Russian Scam Message Board – Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Russian Scam is the alphabetical listing of Russian scammers and Russian agencies involved in Russian dating fraud or Russian scams. The name of the person where the money is sent is the key issue in a Russian scam, and the same Russian scammer may use different photos. Also, the same set of photos may be used under different names.
Same Russian Scammers
Most known Russian scams appear to be run by the same few groups of Russian scammers using different names and photos. Photos used in a Russian scam do not necessarily belong to the Russian scammer, and may be simply downloaded from the Internet.
Publishes Data of Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Please remember that Russian Scam is not a law enforcement agency and do not investigate or prosecute criminals. Only authorized law enforcement agencies can prosecute your offenders. To have them prosecuted, you will need to make an official statement to police and lay charges. Russian scam collects and publishes data of Russian scams and Russian scammers only.
Report a Russian Scam or Russian Scammer
If you would like to report a Russian scam or a Russian scammer and to be listed on the pages of Russian scams, please do it here.
Russian scam listings are in alphabetical order according to Last Name of Russian scammer or Russian Agency Name
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H| I | J| K | L | M | N | O | P | Q| R | S | T | U | V | W | X| Y | Z
Galina (Galia) – Slaviansk aka Natalia – St.Petersburg
Details: When I had contact with her, her name was Galina (Galia), she was 25 years old and from Slaviansk. Now her name is “Natalia”; 20 years old and from St.Petersburg!
She sent a falsified passport copy to another man. I have lost 600, – euro of her!
First reported: Thomas

Galkina, Irina aka Evgenia (Samara, Russia) – Sokur, Russia
Address: Sokur, Russia, street lenine house 37
Falls in love quickly, sends lots of pictures, asks for money for airfare. She will then tell you she found a coin in her aunts house and that she will present it to you when she gets here, wants you to send money to: Novosibrisk ojsc uralsib 62 nikitin str Novosibrisk Russian federation 630008 by the moneygram system or
First reported: Jlm

Gamison, Natasha – Russia
What SHE DID: I am not sure how but she said she my email address from a dating site in Russia. When I asked her about the name of this agency she said she could not remember. Anyway, after just a few short letters like maybe ten she started saying that she loves me and wants to come here and stay with me in Oregon for 45 days. So she says she has to go to Moscow and get her travelling papers. Once their she writes and says she needs $515.00 for an airline ticket because the embassy will not let her fly one way. I never sent her a penny because I had gotten an email from another Russian girl months before who did the exact same thing. And last year another Russian girl did the same thing also. This time I wanted to report it!!!
First reported: Markis

Ganyaeva, Lubov – Kinel, Russia
Address: 34 Shosseinaya Street, Kinel 446400, Russia
Details: Initiated contact. Convince you that she is rich as she found some valuable stuff and her father liked me and wanted us to meet in person. And if the relationship worked out the father will marry us and give us a home with a value of $40,000.00. To shorten the time to apply for visa to meet, she requested some money.
First reported: Ken
Second reported: Steve

Garaeva, Natalia (akaAnastasia Fedorova/Nastya, Natasha Machihina, Natalia / Natasha Koldyreva, Nadya Abramova, Nadya Abramova, Ludmila Shakirova, Ekaterina / Elena Koldyreva)– Kazan, Russia
Address: 454000 city Kazan Street Freedom House 66, Flat 56, Russia
Details: The pictures are numbered instead of named. She asks lots of questions but doesn’t care about my responses. She gets friendlier as the letters go on and is about to ask me for money because her last letter was about XXOOXX, love, and being together soon, that is the clincher the sense of urgency.
First reported: Bill
Second reported: Keith

Garkusha Julia – Lugansk, Ukraine
Address: Lugansk, Ukraine
Details: This lady contacted me on Best Dating Site, a Russian based affiliate of 1st International network. I say again, she contacted me first. I corresponded with her for quite some time. She was charming, educated, and wanted very much to exchange her contact information with me. I said that I would love to, but that since my divorce was not yet final it was only fair that I inform her of that fact. The letters ceased, from April, 2014 until September, 2014 when they seemingly out of the blue started again. I wasn’t sure if it was because it was of the unrest in Eastern Ukraine that accounted for the time gap, etc., but I was thrilled to hear back from her. Using the above site is very expensive…that should have been my first clue.
However, she was again very charming, and engaging, and again wanted me to obtain her contact information, despite my repeated concerns regarding the status of my divorce proceedings. She was adamant that I contact her off site. Now remember, you must pay to have your IMBRA form processed through this network (another part of the scam, obviously), so this ended up costing me some cash, to be certain. So, I obtained her address, wrote to her, and…nothing. Since her contact information included her name, I was wondering if she might be on one of the Russian social network sites. So, I was easily able to find her. Yes, she was from Lugansk. Yes, she is 25. Yes, she is the same woman, not doubt. Same profession, etc.
No question, the same woman. So, when I created my own page, and contacted her through the site, using the same photos that had been posted on the original dating website, she continued to ignore me, as if we’d never carried on a correspondence. I wrote again to her email address…again nothing. I contacted the network she belonged to, and they apparently prodded SOMEONE to have her respond. She flippantly responded with a vague email about how there is not internet connection in Lugansk, and that she was responding from a friend’s computer. Funny, how she was able to daily access the internet from her cell phone to make additions to her social website (the website shows how and when the person has logged on), but “can’t use the internet” because of infrastructure damage in Lugansk.
When I gently pressed her on the issue, she blocked me from her social media site, and my suspicions were confirmed–total scam artist, and I am certain that the entire network is a scam as well. A very well orchestrated dance to entice you to part with your money. However, I should have known better.
The only problem being that loneliness does strange things to a person’s mind, and you want to believe so badly that someone is interested in you, that you’ll put up with a lot to maintain hope. Well, that’s all evaporated now, and all I can do is alert the rest of you to the cold-heart of this obviously monumentally selfish woman, and the company she works for. I saw from her site that she has a string of about 1000 male admirers from all over the world, so I had little chance of really getting her attention, but I’m pretty sure that this all was part of an elaborate ruse for her to ply her trade in deception and make money. To my mind, she’s little more than a prostitute, but worse: at least you can look a prostitute in the face.
This woman uses an elaborate, labyrinthine layers of internet tricks to lure you in, take your money, and get away, using the agencies (oh yes, she’s listed on several that are part of the same network). I guess that I got a little too close by actually discovering where she was, and locating her in fact on a social media website. This has been a very hurtful, actually devastating experience, but in a way I have only myself to blame. I take solace in the fact that I did all of this because I was so desperately lonely–a thing that a woman like Julia Garkusha uses to make sure she can get into your wallet. Thanks for reading this, and the love of all that is Holy, stay away from this network and this woman in particular.
First reported: Robert Bruce

Garina Ludmila – Lisichansk, Ukraine
Address: Street Yaroslavskaya 73/12, Lisichansk, 93105, Ukraine Email:
Details: Very nice in beginning but started then asking for money for plane ticket and the bad situation in Donesk, suspect when she did not answer mail correct, much copy and paste. When I say no to send money before meeting, she don’t like me anymore and have found another man she say.
First reported: Prepare

Garshina, Mariana – Kitoi, Russia
Address: Kitoi, Russia
Bank Details – Western Union
Address: GAGARINA BULVAR, 38 IRKUTSK, 664000
Phone: 73952240503
Details: I signed up at Cupid Junction. just to see what sort of response I would get and recieved an email from an Olusha, who turned out to be Mariana
First reported: Jake
Gavrilenko, Ekaterina – Kherson, Ukraine
Address: Perecopskaya 193-147, Kherson 73036
Phone: (380) 516 829
Details: Meet you in Ukraine to convince she is real. She has requested money for correspondence, computers, travel, visa, passport, medicine and education for a total of approximately $7100 Australian dollars.
First reported: Marcus

Gavrilova, Irina – Servobaykalsk, Russia
Details: Irina contacted me from the Yahoo personal web service. I did a web search for blacklisted Russian girls and found her.
First reported: Bill

Gavrilova, Svetlana – Servobaykalsk, Russia
Address: Puskin’s St. House 54 Apt. 53, Servobaykalsk, Russia
Details: Took lots of time up front. Said we needed to take plenty of time to get to know one another. Often responds to information and questions in my letters. Seemed to get impatient toward the end, however. Last request for money I copied your site address to her and said there were so many scams going that it would be impossible for me to send money.
First reported: Will
Georgiadi, Elena – Lugansk, Ukraine
Details: The agency she contacted from requested money saying Elena did not have enough money to continue corresponding. Moreover, she requested money for visa and ticket.
First reported: Bernie

Glazkova, Irina (aka Anjela Oleynik) – Kherson, Ukraine
Address: Lenina 47, ap.11, Kherson, Ukraine
Details: Places ads on the popular personals sites. Falls in love with you within a few emails. Then asks for money for ticket and visa to visit you to be sent via Western Union. Pictures used belong to the international photo model Adriana Sklenarikova.
First reported: Sunny

Glazyrina (Glazirina), Elena – Cheboksary, Russia
AKA Names: Nina Simonova; Elena Zhitinkina; Elia; Elvira; Olesya; Svetlana Kazankina; Elena Novoselova; Elena Egorova; Yulia; Annushka; Olga Belokorytova; Ekaterina; Larisa Vedesova; Neonila Menzelintseva; Olga Yudakova; Olga Stepanova
Locations: Khabarovsk (Russia); Moscow (Russia); Tomsk (Russia); Krasnoyarsk (Russia); Omsk (Russia); Kazan (Russia); Artemovskiy (Russia); Tyumen (Russia)
Addresses: The Chuvash republic. Cheboksary. Chkalova. 128. 95.Russia – Tatarstan, Kazan city, Chkalova street 23-48, Russia. – 127-12 Sheronova Street, Khabarovsk, 680000, Russia
– Sheronova str. 54-11, Khabarovsk, Russia – Dzerhinskogo str. 10-17, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia – Komsomolskaya street 4-14, Kazan, Russia – Russian Federation, Artemovskiy, Mira street 19 – Russia, Tatarstan, Kazan, Komsomolskaya street 3-45 – Komsolmolskaya St 3-45, Kazan , Russia
Web Sites: Friend Finder; American Singles; Amigos; Adultaction; Faceparty; Metrodate; Date
Details: Got contact from Uses “kolll” as ID. I sent her EUR 320,- an The chuvash republik, cheboksary, chkalova 128/95, russia (5.7.2005: MTCN9028405430) and EUR 520,- an vneshtorgbank, artozovodskayatreet, 6 STRI., moscow (12.7.2005:MTCN9932672982) per Western Union.
First reported: Enzmann A.

Glushak, Yana – Luhansk, Ukraine
Skype: love145
Address: Luhansk, Ukraine
Phone: 380 933 167 924
Details: I have met with this woman in In first 3 weeks she seemed very honest and looked like she really wanted to have serious relationship. But then she starts talking about do not have computer to chat regularly and using her friend’s lap top. After taking care of that, then she asked money for passports fee for her and for her daughter. Time to time she wrote that lost job and no money for rent. Finally she comes up with another scenario that she needs money for divorce case and then she says that her ex husband ask for money if she want to divorce. She suddenly stopped at writing and answering my phone 4 months ago. I strongly think that she is a real professional scammers. Please let people know that this woman is a real predator.
First reported: Ken

Glushkova, Svetlana – Samara, Russia
Address: Home 34,Apartment 2 7, Novo Sadovaya Street, Samara City, 443001, Russia
Details: Initiates contact. Typical visa scam.
First reported: 9 Lives

Golik, Natasha – Poltava, Ukraine
Address: town of Kremenchug, Poltava area,
Ukraine.Lenina str. 69-3
Details: Says in her ad she lives in the states, when you contact her though she says it was a mistake and she lives in the Ukraine. After the second letter she asks if you will help her pay for Internet services, she said her Internet service is $100.00. per month.

Golitsyna, Darya – Murom, Russia
Address: Street Kalinina the house 8 apartment 13, Murom,602250, Russia
Details: I want to report a scammer. She came by a dating site to me, I don’t know the dating site. She start writing and want write every day with me. She fell in “love” and want to visit me. I found out that some things are not correct. So I asked more details and when I asked her about the company she is working, then she stop the conversation.
First reported: Frank

Golmakowa, Marina – Starobelsk, Luhansk, Ukraine
Address: Kommunarov 36/25, Starobelsk, Luhansk, Ukraine
Details: I don’t want to tell my story because it is painful but I want say to guys be careful, but
what she wrote to me are the following: “hello my honey thank you for your reply to me, for your another letter, thank you! yes, my honey i like this song a lot so much! thank you for it! dear how are you? ho was your weekend? my honey i was in village with my granny and my mother, honey yes, i would be happy if you help me with 250€ for my passport, this is so important come to you, be in safety place, you know that they can take me to army for any case as i am nurse! my honey i have asked in bank, if you able use westerunion system? i will send you my information to this!”
First reported: Max

Golomidova, Irina – Samara, Russia
Address: Pushkina St. Samara, Russia
Details: Typical scammer, falls in love after 6-8 emails, but she was too lazy to get creative on her own and devise new letters, she just cut & pasted letters from another scammer site into her emails to me. Never sent her any money, because I got suspicious near the end and discovered her letters word for word on another scammer website.
First reported: Airjunkie

Golomidova, Irina (aka Irina Ohothiikova) – Tolyatti, Russia
Address: 11 Pushkina, 310, Tolyatti, 344045, Russian Federation
Details: Requests money to come visit you. Money for visa, airfare and travel expenses.
First reported: Wesley
Second reported: Mtchinook
Golovina, Yulia – Elets, Russia
Address: 34-19 Lenina Stree, Elets, Russia 399774
Phone: 011-7-902-713-3620
Details: Use ID “yulia2005r” at Asked money after corresponding for 3 months. Work with Dmitry Voronov ( from Travel Agency.
First reported: Boatsbb

Golubina, Anastasiya (Nastya) – Cheboksary, Russia aka Maria Evdokimova, Julia, Anna – Ukraine, Kitty, Semyonova, Olga, and aka Ekaterina – Vologda, Russia
1. Cheboksary 428000, Charles-Marx’s Street 56-92 or 66-92. Of course it is a fake address.
2. Cheboksary, street of the world 80, apt. 145
3. Lobachevskogo the house 21 apt. 15 Index: 42000
Cities: Cheboksary, Kazan,Novocheboksarsk, Yoshkar-Ola, and Novosibirsk
4. Novosibirsk, Russia with a name Olga Semyonova on the
E-mail addresses: She writes to XXX from UK and her name is Julia. Julia is on the scammers’ list on the She is now writes to XXX from USA. She tries to set up the place to meet She is writing now to XXX from Australia and asking XXX to send her money through the Western Union This is her email address she uses to write to me and her manager’s email: alian_99. Found her on the She is Anna and from Ukraine. She write to XXX from Greece
Details: I have been scammed by this evil woman for $4900. I received 100+ letters from her.
Details of another scam: Well, I am recently divorced, I had the hopes of finding someone new. I live in the US, Florida. I live in Orlando basically, and she had her address as Orlando also. Well I sent her a message and she replied with a message with her email address in it. At the moment we have exchanged a few letters, till I found your website and saw her picture there. I like sites like yours and keep up the good work.
First reported: M&M
Second reported: Anthony

Gonchar, Yulia Galina (aka Galya Ludmila, Natalaya Romanova, Elena Evgenievna Novoselova) – Samara Russia
Address: 153007 Sovetskaya Street, 45-12 Ivanovo, Russia.
Details: Initiated contact by Yahoo personals site U.S.A. She fallen in love with you shortly. She asked money from you. When you come to visit her at Moscow. She disappear. Also corresponding with another man.
First reported: Seymoure
Second reported: Michael

Gorbunova, Nina – Samara Russia
Address: Nina Gorbunova, 100-25 lenin street, Samara, Russia, 443030
Details: Then asks for money for ticket and visa to visit you to be sent via Western Union.
First reported: Cailin
Gorshkova, Ekaterina – Ivangorog, Russia
Address: Str. Gragardina 19#3, Ivangorog, Russia
Details: Asks for money to pay for airfare and visa to visit, to be sent via Western Union.
First reported: Stevie

Glushkova, Svetlana – Samara Russia
Address: 34 Apartment 2 7, Novo Sadovaya Street, Samara City, 443001, Russia
Details: Initiates contact. Typical visa scam.
First reported: 9 Lives

Gorbunova, Nina – Novosibirsk, Russia
Details: Met through Initiate contact and fall in love quickly. She tells you that she has discussed with her mother and to come visit. She asked for only application fee, but it had to be sent right away. Tell her I will come to see her in her home town – I never hear back from her.
First Reported: Billy T

Gorbunova, Tatyana/ Tanya, aka, Irina Kondratyeva, aka, Olga , aka Ilona , aka, Elena – Kazan, Russia
Details: She uses the same five pictures to whomever with different names. She uses various dates of birth, for instance, 11/20/75 and 02/15/75. She is brunette, 5′ 6″, 126 lbs., age 30 years, w/wo rectangular frame glasses, usually black in color. She supposedly lives at home with parents and works part time at a nearby alcoholic bar at Kazan, Russia. Avoid questions and soon she pulled out the visa/ticket scam.
First Reported: Aaron

Gordeeva, Ekaterina (aka ekaterina1979456) – Cheboksary, Russia
Details: Met her on She does the usual talks sweet to you and then the question of money is brought up and how to send it. (money gram is how she likes money sent)
First reported: Daniel G.

Gordeeva, Katya – Cheboksary, Russia
Address: Gagarina 19/51, Cheboksary, Russia
Details: She contacted me through Lavalife. She requested money on the 5th letter for visa/ticket.
First reported: Chester

Gordienko, Natalia – Odessa, Ukraine
Address: Aleksandra Nevskogo str., 43/2 kv 83, Odessa, Ukraine
Home Phone: 380482423822
Cell Phone: 380674840223
Details: Asks for money, is not serious about a relationship, and may be married even though she says she is single.
First Reported: Steve

Gorlova, Kseniya Mikhaloyva – Karsnoyarsk, Russia
Address: Russia, Krasnoyarsk,66095, Kommunal’naya 4
Details: Started out nice, but then she supposedly lost her position due to fire in the pharmacy she worked at. Then was claiming to get a visa to come here (stated due to her parents I could not come there) through a travel agent and the travel agent was securing her visa, which is impossible as you to know to come to the USA. You will see in the progression of emails and photos how she was trying to hook me. Called her bluff when I told her that my friend who works at the Russian Embassy in Moscow stated no travel agent could issue a visa to the US. She was of course asking for plane fare here.
First Reported: Tom

Gorodnicheva, Julia (aka Nastya Pajduganova, Iraida Belyaeva) – Saransk, Russia
Address: 430027, Komsomolskaya 2-78
Details: Met through Initiate contact and fall in love quickly. She tells you that she has discussed with her mother and to come visit. She asked for only $170 application fee, but it had to be sent right away. Tell her I will come to see her in her home town-I never hear back from her.
The address of bank where is present: Western Union. Aktiv Bank Gagarina 87. Saransk. 430027, Russia. Tel: (7) (834) 2476749.
First Reported: Charles
Second Reported: Seymour
Third Reported: Erik
Fourth Reported: Geoffrey
Fifth Reported: Tom

Gorohova, Yulia – Aksakovo, Russia
Address: Russia, Aksakovo, Lenina street 22-54.
Details: Contacted me through american singles and gave a yahoo email address. This person is using a fake identity and pictures of someone else to try to start up a scam with me. Use pre-written letter and found the exact same letters at Use Wings Travel Agency,
First reported: Charles B.

Gougin, Nadezdha – Turinsk, Russia
Details: I have been in contact with this lady for about 6 weeks. After a few e-mails she fell in love and now needs money for airfare.
First reported: DavSnn

Gren, Lena (Lugansk,Ukraine) from Slavonic Beauty
Address: Kv. Vostochniy 20/31, Lugansk, 91000
Details: Will ask you to send her money for a visa, passport and airline tickets. The addresses she gives will be fake.
First reported: Norm.

Grepneva, Svetlana – Severka(Ural), Russia
Address: Severka(Ural), Russia
Details: Claims to be a chemist. She quickly falls in love, asks money for ticket after a month of emails, did not answer questions, etc..
First reported: Glenn

Gribkova, Ekaterina – Sosnovskoye, Russia
Address: 35 Lenina, Sosnovskoye, Russia 646811
Details: Contact me through saying she wants a serious relationship. After 3 weeks of correspondence, she wants to visit US with my expense.
First reported: Dan B.

Grigorieva, Lubov – Donetsk, Ukraine
Details: She convinces you of her good intentions then asks you to pay for her new passport, for it has expired, her visa and her airfare.
First reported: Bram

Grigorieva, Tanya – Volgograd, Russia
Address: Lenin, 400066 Volgograd
Details: Tried to make me send her money for visa & passport.
First reported: Robert

Gritsenko, Elena – Cheboksary, Russia
Email:, truecordelia9angel
Details: Initiated first contact through eMode at Tickle. Typical airfare scam, Used Western Union
First reported: Comcast

Grosheva, Tatiana – Nizhnekamsk, Russia
Address: Nizhnekamsk, Russia Himikov street 48, kv. 35
Details: Visa/ticket scam
First reported: K

Groskowa, Natalya – Serov, Russia
Address: 624980. Russia, Serov, str. Aleksandra Matrosova. Do vostrebovaniya.
Details: She said she found me on where I posted a profile. Requested money on November 1st.
First reported: Alan

Gryznova, Elena
E-mail address:
Details: Visa and passport scam
First reported: Jerry

Gulnara, Svetlana – Moscow, Russia
Address: Moscow, Russia
Details: contact through aol the had a special free for limited time personal dating ads.
First reported: Larry

Gundava, Elena – Palana, Russia
Details: She writes to you every couple of days and says she wants to come to usa or me come to her. She gives you the name of a travel agent. his email is and he wants you to send $$ through Western Union. The Travel Agents Name is Alexander Fedorets
First reported: Matthew
Guseva, Lyudmila – Astrakhan, Russia
E-mail address:
Details: It is typical scam, sad story about life, falls in love quickly and wants to visit, and get married. Asks for $450 for visa. A picture with every email. Some look real, some proffesional. The emails kind of slowed down when i mentioned that i had done my own research into prices of visas and airfare. I almost sent money, but wasn’t going to until i had more research it, and the fact that i actually never net the person. I am currently still in contact with this person to see how far they will go. I am still getting emails even though i said to her that i have read up on scamming. She just keeps proclaiming her love and saying how we should be together. If you ask her questions she will not answer, yet she tells you to ask anything. About the third letter i questioned her on hockey for about two paragraphs and that was all i sent as an email. Her response was that she was going to the visa agency in the morning to see what it would take to get her. I do not have any emails as i always erase them right after but i will collect some more if it contues and send them to you.
First reported: Brad

Gushina, Olya – Novosibirsk, Russia
Address: Russia City Novosibirsk Index 630007 Gagarina street 20-12
Details: Gives you a story about her father leaving and keeps mentioning a helping hand. She then asks money for her visa and her airfare.
First reported: Bram
NOTE: Different sets of photos can be used

Gusva, Elvira aka Eleonora – Kazan, Russia
Details: supposedly worked with orphan children in san francisco area.. later to find out that she made 650 a week.. per a repayment of the money i would send her to get thru customs.. at airport.. which now is apparently 1500.00 to have available to stop immigration…much to her surprise
this lady or person is good… she will start very slowly… with stories of a friend she works with named ginnie and this ladies son patrick… who is drawing her pictures and has small crush on her.. she will then tell you she has been in usa almost a year and is due to get a month of leave .. then her friend olga’s is apparently getting married.. and she has decided to go be in the wedding… on that she will give you when she is leaving and when the wedding is.. and the customs .. then she misses you terribly and still has several days of leave..and she would like to come and visit you in your part of the usa.. before returning to california..
she gets ticket.. takes two hr. trip to be close to airport.. picks up ticket and then finds out she has to have the 1500/$ to be available either thru cash or credit card.. she has part of it.. but just not enough… first offer was for 850… i wouldnt agree.. so she played it out… finally spoke with her mother.. and she is sending her… more than half.. still needs just that little bit…got to 300.. her wording and emotions can come thru as a sincere emotional trip.. she has been in town two days since she found out.. her plane leaves the next morning.. she is tired and stressed…. very very believable.. i have to give her credit… she is good… i have had lots of these things.. but none this suffisticated…she sends you the airport info.. flight… i had checked the airlines… flight was exact.. with transfers and times.. if she turns in her ticket and goes back to her parents she loses 20%… when you send it by western union.. you give no.s.. of course she gives you her name.. thus the elvira gusva… she has to rush because the train to airport from internet cafe.. she must hurry.. and thats the last you here..
i didnt realize this site existed.. as i have others thru the years that have tried to do the scam… i actually see ones picture is already on here… i will address that one also when i dig out some of the info i have left.. thank you for your time..
First reported: Tim
Gusva, Elvira aka Eleonora – Kazan, Russia
Phone: +380 (63) 0127426
Details: I reported her but she deleted profile and left site so they could not do anything about it. We began emailing for several weeks. She claimed to be poor, didn’t have money for a smart phone, nice things, like a computer so she could only write at work once a day. She worked in accounting. She has a daughter named Kseniya and built up a story of being widowed and sad because her husband was killed in the war. I was suspicious because in the photos she sent me, ( I don’t have them all because I deleted all the emails from her with them because I was upset) she always looked glamorous, with nice clothes, jewellery. Even though her story seemed suspect, my weakness took over and i agreed to send her 750.00 via western union so she could buy a computer so we could write every day and talk on web cam. She thanked me and said she was serious about me and that she would take down her profile and not look for other men. She said she couldn’t wait to write every day and see each other. It’s three weeks later and I haven’t heard from her again. My emails go unanswered. She took her profile off Elena’s and I did a Google image search on her picture in the red dress and she popped up on a bunch of other dating sites leaving posts as recent as yesterday searching for more victims I can only assume. I plan on reporting this as well to western union, US embassy, and other agencies as well to make sure this doesn’t happen to others. It’s a shame there are so many dishonest people out there.
First reported: Don

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