Russian Scam Message Board – Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Russian Scam is the alphabetical listing of Russian scammers and Russian agencies involved in Russian dating fraud or Russian scams. The name of the person where the money is sent is the key issue in a Russian scam, and the same Russian scammer may use different photos. Also, the same set of photos may be used under different names.
Same Russian Scammers
Most known Russian scams appear to be run by the same few groups of Russian scammers using different names and photos. Photos used in a Russian scam do not necessarily belong to the Russian scammer, and may be simply downloaded from the Internet.
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Please remember that Russian Scam is not a law enforcement agency and do not investigate or prosecute criminals. Only authorized law enforcement agencies can prosecute your offenders. To have them prosecuted, you will need to make an official statement to police and lay charges. Russian scam collects and publishes data of Russian scams and Russian scammers only.
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Russian scam listings are in alphabetical order according to Last Name of Russian scammer or Russian Agency Name
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Dee, Inna – Helsinki, Finland and Orel, Russia
Address: Helsinki, Finland and or, Orel, Russia
Details: It is the same pre-written letters, same form and style and after two letters comes the request for money by this Caprise Agency and the manager Alina Rubanova.
First reported: Robert

Deeva Evgeniya – Tomsk, Russia
Address: apt.-2, Ukrainskaya street 5,Tomsk, 634021, Russia
Details: Here is the last e-mail: “I do not know what to start my letter with. I feel shame andoffended. I just want to tell you that I am completely serious.I have serious intentions to come to you and I am not goingto lie to you. I am not a silly little girl that plays gamesto get money. Can’t you see it from my letters? I understandthat I should settle down already and that is why I am going tomove to another country. I know that in Russia I will not beable to have a strong family and good job. I will be unhappy.Here men don’t look at women as you do it. I have decided tomove long time ago. But couldn’t start doing it before I metyou. I didn’t want to go to your country without love. .I need about 600 USD to buy tickets. But I don’t need it now.I will need to buy the ticket when I shall receive the visa. I will try to find money by this time. I understand what you think now. If I can’t find 240 USD then how could I find 600 USD. It is easy. I am going to sell my fur coat. It is a very expensive fur and I can sell it for 600-800 USD. I have already made an advertisement of sale. But I may not be able to sell it for some days. If I do not do it now, then they could just refuse me in it. Don’t worry! I will have money for the ticket. I promise you!I asked you to send me 240 USD. And I feel shame for this. ButI had no other choice then to ask you. The problem is that I haveonly 7-10 days to pay for my visa. I didn’t realize I would needthe money so urgently. They took my papers and told me that Iwouldn’t pay in 7-10 days, they would just refuse me. And thenI will not have another chance to get visa to your country.It was a shock for me . I thought that I could just leave thepapers and then pay for it before the trip. I thinkI would be able to find the money by that time. But it wasbeyond my forces/ I was shocked. I went to all my friends andacquaintances. But all refused to me. They don’t give such abig sum of money. I don’t ask my parents as they just don’tgive me money. When the last time I asked them to help me,they refused me. They told me they had to support myBrother and themselves. It hurt me. That is why I do not askthem about anything any more and I almost don’t talk to them.I asked my friend Vika to help me, but she had not such money.She is married and has a child. And recently they have boughtan apartment and took it in credit. I also went to the bankto check there. But they even didn’t listen to me. My salaryis only 120 USD. And they just can’t give me 240 USD. I hadtears. That is why I decided to ask you. And I feel shamefor this. I understand that it is very difficult for you totrust the girl you have never seen before. Lots of Russianwomen lied to foreigners. But I am not the same. I am real.And I am not going to lie to you! I promise!I know that 240 USD is not such a big sum of money in yourcountry. And I ask you this money not as A present to me,I am going to give them back to you. As soonas I come there and start working I will give you moneyback. I told you I was going to study and to work. I willbe able to pay for my studies and for my accommodation.I already told you I was going to get a student visa for3 months. I will be able to come to your country and tochoose any university or college. I have 3 months to enterit. And I can stay there as soon as I finish it. I am goingto choose the one that is close to you to be able to see youoften and perhaps we could get married.You are really a very dear person to me and I want to bewith you and if you fall in love with me, we can get marriedin the future. If we are together, we will build our futuretogether. I am not the one who wants to get everything inat once. WE will work together and pay our bills. I understandthat family is for the rest of the life in joy and sorrows.And I will understand if you decide not to have a family withme, and we can just be friends. I will understand if you fallin love with another woman. You can’t order your heart who tolove. I understand that you can like me through the lettersbut in real life you may not fall in love with me.I ask you one more time, please, understand me and send me 240USD.I already told you that you have to send me money to my city.You should use Western Union or Money Gram for this.And use my address that I have sent to you.You should send money to Tomsk for my name.My full name – Evgeniya Deeva.Evgeniya this is my nameDeeva is my last name.You can send money through Western Union:BIN BANKKirova Prospekt 3b,TOMSK, 410600, RUSSIA.orMDM BANKRozy Lyuksemburg, 19TOMSK, 634000, RUSSIA.You don’t need anything else to send the money.As soon as you send the money they will give you secret number( MTCN or Reference Number ). And you’ll have to tell me it.Or I will not be able to get the money without it.As I already told you could get all the information andthe address of the office at the site don’t know what else to say for you to send me money assoon as possible as my time is limited.Next time they will just refuse me in visa. I wrote you allthe truth in this letter. I am sincere and open with you.I hope that you will understand me and decide to meet withme. Please, believe me and send me 240 USD. And please, rememberthat I have only 7-10 days to pay for it.P.S. I was in such a rush that I forgot to take pics withme. I will send them next time.I promise you. Evgeniya.
First reported: Mr x

Delevina, Marina – Helsinki, Finland, Orel, Russia
Address: Helsinki, Finland and or Orel, Russia
Details: Falls in love, needs money for visa and tickets.
First reported: Gary

Demakova, Ekaterina – Kazan, Rusia, Sumi, Ukraine
Address: Kazan, Rusia, Sumi, Ukraine
Details: Falls in love, asked money for visa and tickets.
First reported: Ricky

Dementeva, Aljona – Ivanova, Russia
Address: 87-65 Petrova street, 424000, Ivanova, Russia
Email: aljonushka@mail.15
Related Contact: Elena Novikova
Details: Initiate contact through Yahoo Personals without having profiles for either of us. She tried to scam.
First reported: da-wolf

Dementyeva, Natalia (Natasha) – Yoshkar-Ola, Mari-El, Russia
Address: Natalya Dementyeva, Proxorova 22a, Apt 180, Yoshkar-ola. RUSSIA
Details: Typical “visa and tickets” scam. Initiates the contact through a personals website, falls in love with you, wants to visit you, asks money for visa and tickets. When about to receive her visa and ticket, the travel agency she worked through “disappears”.
NOTE: different pictures may be used
First reported: Gary Second reported: Tom

Demidov, Denis – Cheboksary, Russia
Address: Apt 138Kadykova Street, 36
Details: A 23 year-old male living with parents, recently graduated from “Pedagogical Institute”. After corresponding for a month, with not particularly good English and little questions answered or information given, asks for help with “visa” money to emigrate or visit you. Letters tend to be almost surrealistically romantic and make little rational sense. Asks for 350 dollars for visa costs, etc. via Western Union. Also sent one photo of city (Cheboksary) and four photos of “his pet fish”. Yes! This happens to innocent, if gullible guys looking for guys too! By the same perpetrators (it seems)!
First reported: Daniel
Demidova, Alena – Rostov, Russia
Address: Lenin Street 72-12, Rostov, Russia 664763
Details: Contacted from Yahoo Personals. I would like to say thank you very much for providing such a needed service in these times of high Internet scams..
First reported: D. York

Demidova Natasha/Natalya – Tomsk, Russia
Address: Russia, Tomsk, 634027, Koltcevoi proezd, 39 – 34
Details: Small talk for a few emails but avoided answering many questions. She says she taught a psychology class at the Tomsk Polytchnical University. After 2 weeks, she told me she had a month long vacation in just 3 weeks and wanted to see me, asking for visa/airfare. I looked into a flight and reserved one, but she insisted it had to be done through an agency that was affiliated with her school. We went back and forth over and I became more suspicious. She even called and left a message, saying “we need to talk”. I emanded she send me a copy of her passport and I immediately thought she didn’t look like the original photos I had of her. Also, the seal on the passport is not embossed. There were 3 names and addresses she asked me to send money to. Via Western Union: Natasha Demidova Russia, Tomsk, 634021, st.Lebedeva, house 65, apartment 30
Elena Sultaikina Russia, Tomsk, 634021, st.Vasileva, house 37, apartment 144 Via Bank Transfer:
Valentina Rebo Aruserva 10-9 30721 Kohtla-Jarve Estonia Accaunt: 221021066129 Beneficiary’s Bank: Hansopank 8 Liivalaia Str. 15040 Tallinn Estonia
Beneficiary’s Bank SWIFT Code: HABAEE2XThrough : Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, New-York, SWIFT Code: BKTRUS33
First reported: Her Loss
Second reported: Matthew

Derbentsova, Ekaterina – Moscow, Russia
Address: Moscow, Russia Email:
Details: Typical “airfare scam”. Initiates the contact through a personals website, wants to visit you, asks money tickets.
First reported: Tom

Derkach Iryna – Vinnytsya, Ukraine
Phone: 00380967475788
Address: Keletska Street, House 12-A, Vinnytsya, Ukraine
Details: She asked me for money for Visa, Tickets. She visited me. When she was here, it was very important for her that she had internet. Later I found out that she had contact with more men. My warning is that after she left she had stolen jewellery and money from me. I also informed the Dutch police and FBI about this. Watch out! She comes and makes you very happy…. Later you will found out what she did….
First reported: Patrick

Deruybina, Anna – Kolgaym City, Russia
Details: I was contacted like many oterhs and we had a 3 month email exchange, during which shew asked for nothing (Which I don’t understand). About halfway through, I told her I found her pictures on a Scammer Web Site ans she told mw that her pictures wer solen and used for no good. I forgave her and we maintained the email exchange. Then a bout two weeks a go I got an email from It was word for word, the same text as the first. I sent “Anna” the copy of the new email and told her if I got another I would send that too. I did, and haven’t heard from her since. Seems to me, that it is like a busininess. Someone should try to stop it.
I will attach the text of the 2 letters and all the photos, including #2 woman. The letter is the same, Only the name changed from Anna to Marina.
First reported: Daniel

Diana – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Address: 423003, Pervomaiskaya house 179 flat 39, Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Details: The basic visa/ticket money scam. This one fell in love by the 2nd correspondence. Not real sophisticated so I suspect not having much luck.
First reported: Will
Didghocaite, Viktoriya – Kirov, Russia
Address: Russia, city Kirov, Street Engelsa 93, post code 61004
Details: She scammed me of 3.000 pound i have the emails money-gram forms with her name on them she said she handed the money to the police in Kirov. ” I am very glad that you had time to send money today. I will go in the morning and to receive money. I will write you tomorrow the letter as soon as I receive money, and then I should go to the airport and wait my flight, I will write also to you from the airport, there also there is a cafe Internet. I very much wait our meeting, I very much miss on you, I am happy, that already tomorrow we will be together. I adore you and very much I love. I will go now to hotel and to have rest, I will write to you in the morning. I love you”

First reported: Mark
Dimitrova, Anastasia -Odessa, Ukraine
Phone: +380635665830
Address: Odessa, Ukraine
Details: I think that I have been the victim of the restaurant and interpreter scamming scheme. We started communicating with each other after I got an invite from this girl for chat. We first met on dream- marriage, after that she moved to other site brides-in-bikini. Lately she can also be found on other sites like Anastasiadate. Correspondence lasted for 8 months with online chat and expensive video chats. At this moment there was nothing which was reason for alarm. She looked like a normal girl with sincere interests. We spoke a few times over the telephone, and I also sent some short messages to her private email, sent her a present to know that she was real. I decided that it was time for a personal meeting, so I headed to her city. To my surprise she had almost forgotten about our meeting. I had to send text message to remind her. The first meeting went well. We met at a restaurant of my choosing. After that she took over and started taking us to all the expensive restaurants in the city. Anyone who has been in Odessa knows that the prices there are steep. I had to pay for the translator and taxi for her to get home. This was all acceptable for me, until a certain point. After several meetings with interpreter I asked the girl to meet me without interpreter. Then things started to get weird. She made up several excuses not to come (being sick, having to visit a girlfriend who just delivered a baby, etc). After I insisted on meeting without translator, she sent me text message that it was all over, and that she did not want to meet anymore. Sometimes there is a fine line between being rejected and getting scammed. I believe that this was a scam scenario. The ending of the meetings was too abrupt and unexpected to be normal for me. The meetings cost me over 1500 Euro’s. The chat correspondence must have cost the same amount. I do not know if this girl is paid for chatting with men. She looks very good, so she must attract a lot of possible victims. In any case I would like to warn others about this girl.
First reported: Durch

Divachenko, Ludmila – Gomel, Belarus
Address: Geroev Podpolschikov St. 23/44 Gomel, Belarus Phone: 375-232-723356 (home) 375-296-790580 (cell)
Details: Met through Started requesting money for translator by 2nd email. Met her at Gomel. Bought her new cell phone, leather, gloves, computer and got engaged. Transferd money for eye-surgery. Didn’t send back the fiancé visa application forms. Found her on
First reported: sad and mad

Djanshieva, Marina – Perm Krai, Russia
Address: Gogol Street 2, Kungur, Perm Krai, Russia
Details: I was scammed out of $3,600 by this woman, and her supposedly probable partner. That was approximately 2 or more months ago. Now, she is back again, the exact same woman, under a different name as, Ekaterina Kotelnikowa with different contact information, and new email address, and/or Here is her recent contact information that I just received from her: Her full name: Ekaterina Kotelnikowa. Her address: Russia, Perm Krai , Kungur, Gogol Street 2. I have been going along with her scam and writing back to her under a different name, Scott, and a different email address. I have been communicating with her at this present time in order to gain more information on her and her scam and expose her. I am now at this present time, at the stage where I am being asked by her to send her 530 dollars to help her with the flight travel to my country to be with me. Of course, this is just the beginning of her many more requests for me to send her my money. Been there, done that, already! This woman, and I’m sure she has a partner in these scams, needs to be stopped and prosecuted immediately before stealing anymore of other people’s money.
First reported: None

Dmitrieva, Larisa – Ekaterinburg, Russia
Address: Ekaterinburg, Russia
Details: They wanted me to send money to the travel agency. I never sent money insted I asked her to go to another travel agency and that is when I got the e mail from a anti scam agency.
First reported: Andyj

Draghici, Alexandra Gabriela – Galati, Romania
Email address:
Agency: Absolute Agency
Details: Met her through “Absolute Agency” . She fell in love and planned to come and see me. After that she asked for money and I gave her 500 euros. She stopped contacting me after she received the money. She’s a liar and a thief. Now I have found her again. After they stole my money they are contacting me from a fake website saying they are detectives and that they’ll help me for 2000 euros.
First reported: Joe

Dokshina, Yulia (AKA Irina Golomidova) – Volgograd, Russia
Address: Street Raboche-Krestyanskaya 30-614, Volgograd, Russia
Details: Used to contace me. Typical scammer.
First reported: Steve R.

Dolnova, Tanya (Tatiana) – Lugansk, Ukraine
Address: 91000, Ukraine, Lugansk, Tsiolkovsky st, 32 Dolnova Tatiana
Email: Tania old address USES now by Tania = Masha
Details: She “IS” OR working close with the known scammer “Julia Shulga”. And they use a false “travel agency”.
First reported: Bob

Dolnova, Tatiana – St.Petersburg, Russia
E-mail adress:
Details: This sammer is once more aktive under nick: Nataliya from St.Petersburg. The story ist the same as well known before but she has new pictures which are very beautiful.
First reported: Anonymous

Domashneva, Ludmila (aka Veronika Stepanova, Julia Mirnaya) – Novodvinsk / Arkhangelsk, Russia
Address: 163061, Russia, Arkhangelsk, P.O. Box 282
Details: “Manager” of a non-existing agencies North-West Club, Severyanochka, etc. After you have contacted some women from dating/personals sites, you receive “out of blue” a letter from a pretty Russian girl. When answer, you receive a letter from “agency” which asks you to pay for future correspondence on the name of Ludmila Domashneva. Money should be sent either by Western Union, or transferred to a bank account.
Most often connected to Natalia 247 scam
First reported: Eric Jones

Donika, Anna – Kostroma, Russia aka Romaschova, Alexandra aka Osipova/Zhirova, Anastasiya aka Vasilyeva, Margarita
Postal address: Azina 13-5
E-mail addresses:, until I wrote once. Then reply and all subsequent letters from
Details: She contacted me thru on April 23, 2006. Profile said she was from Flushing, New York. Profile would not load up. I tried an email thru and it didn’t go thru. Next day, tried an email direct from my hotmail bow. This initiated the series of letters. She has changed her story somewhat: She is a Dentist now, who only earns 300 USD/month. Wants marriage/family. Madly and dizzily in love after 4 or five letters, and champing at the bit to come see me on her 35th birthday, May 15, 2006. Had travel agency: Lando Travel Agency ( send an itemized cost estimate and directions for paying total cost of 990 USD.
Due to her fetching pictures and implied nookie rewards, I began to consider her offer, but kept insisting she give me some proof of who she was. She would reply without addressing my questions. I finally on May 2, sent her a clearly expressed letter demanding proof, such as a picture of her holding a print-out of one of the pictures I just sent her, or I would stop writing. She replied to this immediately, saying that she couldn’t wait to get the ticket over here, and would answer all my questions after she got back from an unexpected business trip that her boss was sending her on that very morning!!! What timing! That’s only been 2 days ago, and I don’t expect to hear from her again. If I do, I plan to have a little fun with her as creatively as I can, until she catches on that I know about her.
Details from another scam: Few e-mails then asked for tickets and visa and pass book to come to USA in two weeks to celebrate her birthday together.
Was to send money Western Union to travel agent Lando Travel Agency Russia kostroma, popova 34,person Perevalov aleksey aleksandrovich
First reported: Clay
Second reported: Ebert

Drachenko, Olga – Odessa, Ukraine
Phone: +380631476267
Website: Anastasiadate
Details: I am very frustrated about Anastasiadate. I spend thousand dollars every month but as it turned out for nothing. Girls at this site are real but this is only one positive thing at this site. I met many girls but they are interested only in money. But I want to tell you about one girl. Olga id 1692081 very cute girl with amazing eyes. I was in Odessa when I saw her in chat. We met in several hours, she said that she doesn’t know English, so she came with her interpreter. It was a nice evening, so we decided to continue knowing each other. We communicated every day, I liked her a lot, so I came to visit her again soon. As she doesn’t know English all the time she was with her interpreter but I noticed that she didn’t want to stay with me just together even for 10 minutes. She was my baby, so we did what she wanted and she had what she wanted. When I left a lot of problems happened to her. Problems with job, university, family. As it turned out she never studied at the university. Of course, I helped all the time she asked. The only request was that Anastasiadate shouldn’t know I sent her money. It was a big secret. I came for the first time, so I hoped we could spend some time together, at the beach or shopping, but no! The only one good thing was that I gave her my Skype and asked her to communicate there. I left and we continue our communication in chat and at least we met in Skype. As she doesn’t know English her interpreter helped us. It was a great conversation, I heard her voice, I saw her in cam and it was for free, finally)))) but what happened then!))) she called me back and what do you think?)))) she spoke English with me. She knows English pretty well. We spoke and we understand each other. She said that it was the rule of her agency that she had to be with her interpreter every date and she had to say that she doesn’t know English! She was very happy finally to speak directly to me. She said that she was very serious about me and that next time her mother want to see me! Also she added that she would leave this site because she want to be with me!!! But she was very sad because her mother was fired, so she needed money. Sure I sent her more money, because we were almost a family. She left the site but more and more problems happened to her every day! I have some problems at job too, so I couldn’t send her money for some time and she disappeared((( I found her on an erotic sites, where she shows her body to everyone who asked!!! As it turned out she never works on her father and she didn’t even study at the university. All the time she work at those site, even when she date me! She gets good money for that job. And she speaks English with men there. I spent so much money at Anastasiadate but they even don’t check there girls. I gave her enough money. I gave her all the time she asked. The thing that made me write here that she is on Anastasiadate again and she English level is beginner.
First reported: S.A.

Dubinina, Nadezshda – Severodonetsk, Ukraine
Address: Severodonetsk, Ukraine
Details: Asks money for correspondence; translation and computer services.
First reported: S.H.

Dudenkova, Ekaterina – Bor, Russia
Address: House 1 Apt.4. Bor, Nizhegorodskaya 603056 Russia
Details: Initiate contact through Hint that she has a lot of money invested in her father’s house and she also fount this ancient coin which worth about US$2000. Now to visit to you, she doesn’t have enough money yet for visa and everything and ask you to pay and after she sell the coin, she said she will pay you back.
First reported: Jim Ellison

Dyadicheva, Larisa (aka Lora) – Lugansk, Ukraine
Address: Teplovozostroiteley, block 9/1, 91000, Lugansk, Ukraine
Details: Requested money for correspondance. When I visited to her, she never showed up but still asked for the money, without even meeting you.
First reported: Herve

Dynasty Visa and Internet Club (also known as Scarlett Agency, First Marriage Agency in Ekaterinburg “Angelina”, Cupid Internet Club, Myriad of Hearts etc) – Ekaterinburg, Russia
Phone: +7-3432-45-22-00
Address: Yoslova Street 50, 80075, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Managers: Vladimir Osipov, Dmitry Kruchinin
Web site address:
Details: Non-existing agency. Ads of pretty girls are placed on popular personals sites. When answer the ad, you find yourself corresponding through an agency in Ekaterinburg. The “agency” promises to fly the lady of your interest to you, asking money for tickets and visa, and giving you deadlines when money should be paid, or “her visa expires”. They write good English, and pressurize with deadlines very well. You may be requested to send money on the name of the girl of your interest or one of the “managers”. May supply you with “addresses” and phone numbers of “clients who successfully used their services”; also have references listed on their website. All email addresses are registered at free services like Hotmail, and those people are non-existent.
Most often connected with Alena Fedorovskaya scam
First reported: Brian Maroony
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