Russian Scam Message Board – Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Russian Scam is the alphabetical listing of Russian scammers and Russian agencies involved in Russian dating fraud or Russian scams. The name of the person where the money is sent is the key issue in a Russian scam, and the same Russian scammer may use different photos. Also, the same set of photos may be used under different names.
Same Russian Scammers
Most known Russian scams appear to be run by the same few groups of Russian scammers using different names and photos. Photos used in a Russian scam do not necessarily belong to the Russian scammer, and may be simply downloaded from the Internet.
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Russian scam listings are in alphabetical order according to Last Name of Russian scammer or Russian Agency Name
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H| I | J| K | L | M | N | O | P | Q| R | S | T | U | V | W | X| Y | Z
Carlsen, Elena – Odessa, Ukraine
Address: Odessa 65000, Voroncovskiy per, 9, kv,33. Ukraine.
Details: She initiates contact and by the 4th letter is asking you for money.
First reported: J.J

Chaldishkin, Nikolay – Perm City, Russia
Postal Address: Tramvaynaja Street, 14 do Vostrebovanija
Phone Number: Unknown (said parents did not have a phone; yet he called me twice!)
Details: I was contacted by Nikolay through He was extremely cautious about answering most of my questions. Pretended to go to Moscow to Odessia Agency to be trained for his visa and passport. He offered to pay for his trip and schooling if I would pay for his plane fare. I offered sky miles for his airline ticket; however, he said that the agency would lose their reputation and license so I sent money not only for airline ticket but also for visa. Then suddenly he said there was a tax on the money I had sent via Western Union. I refused to send anymore money.
Then the communication from him stopped. Watch Nikolay: He’s very smooth and very clever. Do not be influenced by his “falling in love” with you, his tears, his wanting to come to America, his offering to work when he arrives because he “is not lazy and wants to work.” Nikolay is indeed a scammer!
First reported: Leland

Chatka, Yana – 300 miles south of Moscow, Russia
Agency: Dating direct (uk)
E-mail address:
Details: I was contacted by the scammer saying she was really interested in me!!! Deleted the first couple of messages, because I thought it was a mate winding me up!!! Initially, after realizing it wasn’t my mate I fell for her story, and responded with a few letters, it was only when she started coming on strong that I suspected something. Found out online about the scams, and decided to play along for a bit to see what happened, she would send many short letters (not included) to try and get me to respond every day!!
But I was too busy to do so!! Letters went on for several weeks until she popped the scam!! I told her that I didn’t trust sending money by wire transfer and that I would fly out to Russia and meet her in Moscow! Made up a false flight number etc… and never heard from her again!!!
First reported: Adrian
Chekaleva, Valeria aka Omelchenko Oksana – Cheboksary, Russia
Address: Russia, Cheboksary, Sovetskaya 8-36
Details: Initiates contact, requests money for visa and airfare. Bank: “Menatep SPB” Russia, Cheboksary, Prospekt Lenina, 6a
First reported: Billy
Second reported: Califguy

Cherepanova, Anna (AKA Svetlana, Maria) – Vladimir, Russia
Address#1: Verhnia Dybrovka 20-41, zip 600000, Vladimir, Russia
Address#2: Verhia Dybrovka the house 16 apartment 41, zip 600000
Details: Contacted through Never have money so she requested for phone, arranging documents for Visa, and travel cost.
First reported: Dirk

Cherezova Oksana – Odessa, Ukraine
Address: 14 Krasnova Street, Apartment 198, Odessa, she also uses 90 Filatova Street, Apartment 104, Odessa – which i believe is her sister’s apartment
Website: RussianBrides.Com
Details: Yes she did ask for money, constantly, First to pay necessary bills as her air conditioning units was not work, then for a dog for her daughters, then to assist her each month so she could work less hours and spend more time with her daughters, then for presents for her daughters, and finally for a visa application.
She also attempted to get money from me to “get rid of her ex”, which meant pay him to go away and pay him his half of the apartment. I did not pay the $15,000 she was asking but someone else did pay some money to her. I am down about $15,000 and a man i know is down over $20,000 plus a trip overseas for her, her children and a friend of hers. At the end she offered her friend to him but while there she made sure she got plenty of money and was wined and dined as much as she could.
She says she is a practicing vet but we (yes there are more than two of us who have been scammed who are in contact) believe she either works for RussianBrides.Com and earns from her scams and chatting or in another related industry. Her finger nails indicate she is not wearing too many surgical gloves and she only seems to work at night.
We never had a relationship but I did meet her. She is a consummate con artist and was all over me when we met (even in front of her daughters). She never had any intention of having a relationship with me nor any western man as she is in a relationship already. She is still on the site, from about 11pm Ukraine time to 4am / 5am Ukraine time. I contacted Russian Brides but they simply did nothing apart from try to talk me around to using their site which i will never do, and would recommend no one else does.
Her bank account details are as below if you want to inform her bank. I am sure Chase Bank would like to close the account of a mail fraudster. The deposits to that account would be interesting
IBAN: UA953052990004731217103485338
ACCOUNT: 4731217103485338
Банк получателя PRIVATBANK,
Банк-корреспондент JP MORGAN CHASE BANK
Счет Банка получателя в Банке-корреспонденте 0011000080
Avoid this woman completely
First reported: Steve

Chernavskikh, Ekaterina – Moscow, Russia
Address: Belinskogo Street, home 59 flat 39, Moscow, Russia
Surname also spelled: Cheravskikh
Travel Agent: Blue lagoon
Details: I met this girl off of Craigs list. She said she wanted to come Us for a work and that she was looking for a kind man. She then asks for money for visa and airfare. She told me the that travel agent BLUE LAGOON will do the bookings and apply for her visa.
First reported: Daune

Chernuk, Alina (AKA Sokol747, or Nevea)- Samara, Armenia
Phone: +39-33-83-29-1425 (Italian Cell#)
Occupation: Children’s Doctor at Pirogava Hospital (there is no record of A. Chernuk)
Details: She contacted me from She asked for money to fly to Dominica to meet for a holiday. She speaks flawless English but writes poorly. She also speaks Italian. Claimed she has a friend in Italy and she’s been to Italy for exchange Study.
First reported: Craig

Chernysheva, Lyudmila aka Kirilova, Natalia aka Kiriilova, Natalya aka Kerillova, Natalia – Vladimir, Russia
Address: 601428 Vladimir, Vjaznikovsky area, Settlement Edon, Street Soviet H10
Details: I was contacted through and no mention of money at this time but a sob story of hardship after her husband and parents were killed. Looking back now there were many things that should have alerted me that something wasn’t right but I fell in love and well , yep it cost me $2,500USD.
First reported: Brett

Chernyshova, Catherine – Temryuk, Russia
Address: 10a- flat16 Rose Lyuksemburg street 353500 Temryuk, Krasnodar Region, Russia.
Phone: 0078614852695 (Home) 0078614851105 (Work) 007918212960 (Mobile)
Details: Found her at Absoloute Agency. Request money for Accommodation, Visa and tickets money.
First reported: Tonio

Chevtaeva, Nataliya – Meleuz, Russia
Address: Svetskaya Street, 7-15, Meleuz, Russia
Details: Typical Visa/Ticket Scam
First reported: Mr Gullible

Chianova, Irina – Kirov, Russia
Address: Kirov, Russia
Details: Met through Lava Life. She initiated contact. Never sent money. she sounded sincere to the letter but when I asked question it seemed as though she was avoiding me or that the letters were prefabricated for her/him to use……
First reported: Don
Second reported: Blackcloud’s revenge

Chrepanova, Svetlana (aka Nazhiya Hairutdinova, Olga Nizovtseva, Nazhiya-Nazha Vasilek, Natalia) – Ekaterinburg, Russia
Address: BOLSHAKOVA 25, Ekaterinburg, 620144 Russia
Details: Typical Visa/Ticket Scam
First reported: 2smart4scam
Second reported: Darryl H.

Chumicheva, Nadya – Sevastopol, Ukraine
Phone: 00 3806 9245 7367
Address: 201-a Ostryakova str. / Apt 22 / Sevastopol 9905 / Ukraine
Details: We wrote each other for about 7/8 months and she scammed me for 100$ pretexting she wanted to learn my language. Uses model pictures from web or magazine.
First reported: Ditmar J

Churikov, Andrey – Zelenodolsk city, Russia
Address: 420000, Russia, Zelenodolsk city, Lenina street 20
Email:,,, ,
Details: He used the typical set up. He is in love with me and wants to come to America. Eventually he requested money for visa and passport. He pretends he is gay. Initiated contact through
First reported: Brian
Second reported: Mikey
Third reported: Justin
Fourth reported: Timmer
Fifth reported: Ian
Sixth reported: John
Seventh reported: Randy

Chuvakov, Sasha – Ekaterinburg, Russia
Postal address: 42876 str. Lenina, 32, ap.12, Aravil Russia
Details: She will ask you to cash checks from clients that supposedly buy russian children’s books from her, ask you to open an account for her and then wire the money to her. In reality the checks are stolen. She will push you to withdraw the money before the checks clear. Most banks will let you withdraw the money prior to the chekcs clearing. The checks will come back from the issuing bank with stop payment and you will be stuck with paying the money to your bank. She will ask for your picture and want to come visit you with the money she is going to make from her clients.
First reported: Unknown

Corut, Alexandru – Galiti, Romania
Address: Str. Closca 3, Bl. PS11A, AP 66, Galati, Romania 800342
Phone: 011+40752332841
Details: Alexandru Corut had contacted me on the Internet Dating Site, “Ukraine Date”, dot com. Her Profile said her age was 28, After a few letters we started to talk more serious about our relationship at that she did not want to have a “pen pal,” and she was serious about leaving her life in Galiti, Romania, and that there was nothing there for her. I had asked her for her phone number, she gave it, and I would call her everyday, she claimed she worked at a call centre, helping people with there phone cards and wireless service, later I found out she was an Erotic Sex Chat model, and I think this is where she got the training to talk men out of there cash. I am 52, she said she was looking for an older more mature man, and not a boy, and someone she could build a life with, she said all the right things and made many promises, but the emails started to get fewer and fewer, she said her computer went bad, I sent her money for a new one, but the emails still remained sparse, and was also hit or miss on the phone. One sign that needs notetation, is the fact that she never had contact on the weekends, from email or phone, and always had an excuse, One Big Red Flag!!!!
After a month or so, we started to plan on her coming to the U.S. for a visit, but she only had 600 dollars in her account and needed help with the Visa, Passport and air ticket, She also had said she was having to work much more to train new people at her call centre, she had told me that she needed money for train and motel expenses also in getting her documents in order, by having to travel to Bucharest every week and stay the motel weekends because she did not want to have come back for each document, but this is what she did every week, I had sent emails and asked her several times for her confirmation number on her air ticket but never would give it to me, just the flight number, she stated she could not find the 15 digit number on her ticket! on the day she was to fly, she broke contact with me, turned phone off, and last email, stating she was turned down for the Visa and she was embarrassed and would call me, the next day but never did or email me to this date August 4 2013, ever again. On June 27 she shows up, sending me a note of interest as a 27 year old from the same website, Ukraine Date, I had blocked her, and reported her to the site and they have since removed her, of course I am out the $3500 U.S. for her lies and extraordinary deception. I had spoken with her on live video chat, on Yahoo, Messenger to verify her face and email identity, and researched all of the scam sites with her name and never found a thing, until I had uploaded her photos into Google Images and found her to be very active in the Adult Erotic Web Chat service, but too late I am afraid. Obviously she had lied about every thing she did and said.
First reported: Patrick

Costa, Fabiana – (aka Dara) – Curitiba, Brazil
Address: Rua Antonio Carnacialli 1155, CEP 81670-420, Curitiba Paraná Brazil
Email:, 96337983
Details: Initiates contact and ask money for her course.
First reported: Red Snake
Cupid Internet Club – (also known as Scarlett Agency, Dinasty Visa and Internet Club, Myriad of Heart, Angelina, Connecting Hearts Club etc) – Ekaterinburg, Russia
Address: Voreplova Str. 250, Index 880075, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Email: cupidclub@mail.ruManagers: Oksana Degtyareva, Sergei Kruchinin, Yuriy Kutorgenko
Details: Most often connected with Tatyana Mochalova scam
First reported: Red Snake
Curdiucova, Oxana – Brest, Belarus
Phone: claims to have no phone
Details: This name is used with different pictures in connection with Bel Tour, Brest. The “tourist agency” promises to provide visa and tickets for “Lady Oxana”, asking for money for visa, passport, certificates, tickets, and insurance – altogether $1200-2000. You correspond simultaneously with the “Lady Oxana” and “travel manager” (Vasille Bondarev, Alena Halas etc). Money are to be sent to the name of the “travel manager” via Western Union. You will be given very detailed information about the flights including time of arrival and numbers of flights, and possibly sent a scanned copy of “visa”.
First reported: Tony Crowe

Cvetkova, Elena (aka Irina Harchenko) – Simferopol, Ukraine
Address: Simferopol, Ukraine
Details: After the transfer of money that she requested, she never replied my mails anymore. Irina and I had been corresponding for quite some time, the letters she wrote seemed so sincere.
First reported: Brad
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