her own personal appearance is modest and attractive, but not revealing or of a model character. She never sends me nude pictures with a sensual innuendo.
Within five days, she is calling me darling in her letters and after about four days of correspondence, I tell her I want to visit her in Volgograd, but tell her it will require two months to acquire a passport. Nadezda has a passport, so she offers to travel to my country, so I oblige, and wait for her to finalize paperwork with her agency. She requests from me 950 USD for airline tickets to my airport for she does not make enough money to cover this expense. She gives me the address of her agency as requested and it turns out to be at the top of a BLACK LIST. I tell her this and instead of vanishing, like most scammers do, she returns an email in which she states she is deeply offended. I ask for her sincerity and tell her I will not pay Black Listed agency, so she signs up with another one, which is not on a blacklist and has a verifiable street name in Volgograd. She goes through paperwork and requests again 950 dollars.
We are nearing the end of our month long relationship and she has fallen madly in love with me, especially after we are about to break up. She gives me the decision to continue or break relations, throwing in a story about a serious relationship she had with a previous boyfriend that ended sourly when she witnessed him cheating on her with another woman. I tell her I want to continue the relationship and am committed to her. All of a sudden, she is flaming in love with me. I make one final call to finalize the money transfer, but the phone operator, an expert on frauds, persuades me to back down. Therefore, I end the transaction, a godsend for me, and send her an email that I cannot complete money transfer due to the risk of fraud. SHE ACTUALLY ANSWERS MY EMAIL and states she does not have the funds to finalize contract with her agency.
So I go through a private investigator to get final confirmation on the home address she gives for receiving payment. They discover she does not even exist and the address is a phony. Thanks to the investigator I saved 950 dollars in paying a professional scammer. These scammers get smarter and smarter
First reported: Edward

Burmistrova Nadezhda – Ulyanovsk, Russia
Mailing address:
Street Soviet the house 3
Ulyanovsk , Russia, 432063
E-mail address:
Details: She has sent me numerous photos and after I said NO to the first attemt to get money from me, her emails suddenly became more erotic- telling me that when we meet she wants to take a bath with me, and wanting to know what I prefer in ladies lingerie.
Her first attempt was for $100.00. Now, several weeks later, it is for
First reported: Bob
Bushkova, Nadya – Yoshkar Ola, Russia
Address: Petrova Street House 18 apartment 82, Yoshkar ola, Russia
Details: She uses several last names. She spoke of sex in her very first letters to me. Very graphic sex. She claimed if I would buy her a computer for $800.00 US and have phone installed in her flat for $500.00 I could view her naked and in sex acts. I questioned her on her address and asked her to send me documents showing where she lived and the University she attends. She panicked and I did not hear from her for again.
First reported: Thomas

Busyigina, Anna (aka Anna Ribakova) – Novgorod, Russia
Details: Found her on Datadate. She didn’t give her phone number. She sent me about half a dozen emails, and in the last one, she told me she was in love with me and hinted that she wanted to visit me. Airline tickets and visa scams.
First reported: Robert
Second reported: Scott

Butkova Vika (AKA Vikoriya Mostovaya) – Lugansk, Ukraine
Address: 9100 Ukraine, Lugansk – Sovetskaya St. 94.9
Phone: 380642 333288
Details: Involved in scam.
First reported: Brandon E.
Buzinovskaya, Elizaveta – Aldan, Russia
Address: Kishteeva 12, Apt. 51, Aldan, 655018, Russia
Details: Aka – Liza, Supposedly a 30 year old dentist that used the dating app. Badoo. ‘Liza emailed me 2 to 3 times per a week supposedly falling in love with me via email. What tipped me off was in the first email she stated she was from Abakan, Russia. The latest email stated she was from Aldan. Fell in love and now would like to come an visit me. Building up in asking money. Appear under many different name with same photos on Russian Scam.
First reported: Jesse

Bykova, Ekaterina – Novgorod, Russia
Address: Russia,629041, city of N. Novgorod,
street of Lenin 15-7
Details: She initiates contact says her father died in the war and mum died soon after. Lives with aunt. Claims to love you after a few e-mails the says she has a friend in a travel agency. Can get a visa for $350 but can’t come to me as she earns only $60 per month. I suggest to help and next e-mail has all details with Western Union, ten digit number and Alfa bank details
First reported: MJ

Bylkova, Ekaterina (aka Natalya Usolova) – Russia
Address: St. Kutyakova 82 apartament 54, Saratov city, 410000 Russia
Details: Initiated contact through yahoo personals. Her English was terrible. Shortly after she’s fallen madly in love you. If the girl asks for money and barely knows you then it is a scam. So maybe six e-mails later she says, send me $440, so I can come to see you in the US. I can’t get the money from relatives etc.
Same name, same addresses, different photos.
First reported: arkaxow
Second reported: Semour
Third reported: Trolhunt

Byrilova Olga – Kolinka Village, Samara, Russia
Details: Yes Miss Olga Byrilova did request money from me. I did send to her via Western Union the equivalent of $ 2200.00 USD. The arrangement was that $ 431.00 USD for the initial paperwork that her Travel Agency “Travel Russia Guide” requested from her.
I agree to pay her back this amount by sending her a first payment of $ 450.00 USD. She mentioned at the time that she got fired from her work as a nurse because of her relationship with me and that she was coming to visit me. A second payment that is somewhat related to the airfare was for $ 250.00 USD to pay for a payment of $ 300.00 USD she paid the Travel Agency from her own pocket. The contract she as with the Travel Agency was for the amount of $ 1537.00 USD that included the passport, the Canadian Visa, Life and medical insurance during her stay in Canada and return airfare tickets from Moscow to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and back. One other thing she as mentioned is that she would need to go to Moscow, I am assuming here to the Canadian Embassy, for an interview in order to get her Canadian Visa. So my last payment for her was $ 1500.00 USD to cover the cost of all that mentioned above plus a little extra because she is unemployed. Interesting enough, she requested the payment to be made at a bank who as a Western Union office in the town of Samara. After verification with Western Union, all the withdrawal were made in the town of PERM in Russia, from two different bank. A word regarding the Travel Agency. TRAVEL RUSSIA GUIDE is no longer responding to me regarding the statue of Olga passport, her Canadian Visa and departure/return date of her flight. I have lost contact with Miss Olga Byrilova for about one and a half week now. But yesterday She contact me via e-mail under a different e-mail account. Needless to say she is not telling why she could not contact me but simply told me that she did not receive letters from me. Everyday since my last contact with Olga last e-mail address I have wrote to her and receive in return an error code defining the the e-mail account no longer exist. I have contacted and reported my suspicion that she is a scammer but receive no information back from Yahoo. She was also using a different e-mail address ( and reported to Hotmail that this was a e-mail used for scamming. Hotmail replied saying that they discontinued her account. The contact e-mail address received from Olga was That is the one she is using now. I was successful in replying to her yesterday and today without receiving an account not existent message. I have not heard from her since this first contact from the new e-mail address she is using now. So this is it from now. I am collecting all my information right now and will go to my local Law enforcement Agency and file a formal complain against her.
First reported: Alain

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