Russian Scam Message Board – Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Russian Scam is the alphabetical listing of Russian scammers and Russian agencies involved in Russian dating fraud or Russian scams. The name of the person where the money is sent is the key issue in a Russian scam, and the same Russian scammer may use different photos. Also, the same set of photos may be used under different names.
Same Russian Scammers
Most known Russian scams appear to be run by the same few groups of Russian scammers using different names and photos. Photos used in a Russian scam do not necessarily belong to the Russian scammer, and may be simply downloaded from the Internet.
Publishes Data of Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Please remember that Russian Scam is not a law enforcement agency and do not investigate or prosecute criminals. Only authorized law enforcement agencies can prosecute your offenders. To have them prosecuted, you will need to make an official statement to police and lay charges. Russian scam collects and publishes data of Russian scams and Russian scammers only.
Report a Russian Scam or Russian Scammer
If you would like to report a Russian scam or a Russian scammer and to be listed on the pages of Russian scams, please do it here.
Russian scam listings are in alphabetical order according to Last Name of Russian scammer or Russian Agency Name
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H| I | J| K | L | M | N | O | P | Q| R | S | T | U | V | W | X| Y | Z
K, Olya – Lugansk, Ukraine
Details: She has a profile listed on MatchDoctor uses the exact same address as a similar scammer from this agency Katya Y. Same letters, requesting money after 2 letters, not answering any question in her letters to you no matter how simple, will not give you her birthday or last name or anything else for that matter.
First reported: Woody

Kabachkov, Elena – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Address: Yoshkar-Ola, 424000, Russia
Details: She wanted me to paid for the translation of her letters, private English lessons and I also paid for gifts, books and tickets. She did not want me to have any information about her like address and phone number but I did get a picture of her passport where her birthday was the 20.04.1980. I found her private personal profile on and her birthday was stated as 20.04.1986. She also said that she did not have a computer at home or at work but I could see on her profile that she did post messages many times every week late at night. I got afraid and I goggled her name and I found a lot of scam reports on her and one as late as the 24.04.2012. She was working together with and they have scammed me for over 90.000 Rubles over 6 months. I paid with Paypal, so I hope that I can get my money back because of the scam. I have contacted the Russian Embassy in Denmark and hope that they will do something to end the agency Nicebride and Elena.
First reported: Mr. Denmark

Kadasevich, Victoria – Minsk, Belarus
Address: Kadasevich Victoria – Minsk, Belarus
Details: I sent 160 Euros for Victoria Kadasevich’s visa and she disappeared. I let it go but she tried the same scam again with me and that made me report her now. She obviously forgot about scamming me the first time. She also uses email: and her number I/was +375291654584. She is from Minsk. I also have her passport and copy of the western union payment.
First reported: Rich

Kalionowa, Tatyana – Habarovsk, Russia
Address: Hor, Dolores street 9, flat 37 ,it is near big city Habarovsk
Details: Requests money for plane tickets. Pretending using travel agency Interlogos
First reported: David

Kaltya, Flora – Moscow, Russia
Details: Requests money for operation for her mother who was hit by a car.
First reported: Griffin

Kaparova, Nataly (Natasha) – Schastie or Lugansk, Ukraine
Address: Schastie or Lugansk, Ukraine
Details: Requested money for English Lessons, passport, correspondence, gifts and also to support her family. Never answer question. Refuse to give her information.
First reported: Bill

Kamaeva, Olya – Bryansk, Russia
Address: 241037, Bryansk,Krasnoarmeyskaya street,158
Bank Details: Western Union Branch: MENATEP SPb-bank
Details: She writes letters telling you she needs money to come see you in America, that she has falling in love with you and cannot live without you.
First reported: Joe

Kamaletdinova, Ekaterina (Kate) – Samara, Russia
Address: 41 Osipenko St, Samara, Russia
Details: Kate contacted me first through Christian Mingle. She requested my personal email address in her first communication with me. She showed a Henderson, Nevada location. He profile was pulled the next day. I called CM and they said they pulled her off for violating the rules, but wouldn’t give details. I told them what I knew and they said it was probably a scam. I researched dating scams and decided to see how far this would go. The first ‘Red Flag’ was that she represented herself as living in Henderson, NV and got kicked off the site. #2 was that a good look’n 43 year old was instantly in Love with a 64 year old guy. When she asked me for airfare money I told her that I am flat broke because of my divorce and would reimburse her over time for her expenses once she arrived here. I haven’t heard anything since.
First reported: Rich K

Kamarova, Anastazjia – Perm, Russia
Address: Russia, 614000, Perm, Okulova, House 7 / Apartment 20
Email:, kitten.
Details: I found a nice looking young Russian woman on, she was 31 years of age and sent me many love letters by email for about three months. She reported problems with her yahoo-email and changed to During the last weeks she did not want to have any longer email contact as she wanted direct contact through ICQ. I registered with RussianCupid under André, but I wrote her also my real name, only to tell her that I preferred to be called André. I received about 50 of her photos and she wrote me that she studied Russian Literature and received a teacher’s degree. But due to the fact that teacher in Russia received a very low salary, she wrote me that she was employed at Zara’s in Perm. Her mother lived at the country side about 50 kilometres away from Perm and that she spent most weekends with her. As she had no internet access there, I did not receive any mails from Friday to Sunday. I will only attach some of her photos she sent to me by email. Her last contact on ICQ was to tell me that she could pay 195 Euros and she asked me to send her the rest necessary to pay for her passport, visa and flight to Germany. Her mails were mostly in Russian and I had to translate them, a few were in English an the very first one was even in German. Her last chat with me on ICQ (Russian Chats) was that she had taken a three months holiday and that she needed the rest money for the trip urgently. Everything would be organized by her travel agent. When I told her that I did not have enough money to pay pay for the rest, she got very angry and insulted me. It was clear to me that she only wanted to get the money and that she would never come to Germany at all. I never heard from her again and emails I wrote to her were returned to me.
First reported: Gert

Kazacova, Olga – Rostov On Don, Russia
Address: Rostov On Don, 344002, Russia
Details: This girl is heartless. First wanted to make me believe that she gave money to her girlfriend that has a sick child and in the same letter ask for money for plane tickets to apparently to be with me. How low can one go in life.
First reported: Jack

Kamenchuk, Svetlana – Chita, Russia
Address: Gornaya str.-16, apt.-8, Chita, 672020, Russia
Details: Contacted through She fell in love and wanted money so she could travel to the U.S. to see me.
First reported: Len

Kameneva, Viktoriya – Dimitrovgrad, Russia
Address: Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk Oblast, Russia
Details: I have been scammed for a passport and airline ticket scam by a scammer named VIKTORIYA and OKSANA ZAKHAROVA. The scammer[s] names VIKTORIYA KAMENEVA. VIKTORIYA was the writer of the scam letters and OKSANA ZAKHAROVA was the mule where I sent the money to.
First reported: Patrick

Kamenschikova, Yulia – Yuzhnyy, Siberia
Details: beware of this girl because she will tell you she loves you after her 3rd email, she will send you pictures and even her address which is Soveskaya Street 23-12, Altaysskiy Kray- Yuzhnyy. She claims that she works at a bakery run by the government.
She quickly will tell you that she wants to come to visit you in the U.S. and ask you to send her money via Western Union to the following bank
Altay Kapital Bank, Tolstogo 38A –Barnaul 656043 and to put the icing on the cake she will ask you to send it not to her but to some lady name Elena Lupanova… she must be her pimp or something like that. She asked for $ 700.00 dollars for her ticket and she will tell you she pawned her jewelry and silver to purchase most of her ticket but she needs more. After declining to send her the money she stopped writing and emailing. What a surprise uh???
First reported: Kelvin

Kandakova, Olga (aka Natalya) – Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Phone: 011 7 391 299 6754
Address: 11-84, Soviet street, Krasnoyarsk, Russia 660111
Bank Details – Western Union:
Address: Lenin’s 34-85 prospectus, Krasnoyarsk, Russia 660131
Details: Inconsistent scammer. Uses typical scamming routine. Lost money for her to apply visa.
First reported: XXXX
Second reported: NiteProwls
Third reported: Dennis F.

Kantserova, Olga (aka Ekaterina Genadievna Skobeleva, Olga Evgenyevna Polushina) – Russia
Address: glavpochtamt, irkutsk, do vostrebovania, Russia 664000
Details: Normal scam, in a couple letters she say’s she loves you and wants to come to you to be with you. apply’s for visa and says she needs help with plane ticket. Want you to send money to western union. When you don’t send any she tries to make you feel guilty with more emails till she realizes your not going to send any money. Then you don’t here from her any more.
First reported: Blaine
Second reported: Burt

Karaicheva, Valentina – Stakhanov, Ukraine
Address: Stakhanov, Ukraine
Details: I found her on but if you search for her name she has profiles on multiple sites. She is using pictures that belong to the playmate Shera Bechard. She started with asking for money for help with communication costs, she was hoping for a laptop but ok with a smaller amount. Over the course of two months I spoke with her on the phone, on the webcam and we exchanged letters almost daily. On the webcam the image was somewhat blurry. I wondered if she looked a little different from the photos but wasn’t overly concerned until I started to feel she was preparing me for a larger request. I had sent her 200, I spent some more time trying to research her pictures/profile and discovered that they belonged to Shera Bechard. She represented herself as currently working as a waitress and I think this and various other things she told me may in fact be true. Her English is fairly good and I think her reactions to my questions and discussions about her life were to natural to be a complete fabrication. I am assuming that she is being manipulated by other people who are involved.
First reported: Tin Can Jam

Karem, Fatima – Samara, Russia aka Yuliana Kalnyk
Address: 149 Tashkanskaya, Samara, Russia
Phone: 0079650772240
Details: She has asked me to send money for applying visa and I sent 500 USD but she start lying that she got visa and coming to my country. All story was a scam because I sent amount and she is not talking to me nor replying for my email.
First reported: Abbas

Karavaeva, Elena – Syctyvkar, Russia
Address: Syctyvkar city, Lenina str, 24-5,Russia
Details: She has not asked me for any money yet. She claims to be a dentist and sends lots of photos. She contacted me through yahoo personals and talks a lot about how bad Russian men are and how she wants to start a family.
First reported: Andrew

Karchuk, Elena – Kherson, Ukaraine
Address: ul.Levitana 7/1
Details: She gives her phone number and has no problem meeting you in Ukraine. She says she wants to marry you, but strangely she is “too busy” to delete her profile from the web site, and each time you speak there is another “problem.” Her parents are getting divorced, her university is too difficult, she doesn’t have a passport to meet you anywhere but if you send $150 she can get one. Even though she is engaged, she still writing to someone looking for soulmate.
First reported: John

Kareva, Svetlana – El-Mari Republic
Details: Quickly falls in Love, never answer questions directly. Scammed $5000 over 3 months period for many expenses (visa, airfares, accidents, etc.)
First reported: J.W

Karmalova, Valeriya – Moscow, Russia
Address: Spectrum (Tour Operator), 103009 Mocow, Centre Strastnoy Bulvar 8
Phone: 00 7 095 230 6448 (Work)
Email: OR
Details: I met this girl in Moscow international airport in May 2001. In February 2002 sent 250 pounds for air fare and visa but it was declined. In August 2003, sent $800 to go on a package tour to London but she went to Egypt instead as part of her job. In February 2004 again she didn’t turned up. She always refuses to speak to me on the phone.
First reported: David

Karpenko, Marina – Kharkov, Ukraine
Details: Correspondence with Marina Karpenko. It was only after six months that I learned it was most likely Irina Sukhova or one of her accomplices from the Alliance agency.
First reported: Stuart

Karpets, Anastasiya – Chelyabinsk, Russia
Details: Requests money to help pay for part of her airfare and visa.
First reported: Stuart

Karpov, Aleksandr – Gorodets, Russia
Address: Piskunova Street 28, Gorodets, 606505, Russia
Agency: Silverdaddies
Details: “Hello my darling. I just got your letter and I have realized that I am falling… Does everything finished? Please, please, don’t tell not wight away. I do love you and I will not survive if I loose chance to be together. Forgive my unexperience, I had to find out everything before acting but it is too late now.. I had to come in Moscow and find out before signing contract.. I investment so much money in this process and I will loose them. I put close to 700 US dollars in visa process. This is so much money for me and I decided to spend them because I love you and you are much more important for me then any money. I paid 360 US dollars and 300 US I had to pay for trip to Moscow and living there.. It is Moscow and life is very expensive here. I am very upset if it was in no purpose…. My father made impossible for us. He wanted to buy new refrigerator, we have old one without freezing room but he decided that it can wait… He was glad that he could help us, he told that will make everything to help us being together because I love you.. I wish I could contact to parents to ask help. I would never ask you because I know money is tight for you now and I spend everything in my own . I hope you appreciate that and don’t think I want to put everything on your shoulders… Embassy require round trip ticket but as soon as we are together we will sell back ticket and return half money. I am very alone and lonely here and I don’t have anyone but you….. It is much more harder for me now because I don’t have anything to do. I am taking medical exam and getting lessons in Agency. I wish I could know about tickets before. I told that main Agency is in Moscow and I could know about that just here. Do you think I am fool? Am I fool because I want to be with you? I do love you and I am very sad now.. I can’t wait with tickets. Next week I will finish medical exam and will have date of Interview in Embassy. I will refuse visa without tickets and it makes me cry.. Please, please, please, don’t refuse me! Please, try to borrow, try to loan, please, try to make something! If I could have chance to contact to family I could try to make something, even if I had to loan house. I love you and I wanted to make all better… If you were here in my place you would understand everything.. I am ready to scream about helpless, I am lonely here, very lonely and you are the only who I can talk. Please, please, please don’t refuse me. I love you and I will not survive to be alone.. If I get refused it will much more harder for me to get visa next time. This Agency will not work with me. When I come to the Agency they asked me if I was in prison and if I was refused in visa. I have not had both and now I have great chance to get visa. being refused I will loose chance to get visa. It is possible in theory but almost impossible in practice. I will have to pay again for Agency service and I don’t know if it will successes.. I better go, there are many people here and I don’t want someone see at me in this condition.”
First reported: Stuart

Kaschevskaja, Inna – Kogalym, Russia
Address: Sibirskaya 4. appt 25, Kogalym, 628485, Russia
Details: Not much, its been 3 weeks, 3 emails a week, suspicious from the start, now she ask for money for plane ticket and well, I haven’t give her any (or him..). Now she (they) sent me bank account numbers.
Account of beneficiary: 40817840502790001090
Account With Institution: AVANGARD BANK, MOSCOW, RU
Address: 115035, Moscow, ul. Sadovnicheskaya, 12, str. 1
First reported: Gabs

Kashkova, Elena Ekaterinburg, Russia
Address: Street Serafima Deryabina House 30, Apartment 208
Details: Contacted me through online personals site. #1 RED FLAG: Never respond to what you say. #2 RED FLAG: Fell in love within a week. Use pre-written letters. She’s mentioning about the visa now.
First reported: Red Flags

Kashkova, Svetlana (aka Elena Novikova, Natalia Derevyashkina, Ekaterina Smirnova etc) – Ekaterinburg (or Yoshkar-Ola), Russia
Address 1: Bluhere 63-a, Apartment 173, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Address 2: Russia, Republic MARI-El, city Yoshkar-Ola, street Petrova, house 32a, apartment 178
Details: Very similar to Marya Belyaeva scam. Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals in response to your ad, or by placing own ad on the same sites. Claims to be a virgin (usually 27 years old) who lives with her mother. Works as a cashier in supermarket and earns $40 per month. Informs that she can obtain visa to your country for $350 with the help of “firm” in her city, then asks for money for tickets, then for insurance. Writes about her sexual dreams about you.
First reported: Andy Luick
NOTE: so far 2 sets of pictures were used under this name

Kashina, Olga – Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Phone: 380.44.478.10.90
Address: Gnata Yuri Str., 3 Apt 61 ,Kiev, 03148, UA
Details: She contacted me via an e-mail from J-date, sending gorgeous pictures of her and continued on with poetic letters culminating in how much she loved me. She ultimately asked for money for her plane ticket to be wired to a Western Union office in Krasnoyarsk.
First reported: Bill

Kashkova, Elena – Astrakhan, Russia
Address: Russia, Astrakhan, 414000 Street. Lenina, 20, apartments 4
Details: Sent several letters. Request money to call you as she had no phone. I met her through “faceparty” a website where you can write to people from all over the world.
First reported: Billy

Kassianova, Natalya Jurajevna – Pskov, Russia
Phone: +79212144770, +78112128988
Address: flat 1,house 4 prospect energetikov Kirshi the Leningrad region
Details: She meets you in person, she asked about her money all the time. For the meeting she asked you to pay for it, and also ask to buy her new boots which costs $300. After the meeting, she again asked money for her divorce with her ex-husband. After that she again ask money to support her and ask you to pay for her trip to you. After that, no phone call, no sms, no letter, no nothing at all.
First reported: Tony
Katayeva, Larisa – Moscow, Russia
Address: Moscow, Russia
Details: Request money for airfare so that she can come and visit me.
First reported: Kevin

Kateryna, Krasotha – Kiev, Ukraine
Address: 3 Volgogradskaya, apt.18, Kiev 03141
Phone: +38 044 469 41 20
Details: Typical scammer. Request airfare and visa money to visit.
First reported: Anonymous
Katrechko, Tetyana – Kiev Ukraine
Phone: 380.44.478.10.90
Address: Gnata Yuri Str., 3 Apt 61 ,Kiev, 03148, UA
Details: This woman is a gold digger!! She lets you visit in her country and gets you to pay for absolutely EVERYTHING! But not just for herself, for her friends aswell.
First reported: Ant
Kavyeyi, Marlene – Stockholm, Sweden
Details: Asking money to give it back to her friend Beata.
First reported: Kais

Kazankina, Svetlana (read also about Nina Simonova, Yuliya Zager, Elena Novoselova) – Tomsk / Yekaterinburg, Russia
Address: 634050, Russia, Tomsk city, Lenin street 30-20
Bank Details:
Name: Alfa bank
Address: Kirova SQ.,2, Tomsk, 634050
Details: Initiated contact by yahoo personals. After a few letters she claimed she was falling in love. She just recently asked to be with me ,her cousin works in one of the immigration buildings in Moscow she has asked for $350 for a K-2 visa.
First reported: Mark
Second reported: John

Kazimirova, Maria (AKA Irina Golomidova, Olga Bronnikova)- Kazan, Russia
Bank Details: AK BARS BANK, RUSSIA KAZAN city, KREMLEVSKAYA street, 8, 420111
Details: She wanted $350.00 for a visa and said she wanted to come to the U.S.
First reported: Cheetah

Kerillova, Natalia aka Kirilova, Natalia aka Chernysheva, Lyudmila aka Kiriilova, Natalya – Vladimir, Russia
Address: 601428 Vladimir, Vjaznikovsky area, Settlement Edon, Street Soviet H10
Details: I was contacted through and no mention of money at this time but a sob story of hardship after her husband and parents were killed. Looking back now there were many things that should have alerted me that something wasn’t right but I fell in love and well , yep it cost me $2,500USD.
First reported: Brett

Khisamova, Alina – Izhevsk, Russia
Address: Lenina Street, 36 ap 13, Izhevsk, Russia
Details: This girl hurts my feelings and tried to rob me. She has several different names and profile. This story needs to be published before another man is stolen from! She wanted money for visa and plane ticket to come to my county.
First reported: Yanng

Khnykina, Marina – Volzhsky, Russia
Phone: 7 844 351 1870
Address: 40 Let pobeda 13-1, Volzhsky, Russia 404133
Details: Request money for visa and airfares to visit you.
First reported: Mark

Kiseleva, Irina – St Petersburg, Russia
Details: Ads are placed on popular personals sites. When answer the ad, you find yourself corresponding through an agency in St Petersburg (non-existing agency Myriad of Hearts etc). The “agency” promises to fly Irina to you on a student exchange program, asking money for tickets and visa, and giving you deadlines when money should be paid, or “her visa expires”. “She” may call you and ask you to call “her” at the agency phone number. Money should be sent via Western Union or MoneyGram on the name of “agency manager” to Ekaterinburg.
NOTE: different pictures may be used
First reported: Robert

Kiseleva, Tatyana – Kazan , Russia
Address: Krasnokokshayskaya 86-12
Details: Request money for visa and airfares to visit you.
First reported: Mathew

Kiseleva, Yuliya – Shatovka, Russia
Address: Shkolnaya 2 to 10, Nigegorodskaya region, Shatovka, Russia
Details: Said she loved me and asked me to sent her money for her plane fight…used a fraudulent passport number and a visa number issued to someone in another country……aka …..Julia works as a cook in a restaurant.
First reported: Phil

Kislitsina, Ekaterina – Zlatoust/Ural, Russia
Address: Lomonosova 34-67, 456200
ICQ#: 218617690
Details: Contacted through Yahoo Personals. Typical “tickets/visa” scam. Says she loves me and wants to be with me, then asks for money. Also gives a website address for a little “kiss” video and attaches an .mp3 file of her voice.
First reported: Christian

Kiknadze, Tamara – Saransk City, Russia
Address: Saransk City, Russia, Lomonosova Street
Details: Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals in response to your ad. Declares her undying love for you after a few emails. Requests money for visa and passport.
First reported: Tony

Kipot, Marina – Samara, Russia
Address: Sofia Bank, Chkalova 90, Samara, 443001, Russia
Details: Declares her undying love for you after a few emails. Requests money for visa and passport to come and visit you.
First reported: Pelican
Kirienko, Elena – Omsk Russia
Address: 644109 RUSSIA, OMSK, MOTORNAYA 14, APT 3.
Details: Money request by western union on the scammer’s name, she ask 460 $. Told her that the money will be made only to the travel agency, she get very angry and ended the correspondense.
First reported: DaBigEzy

Kiriilova, Natalya aka Kirilova, Natalia aka Chernysheva, Lyudmila aka Kerillova, Natalia – Vladimir, Russia
Address: 601428 Vladimir, Vjaznikovsky area, Settlement Edon, Street Soviet H10
Details: I was contacted through and no mention of money at this time but a sob story of hardship after her husband and parents were killed.
Looking back now there were many things that should have alerted me that something wasn’t right but I fell in love and well, yep it cost me $2,500USD.
First reported: Brett

Kirlina (Zolotova), Natasha (Maria) – Samsara
Address: Russia Po box 424003, Chavayna bul’var(23-60), house23,apartment 60.
Details: Typical Visa/Ticket scammer.
First reported: Chad
Kirovinca, Elena – Kirov, Russia
Details: Your story (as detailed as possible): Elena contacted me and said she saw my profile on a dating site. She apologized for writing me without permission, but she is looking for love and if am looking for the same thing then maybe I would like to get to know her better. She claimed she was either a dental surgeon or an assistant to one. Every time I tried to clarify exact what she does, she would ignore my question. She told me of her childhood and how she has a brother that she doesn’t talk to that much. She spoke of her best friend, Marina. We sent emails daily for over 3 months. I told her early on that if the relationship progressed that I would never send her any money so, don’t ask for any. She assured me that if it came to the point where she would want to meet me, she would be able to pay for everything herself. I didn’t take her but two weeks to start professing her love for me but when I did not respond in kind she kinda back off of the love talk and just spoke of how close she felt we were becoming. Eventually she asked me if I would like to meet and I said yes. I gave her my name, address and phone number. She said she will pay for everything and let me know once she is on her way. She never once asked me for any money. Then I ran across this website of and read all of the stories here. That same evening that I found this website, Elena wrote me and used one of the storylines that I had read on the website. She claimed that she was short cash for the plane ticket and after hours of begging, the ticket agent let her make a partial payment with the balance due in 12 hours. She spoke of her disappointment in herself and her reluctance to ask me for help, but she finally did. She said I started to call you, but i did not want you to be angry with me so I wrote this email instead…(lol, wow really?). She asked for an amount in the mid $700 range for the balance of the plane ticket. I did not send her anything. If I had not read the same scam routine on, I might have sent the money. Instead, I wrote her a letter telling her that she hasn’t tried hard enough and if she really wants to come see me she wont make excuses, she will get the money. I suspect after that letter, I won’t be hearing from her anymore. Thank you and all those who shared their experiences.
First reported: Simple

Kirpichnikova, Oksana – Cheboksary, Russia
Postal address: street Mira23/6
Agency: WAYN
Details: She got in touch with me through WAYN. Each letter leads to the next slowly making sense that we must be together fully trusting each other in love enough to part with my money. I had a check done on her and the following is the result of the check: Here is a first part of the report. I found “Oksana Kirpichnikova” (aka Natalya Caregorodceva) is a complete fraud (see IP check). Address verification of Mira 23-6 in Cheboksary was failed, she never lived there. Actually “she” is a scammers group. Scam scenario: airfare and visa fraud. “She” has a multiple identity and the letters are pre-written. Scammers using a person, named “Oksana Kirpichnikova” for receiving money by Western Union.
First reported: Walter

Kirpichnikova, Olya – Kursantov, Russia
Address: Russian Federation. 424000 Podolskih Kursantov, 4-99
Details: Initiate contact through Yahoo Personals.
First reported: Jim

Kiryushina, Irena – Kiev, Ukraine
Details: Uses agency DBFV Agency Ltd. Trasferred money to the manager for translation/English lessons; visa, passport, and round-trip airline ticket; and the cost of operation for Irena’s Kiryushina’s mother. After all that they both disappeared.
First reported: Michael

Kislitsina, Olga -Penza, Russia
Address: 40600 Russia, City of Penza, Lenins prospect 24-3
Details: Tells you how little her salary is and how she does not know how she will pay this months rent. Asks for money for visa and airfare. Says her brother can help.
First reported: Chad

Kislova, Ekaterina – Krasnokamsk, Russia Federation
Address: Russia,617060, Krasnokamsk, Volodarsky street 34-12
Details: I met “Ekaterina Kislova” through I had just started my account and was not aware of the potential scams. “Her” ID on was Riverdaleld” and claimed to live in a suburb of Atlanta until “she” told me that the actually city was in Russia. Once we made contact on Match the account used by “Ekaterina” was canceled. Her one and only message from Match contained the email address we would communicate with: At first the conversation seemed legit because my questions were answered for the most part. However, “she” kept on saying that she could not do a video chat or did not have a phone number…hard to believe. We communicated for almost two weeks and shared several emails. I read suggestions which helped me identify this as a scam. I set up a fake email account and got the same introductory letter I received on my real email account. On my fake account, I told “her” that I was going to report “her” as a scam. Even then I received an additional email (lol). According to the IP information for she is form Leninsky prospekt, 12, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia, 424000 and phone number +7 (8362) 30-40-70
First reported: Baxter

Kitty aka Golubina, Anastasiya (Nastya) – Cheboksary, Russia, Maria Evdokimova, Julia, Anna – Ukraine, and Semyonova, Olga
Addresses: Cheboksary 428000, Charles-Marx’s Street 56-92 or 66-92. Of course it is a fake address.
2. Cheboksary, street of the world 80, apt. 145
3. Lobachevskogo the house 21 apt. 15 42000
Cities: Cheboksary, Kazan,Novocheboksarsk, Yoshkar-Ola, and Novosibirsk
4. Novosibirsk, Russia with a name Olga Semyonova on the
Email: She writes to XXX from UK and her name is Julia. Julia is on the scammers’ list on the She is now writes to XXX from USA. She tries to set up the place to meet She is writing now to XXX from Australia and asking XXX to send her money through the Western Union This is her email address she uses to write to me and her manager’s email: alian_99. Found her on the stop- She is Anna and from Ukraine. She write to XXX from Greece
Details: I have been scammed by this evil woman for $4900. I received 100+ letters from her.
First reported: Manny

Klyukina, Yulya (Julia) Yurievna – Ekaterinburg Russia
Address: Russia Ekaterinburg ul. Posadskaya 44/2-23
Details: Initiates the contact through personals sites. Seems sincere, suggests coming to visit you, with you financing the trip. Money needed for visa and airfare. Day of trip get an email about 20 hours after her supposed departure, written by her mother telling you that Julia was mugged in toilet in Moscow is in hospital and is going to die. And nothing further.
First reported: Done my doe

Klementeva, Elena – Cheboksary, Russia
Address: 4/66 Suvorova street Cheboksary 424006
Details: Initiates the contact through personals sites. Seems sincere, suggests coming to visit you. Money needed for visa and airfare. Once the large sum of money is sent, correspondence stops
First reported: Mustang

Klementeva, Olga – Cheboksary, Russia
Address: Lenina 31, Cheboksary, 428000, Russia
Details: This lady called is 29 years young and lives in Cheboksary, Russia. She wanted to come to the my country, but only I was only allowed to buy a plane ticket through the travel agency that she recommend. I wanted to buy E-ticket but that was not acceptable. We corresponded for three months but said that she will not be able to visit me if I do not buy the plane ticket through the travel agent that she recommend.
First reported: Rumplestiltskin

Klenova, Snezhana – Kazan, Russia
Details: Well known scammer with new names and address.
First reported: Dan

Kochergina, Olga (aka Olga Olenka)– Kirov, Russia
Address: Kirov, Russia
Details: Falls in love is desperate to come and meet me. -mails were pre-written. Would not provide me with address or phone number.
First reported: Rbrtjlln200

Kogevnikova, Julia- Russia
Address: 618250 Russia, Gubaha, street Lenina, 11-15
Details: Very convincing scammer. Does what you tell her to do to prove she really exists. Found out the she has been receiving money through Western Union from a lot of places. Asked money for round-trip ticket to you and for correspondence.
First reported: Gary

Kokovihina, Ekaterina (Katya)– Tver, Russia
Address: 26 Pobeda Street, apt.# 43, Tver, 170023, Russia.
Details: Initiated contact from a Dating Service. Falls in love quickly and couldn’t wait to meet you. She requested about $850 dollars for her plane ticket to America. She said she would pay the other $430 or so for her VISA.
First reported: John.S

Kolbanya Mariya – Kinel, Russia
Address: Zolinskaya street 27a, Samara Oblast, Kinel, Russia
Details: This Mariya something or others has been emailing for the last few weeks. I’ve been playing along to see what the scam is. She tells me that she needs to buy a ticket to come to the US and she did. But now she says it has to be round trip and if I can send her $600. Its funny she wants me to mail the money to her travel agent Svetlana Plotnikova, at st Chkalovskaya 67 flat 12, Russia.
First reported: Sean

Koldyreva, Elena (aka Shakirova, Ludmila) – Orenburg, Russia
Details: Initiates contact through personals sites. Uses the same letters just changes a few words. Requests money for visa and tickets. Now listed at American Singles site.
First reported: Michael
Second reported: LarryG819

Kolesnikova, Maria- Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Address: Street October 35, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia
Details: I’m not worried about getting my money back, I just thought I’d pass on what details I had, and you can pass it on to whoever you think needs to or cares to know about it. So I had met only briefly met a girl on a dating website, in fact she emailed me first, and after about 2 months she asked me for money for cost of her visa and tickets to Australia. So not being completely stupid, and slightly hesitant, I got her to send me a picture of her with something written on it like “I love you”, so I know it was definitely her pictures that she had been sending me. I also looked on all the Russian black list dating scam websites, and did not find anything that matched any details she had given me. So I sent her 1300 dollars that she needed. I had also email the travel agent she was using to find out more details. so onwards through correspondence she had told me that she had travelled to Moscow
where she had to pick up her visa and next day board the plane. But then she said she was told that she would have to show 2500 dollars to prove what money she was to live on in Australia. I told her there was no way I could come up with that money. She then a day later said she had spoken to customs and they would let her through with only showing 1000 dollars so that sounded a bit suspicious. So I spoke to the Australian embassy in Russia and was told there was no record of her applying for a visa. So wanting to get some more info out of her I had her send a copy of her Passport. Thinking a scammer wouldn’t be silly enough to do that, but she did, whether or not its fake, you guys might still be able to track it. Then when I told her that I couldn’t send that 1000 dollars I haven’t heard from her since. So I’ll pass on what details I have to you and you can do with them what you sill.
First reported: Luckedout

Kolosovskaja (aka Kolossovskaia, Kolossovskaiak), Kristina (aka Julja, Aleksandra) – Tallin-Moskau-Tverskaja oblast, Estland-Russia
Address: 2702 13802 Tallin Estonia-Shevchenko 21 121151 Moscow-Vavilova 11 117312 Moscow
Details: Typical visa/ticket scam.
First reported: Guido

Komarova, Natalia (aka Elena Novikova, Svetlana Kashkova, Ekaterina Derevyashkina, Larisa Komova etc) – Magadan, Russia (Chelyabinsk, Russia)
Phone: +496-950-5068
Address 1: Pushkin 43-90, Magadan, Russia
Address 2: 107 Darvina Street, 22 Chelyabinsk City 454087 Russian Federation
Details: Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals in response to your ad. Informs that she can obtain visa to your country with the help of travel agency, then asks for money for tickets, then for insurance.
First reported: Lost Dog
Second reported: Charles

Komelina, Irina – Russia
Details: Use Fake Passport
First reported: Thomas

Komelina or Vasilieva, Tatyana – Mari El, Russia
Postal Address: zip 425210, Republic Mari El, Medvedevsky area, Post office Shoibylak
Address: Russia, Elabuga,street Lenina 12-2
Details: Invalid Address and requesting money. She is very aggressive in demanding money.
First reported: David G.

Komova, Larisa (aka Elena Novikova, Svetlana Kashkova, Ekaterina Derevyashkina etc) – Tuymen, Russia
Address: 46 ORDJONIKIDZE STR, Tyumen, Russia
Details: Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals in response to your ad. Informs that she can obtain visa to your country with the help of “her friend” who works in travel agency, then asks for money for tickets, then for insurance.
First reported: Eric Jones

Komarova Natalya/Natasha (aka Evgenya – Chelyabinsk, Russia
Address: 107 Darvina Street, 22 Chelyabinsk City 454087 Russian Federation
Details: Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals in response to your ad. Asks for money for tickets and visa
First reported: Lost
Second reported: Powderhound

Kondratyeva, Irina aka Yandulova, Irina – Kazan, Russia
Address: Street Dekabristov 169 flat 62, Kazan Russia
Details: Initialize contact through Yahoo personals. Found scammer details about her on web later.
First reported: Aaron

Kondrusova, Olga/Agency”Aurora” – Lugansk, Ukraine
Address: Ukraine Lugansk 90040, Lenin street
Details: Personal Ad placed on which uses The story, she needs the services of the translation agency “Aurora”, which also provides a wide range of services such as English lesson, flowers, postcards, or anything else. Very quickl Story was that she can no longer pay for the translation services of this agency. Payment details came from the so called agency “Aurora” for payment via Western Union. The receiver was to be the “Manager” Gelena Artemenko.
First reported: Cautious

Kononova, Tatyana – Surgut Russia
Details: Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals in response to your ad. Informs that she can obtain visa to your country with the help of travel agency, then asks for money for tickets, then for insurance.
First reported: Tom

Korobova, Marina (Masha) – Novosibirsk, Russia
Phone: 7 252-74-46, 232-00-59
Fax: 7 232-00-59
Address: Novosibirsk, Russia
Details: Initiated contact from Adultloveline dating site. Then the money for Visas questions and she answered questions about life in Russia and family. I think that everything is real, but after the money questions started, questions were not answered. Then money and money and money questions, then she has ticket money becasue grandmother has sold jewerly for her, but she needs insurance money. I know that she cannot leave Russia and I have to visit her. So I bluff about going to INS and tallking with Russian Visa Official and how he made me bring a picture and go through a scam artist book and my insurance company would cover her trip. She never wrote back.
First reported: Rey

Koroleva, Lubov (Luba, Nadegda leontyieva (Nadia), Tatyana Egorova (Tanya)) – Dzerzhinskiy, Russia
Address: street pushkina house 10 dzerzhinskiy 140056
Details: Write poetic letters and very romantic. Ask for money to come to you. When requested money is sent, she disappear. Now listed at American Singles site, and
First reported: Richard

Korosteleva, Yuliya – Kirs, Russia
Address: Kirs, Russia
Details: Was contacted on, first red flag was that she was 27, I am 48. Of course that did not matter to her/him (who ever?). Claimed to be a music teacher in Kirs, Russia. Asked a lot of question at first about job, family and desires. Answered most questions but not all, claimed she did not have a phone but would have one soon. Sent multiple pictures including ones she claimed was her mother, father and friend. Claimed her father was in the Russia military and was killed in Afghanistan when she was 3 years old. Played the I love you card in 2 weeks and was making arrangements to travel to the US. Then sent the forgive email didn’t realize how much it would cost. Then when asked they had an itemized list. Never directly asked for money yet but need $850 to obtain VISA. After tracking IP discover she was using theBat email client with yahoo mail.
First reported: PaulMM

Korotkova, Anna – Saratov, Russia
Address: ul. Tomskaya d 15, kv 25, Saratov, Saratovskaya, 410049, Russian Federation
Details: I recently met a girl Anna Korotkova from Saratov Russia, she contacted me a few months ago saw my profile on Facebook, we have sent letters back and forth for about three months until recently she asked for 500 euros to go to Moscow to get visa to come to the USA. I told her I could not do it and she went mad, I never hear from her again everything was fine until I refused to send money. I want to report her so that the next man she contacts knows her story.
First reported: Thomas

Korovina, Alexandra – Ivanovo, Russia
Phone: 38-0692-440-393
Address: Zharova 10-300 Ivanovo, Ivanovskaja Oblast, Russia
Bank Details: Vneshtorgbank varentsovi,13 Ivanovo, 153000
Details: Initiates the contact herself through yahoo personals. Ask to help pay for her tickets to meet you. Never return the letter after asking for the copy of her air ticket.
First reported: Samuel Long

Korsun, Irina – Sebastopol, Ukraine
Phone: 38-0692-440-393
Address: Ostrykova 87-164. Sebastopol 99011
Details: Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals in response to your ad. Informs that she can obtain visa to your country with the help of travel agency, then asks for money for tickets, and airfare.
First reported: Irina777

Koryagina, Irina – Samara, Russia
Address: 443035 Samara Street, Nagornaya 124-42
Details: Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals in response to your ad. Requests money for visa and airfare to visit you in your country. Also asks for money for a trip to Moscow to obtain the visa. Infomrs you she has recieved it, then disappears and never arrives in your country.
First reported: Shelby
Koshelenko, Alla – Donetsk, Ukraine
Address: Druzhby street 24/15 Donetsk – 36, Ukraine.
Phone: 380622 239509
Details: Initiated contact through Interfriendship from Germany. Ask money to come to you. Uses fake pictures, the girl do no exist.
First reported: Christoph
Second reported: Otmar
Third reported: Ake

Koshevenko, Lida (aka Eleonora Belova) – Odessa, Ukraine
Address: Osipova 28, Apt 34 zip 65004
Details: Uses the photo of International Model. Initiated contact. The e-mail appeared to come from Bride.Ru. I don’t think the agency sent it knowingly. She includes several links to geocity websites that never work. The English is poor, the pitch is unsophisticated. In spite of quickly “falling in Love”, she did not even use my name until a very recent letter. She did not directly answer many of the questions I asked. Immediately falls in love with me and wants to come out here. Asks for $308 for a visa.
First reported: Rob
Second reported: The punisher
Third reported: Chris

Koshkina (aka Nika), Eugenia
Details: Same as everyone, contacted through Yahoo personals. Falls in love after 2 weeks and wants $300.00 for visa documents and then wants $695.00 more for airfare.
First reported: Lemonkrate

Kososplova, Yulia aka Lativa, Riga aka Lubimova, Svetlana – Nizhni Novogorad , Russia
Meeting place:
Her age: supposed 28 years old
Her occupation: Kindergarten teacher
Her phone number: was denied
Her address: was denied
Details: Her photos are of Photos of Yulia Kososplova. started to understand this was a scam when I could not send her a gift. Luckily I was not played and have not been gone after by this person yet. Report it have fun. Ta ta
First reported: Paul

Kosova, Ira – Lugansk, Ukraine
Address: Gagarina Bl 14-B, 90045 Luhansk, Ukraine
Details: Ira has a profile posted on MatchDoctor. After 2 letters a request comes for money as the girl’s account is over. The money is to be sent to either the manager Angela Nedobega or Ira Kosova which means that someone with this name really exists most likely. The mailing address of this Bonita Agency is Alexseeva 4/15, 90040 Lugansk, Ukraine. The director of this SCAM AGENCY is Alika Uzanova.
First reported: Bart

Kostareva, Olga – Pskov, Russia
Address: Rokossovskogo 13, Pskov,180024, Russia
Details: I though I have found my great love when I met Olga Kostareva from Russia. It was a new experience. She gave me her bank details and address and we corresponded for almost half a year, we wrote to us every day. She became my great love. She obtained a passport, I paid for the flight and visas. It was expensive for me. I paid € 2465.00 so that she can visit me. On the way to the airport she told me she had an accident and never board the flight. That was the last time I have heard from her, she disappeared.
First reported: Detlev

Koval, Nataliya – Novouralsk, Russia
Address: Novouralsk, Russia
Details: She contacted my through American singles. She was supost to travel through istravel to Denver, Co. I sent her money for tour and to show custom for living minimum. She claimed to get mugged on the way home from bank, said she was at police for 4 hours making report.
First reported: Axminester

Kovalenko, Inna (Lera) – Samara, Russia
Postal address: 122 Nagornaya #32, Samara Russia 443035 (no such address)
Phone number: 79276818897
Details: I was contacted on a singles website. She confessed in first email that she actually lived in Russia & didnt want there to be any lies between us. We exchanged emails & ideas about what we were looking for in a mate, about our families, interests, etc. She became very attached very quickly & then we began discussing meeting each other. I had suspisions & decided to probe for more information. She went to a travel agent & began to collect information & prices for a visa & plane tickets. Of course she did not have enough money for all the expenses & asked for my help. After a little research I learned that several facts did not add up. I asked for a phone to the travel agent & this is the info she gave me…Sigma Tur, Aleksander was the agent’s name, email, & phone 79276818897. The email I was writing to her on is I ran some searches on the internet & pulled up scam sites with her pictures, as well as other girl’s pictures & the same phone number.
First reported: Carl

Kovalenko, Natalia – Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Phone: +79034076396, +79282605232, +78632957048
Address: Saratovskaya 5 ap. 29, 344039, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Details: She meets you in person and ask you to pay for everything. When she got enough money out of you she dump you. The one on the phone is definitely not her in person as the one on the phone can speak proper English.
First reported: Janne in my story

Kovaleva, Natalia (Maria, Oksana, Angela, Olga etc) – St.Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7-812-2453356
Address: Russia, St Petersburg 194100 B. Sampsonievski pr.80-3
Details: Says that her mother (father, neighbor) works in a travel agency, and can easily receive a tourist visa to USA/your country, asking for money for the visa and plane tickets. Sends many emails (daily) nothing much personal but totally focused on her coming to the USA/your country. Asks that the money be sent via Western Union to Natalia Kovaleva, “her mother” (neighbor).
First reported: John

Kovaleva, Svetlana – Aberdeen, Russia
Postal address: Russia 423566, Perm street Lomonosova, the house 38 apartment 27
Her bank: 19 PERM 614068 RUSSIA
Details: got my address off yahoo personals
some how, and sent about 20 e-mails and 3 different pics each time, before asking for 400 dollars western union. knew it was a scam after about 3 e-mails because she never answered any questions directly. Untill the end when they wanted money.
First reported: Kenn

Kovaleva, Svetlana – Orenburgskaya Oblast, Orsk, Russia
Postal Address: street, Gagarnia 462431,House 37 apt. 90
Details: No agency was used. This Svetlana contacted me through I was first contacted by this, Svetlana Kovaleva on My Space. I was asked to write to the address, She costantly asked for $400 so that she could get a passport/visa. After a while, I asked for her to get it herself…
I have not heard from this Svetlana since then.
First reported: Timothy

Kovaleva, Svetlana – Orlov, Russia
Age: 30
Postal address: 38 Lomonosova street apartment 27, 423566
Details: request for visa funds took just 13 days.
First reported: Mark

Kovalshuk, Svetlana (aka Lyudmila Kolomiec, Lyudmila Kolomiyets, Lyudmila Savchenko, Valentina Ponomareva) – Ivano-Frankovsk / Berdichev, Ukraine
Phone: 380(414) 34 04 62
Address: Sverdlova 71-96, Berdichev, 13300, Ukraine
Details: Very convincing scammer. Request money for her visa and air-ticket to fly to you. By the time she is supposed to see you at the air-port, she never showed up.
First reported: Peter

Kovaleva Tatiana – Kremenchuk, Ukraine
Phone: 0677448578
Address: Kremenchuk, Ukraine
Details: I was in contact about a year ago through with this person. We chatted , exchanged e mail , SMS, spoke on the phone but I made the mistake not to make a skype call to see her! She often and repeatedly hinted at making a trip or travelling together and i think this is how she is scamming people through plane tickets , visa and so on as she is in the travel business. I never paid anything though but decided to meet her and went to Kremenchug ( 300 km south of Kiev) . When I first saw her at the station and she looked closer to 55 or even 60 than 35 and was completely overweight , and was also with another lady working with her, I felt the scam immediately. She was completely different from the photos she sent me!!
First reported: Peter

Kovalchuk, Viktoria – Moscow, Russia
Address: SKovalchuk Viktoria – Moscow, Russia
Details: I was talking to a girl on who kept asking for money for tuition for school, claimed she lived with her grandmother who could not help her, etc. In any event, I kept talking to “her” and tricked her and as soon as she found out that I knew she told me to fuck myself and blocked me. I reported her account to VK and am waiting on them to respond. Hopefully she doesn’t scam some poor fool into giving her money so she can “finish her degree”.
First reported: Kendrick

Kovtonyuk, Svetlana – Kharkov, Ukraine
Address: Kharkov, Ukraine
Details: Use pre written letters. Hardly answer any question. Ask for money for correspodence and translation. Meet her at the Abselute agency site
First reported: Petter

Kozlova, Tatyana/Tanysha – Cheboksary, Russia
Date of birth: 3 April 1975
Address: Russian Federation City, Cheboksary, Lenin 26 Street, Cheboksary, Russia
E-mail address:
Details: Tatyana/Tanysha started writing to me earlier this year but I deleted the 1st of her emails thinking she would not write to me again but then we both started to correspond on a regular basis. I started to keep all our emails since then. We then slowly started to fall for each other. She started making plans about coming over to England for 5th March & told me how much the flight & visa would cost. She sought help to get money from her friend Liza (Lisa?) & myself which I helped out twice. (See attached receipts). As we had been corresponding a lot almost everyday she stopped writing around 23 Feb & a few days later I received several emails from her aunt?/mother? saying that she had been involved in a car accident on 23rd Feb & that he friend Lisa(?) died. Those emails were written in russian which of course I couldnt read! I had to pay a russian translator via the internet to translate it to english.
There was several emails written by her mother/aunt that didnt seem right although I was given the name of the hospital by Tanysha’s mother/aunt? to check. I got the assistance of the Community Interpreting Service to ring the hospital in Cheboksary to check of Tanysha’s whereabouts. I was told that her name did not exist & the calls were made several times. The hospital could not verify that she was there….. Her mother/aunt? begged me to send them money to help save Tanysha’s life so many times for the operations etc. (See emails) & said it was true that her daughter/niece was in hospital. They even sent me few photos of her in her sick bed. My suspicious to get worse & despite me asking for more information etc they bombarded me requesting me for money. They were happy to give me the name of the doctor, address etc. I even wrote to the hospital to check as well as to Tanysha’s home. No replies from them.
My suspicious grew worse & worse so I contacted Igor of the Russian Embassy in 13 Kensington Palace Gardens, London W8 4QX, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 207 229-3628, 229-2666. It was a while before I managed to get Igor to call the hospital & he confirmed that there was no Tanysha. I told Tanysha’s mother/aunt(?) about all this but still they continued to convince me that Tanysha is still in hospital He gave me an email address of the embassy to report about the scam but after several emails sent to them they did not want to know so I tried the British Embassy in Moscow & still they didnt answer my emails!!!
I have already told the mother/aunt (her name & date of birth is in one of the attached emails) that I need proof & not only that but unable to help as I had already helped Tanysah on both occasions. We have both stopped corresponding.
I am asking you for help to let other people be aware of this & also these people mu7st be caught. I also would like my money returned. I am not a rich man but it hasw been very hard for me getting the money to help which I foolishly did.
My opinion is I feel Tanysha is being controlled by a group of people – could be some men, her family etc out to cheat on the vulnerable, innocent people? I really thought Tanysha loved me. On two occasions I sent her a chocolate box & a small cuddly toy which Tanysha claims have not received them. She did admit that her aunt was very much against our relationship.
First reported: Ken
Kozlova, Tatyana – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Phone: +7 (8362) 631202, +7 (8362) 993092
Address: 424019 Mari El Republic, Yoshkar-Ola, Dimitrova 60-33, Russia
Details: Requested money for living expenses, private English tuition for her and for her son, visit an osteopath to treat her backache, for summer camp, for repairs to her electrical appliances, for a new toilet pan, designer clothes, a new mobile phone, medicines for her mother, taxi cards, debt to one of her girlfriends, monthly agency fees for letter translation.
First reported: Nigel

Kozubenkov, Alexander – Kiev, Ukraine
Address: Budennogo St. 127 Apt. 3 93010 Rubezhnoye 10, Lugansk Region, Ukraine
Details: Initiated contact through Gay.Com personals. Claims that he is ex-Russian military cadet and presently an air traffic controller. Writes detailed letters about family, father is ex-fighter pilot, etc. Falls in love quickly. Wants to move to US and can’t afford it. Requested money for visa and tickets via Western Union to move. He said if the money isn’t sent quickly, he will be forced to sign a contract with the Russian government which prohibits him from contacting any foreigners for five years. When hestitated to send money the amount of money request drops from $3000 to $200.
First reported: Longstreet

Kozynenko Marina – Aktau – Republic Kazakhstan
Address: 7 microdistric apartman23, Aktau, 130003, Republic Kazakhstan
Phone: +79379328904
Email: kozynenkomarina@gmail
Details: Unfortunately I am also scammer victim,3 months ago I got email ( date side) one Kazakhstan girl, who want contact me. I before never hear about scam, and I start this contact, she 1 month after falling love with me, and the story after classic visa and ticket scam. I was naive and send 300 pound the visa, she want more 700euro to ticket, this not like me because I found ticket 350 euro on net, she told me this not good because just own agency can buy ticket this point I know I am victim. I not send more money of course not hear more.
First reported: Ime

Kozyreva, Angela – Kiev / Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Phone: 38-056-797-77-49
Address: Naberezhnaya St, 12-26 49003, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Details: Very convincing scammer. She knows all the details about visa and flights. Everything she said is true. She could even proved that she is actually booked with the flight that she is coming to you. On the day of flight, her bag was stolen and she couldn’t leave because her uncle is in prison. After she admitted that she is a scammer who is looking after her 2 years old son and the person in the photo is not her.
First reported: Jonathan

Krasina, Tatyana – Russia, Krasnodar
Address: Russia, Krasnodar territory, city of Norilsk, street of a Victory 8-13.
Details: initiates the contact through the personals sites. Asks for money for visa and airfare
NOTE: different sets of photos can be used
First reported: David

Kraslava, Uliya – Kraslava, Latvia
Address: st. Tirgus, 45 – 12, LV-5600, Kraslava, Latvia
Email: and
Details: Contacted me through – a typical prewritten letter sent to probably all new profiles on the site. She fell in love within a few days and started asking for money for a ticket.
And some very similar information I found elsewhere on another anti-scam site:
Uliya Suslova – Latvia Kraslava St.Tirgus,35-12,LV-5600 Kraslava
Uliya Kraslava – Latvia Kraslava St.Tirgus, 45-12, LV-5600
Uliya – Latvia Kraslava St Tirgus, 45 – 12,LV – 5600, Kraslava
First reported: AntiScam

Krasnova, Olga – Saint Petersburg, Russia
Address: Barmaleeva ul., 7-7, St Petersburg, 197136, Russia
Phone: +7+812+2339994
Details: Met her on Foreign Affair. Actually met her in person on several occasions and have many contacts via email and phone. One day she said there was a two-week tour to Australia costing US$3,500. I paid for it then she said her visa application (which was never done) was declined. Never heard from her again.
First reported: Gene

Krasnova, Nadezhda – Ekaterinburg, Russia
Address: Ekaterinburg, Russia
Details: Typical visa/ticket scam. She couldn’t pay for the air ticket because she has sick mother. And then the mother die.
First reported: Talon9603

Kravets, Elena aka Kyian, Elena – Nikolaev, Ukraine
Phone: +38050-166-12-83
Details: I contacted this girl through A Foreign Affair, however I found her on over 20 sites after the SCAM All but one website removed her, and that site is Why they keep her on there makes me wonder the legitimacy of their intentions. I had communicated with her mostly by phone and SMS. I invited her to Kiev from Nikolaev. She said she would take a taxi which was $200 each way. I contacted the a few taxi companies and they said, yes, the price was correct. When she arrived at my hotel I paid her so she could pay the driver. She handed him money, how much I did not see. The security guard told me it was a Kiev taxi, then he asked the driver where he picked her up, and he replied the bus station. Oh well, I could have man handled her for the money, but who knows what kind of charge she would have trumped on me if I had done so. Had he asked 30 seconds earlier, would have avoided the whole mess. Had I not locked the double dead bolt which needed a key to open, I think she would have sneaked out during the night. I should have thrown her out, but I have a conscience. BEWARE she is ruthless! She came with no luggage. I can only assume she was going to have me buy her clothes for the 4 days…
First reported: Asa

Krestyaninova, Marina – Cheboksary, Russia
Address: Republic Chuvashya, 420097
Gagarina , 77
Details: Visa/ticket scam
First reported: not easily scammed

Krikorjants, Elena Dmitrievna (aka Yelena Krikoriants) – Omsk Siberia, Russia
Address: Omsk Siberia Russia 644403 volochaevskaia 172h-50
Details: Stole more than 1258 dollars for passport, visa and travle tickets then tourist trip in Europe to meet you.
First reported: Oliver

Krinicina, Marina – Kaluga, Russian Federation
Agency: Single Me
Details: She wrote me letter wanting to get to know me, we wrote back and forth for 5 weeks before she said she would like to meet me and that she was scheduled for her vacation and would not have another opportunity. She told me she would cover everything from her savings. After another 2 weeks she sent me a copy of her visa. And then she gave me dates for her flight. On the night she was supposed to fly out she e-mailed and asked for $250 because she had no money and they would not let her on the plane as a tourist to USA with no money. I wired the money to her and got an email the next day that she had gotten mugged and was in the hospital with a broken rib and damaged spleen but had some access to a computer. She said she had to have surgery and would be in the hospital for 2 weeks. AFter 10 days I received an email from her friend in Russia telling me that she was very sick and needed surgery but did not have money for it and needed $220 for surgery. I work with a Russian lady who told me that there are no charges for any hospital visits in Russia. I had her email her friend back in Russian to tell her she had a trip planned to Moscow and would bring her the money to help me out. There has been no contact since that time.
First reported: Roger

Kruchinina, Elena (AKA Ludmila Tarasova) – Irkutsk, Russia
Address: 79 Novaya, Selehov 663020
Bank Details
Phone: 7-395-2432678
Details: Sad story about mother dying in child birth, very lonely, seems very excited about contact, acts stupid or at least unaware, Visa and ticket scam. After I sent money for a ticket she stopped replying.
First reported: sucker

Krylova, Natalya – Cheboksary, Russia
Details: Ticket scam. I met this girl through and not through a dating agency.
First reported: Andrew

Kryukova, Darya aka Malina – Kirovsk, Leningrad region, Russia
Postal address: 33-7 Lenina Street, Kirovsk, Leningrad region, Russia 184227
Details: Her profile name was “findreason3”; the name she went by was “malina”, and later she gave me her supposed real name “Darya Kryukova”. There was no direct request for money, but this person was setting the scene to eventually ask the inevitable question. I also received quite a few pics, so I have attached those as well. (I even received one that was supposedly of her parents!) Websites like are doing a great service by posting names and pics of these scammers.
First reported: Marty

Ksenia – Izhevsk, Russia
Details: Well-known scammer listed at
detailed.php?id=3001213. Using model picture.
First reported: Bobby

Details: Request money for correspondence
First reported: Dave

Kudryashova, Veronika – Moscow, Russia
Address: Russia, city Moscow, Lenina street, house 45, flat 78.
Details: Use the same email and name. One is divorced and one is not. Same pre-written letters. Fell in love and request money.
Details from second scam: I’m a divorced man from Canada. I decided to see what the internet dating scene is all about, so I decided to meet some people on Lavalife. I got an email from Veronika from Lavalife (It was sent collect – go figure…). I decided to read it, I replied with my email address. Shortly after I got an email from her (the first one listed here). I went to about 5 emails before realizing something was fishy. I started to realize that something was wrong when she would only answer questions at the bottom of my emails and not in the middle or top. She made it so that she did not have a phone number to call, address to write too. I asked her for pictures of her with her friends or family… she had none… that was the red flag. At email 6 I ran a search on her name, email address and content of pretty much all of her emails…. Every one came up with a match with slight differences at the bottoms of her emails (where she answers your questions). I found tons of information on her, like pictures she hasn’t even sent me yet, as well as other aliases (same pictures, different names). The following is what I found for other aliases: Ekaterina Smirnova, Tatiana Veserina, Irina Chivanova. All aliases have the same email bodies as Veronika with slight variations. Then I found pictures of different girls with the same email content! This sounds like either a network of scam artists or one VERY horrible guy who is sucking people into this web. Based on stories and other reports of this person, she has successfully scammed thousands of dollars from people… I was able to catch it before I got scammed because of people writing these reports. I am returning the favor… PLEASE, WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT SEND MONEY TO ANYBODY! YOU EITHER VISIT HER FIRST OR BUY HER TICKETS YOURSELF! Also there are flower delivering/anti-scam agencies that will send flowers to her personally and make sure that the address / profile match; hence make sure she isn’t some burley guy with a beer gut!
First reported: Chris
Second reported: Cory

Kudryavtseva, Svetlana Petrovna (AKA Sveta) – Orel, Russia
Address: 302019, Russia, city Orel, Chasovaja street, house 45, flat 68
Email: and
Bank Details – Westernunuion ( Orel)
Account #: 302028
Address: Russia, the city of Orel, street of Oktjabrskaja, 20
Phone: (086-2) 47-49-50.
User name: Kudryavtseva Svetlana Petrovna
Account #: 42301840300171000141
Details: Met her from Fell in love after 4th email. Request money.
First reported: Sasha

Kukleva¸ Tatyana(Tanya) – Magnitogorsk, Russia
Postal address: 7-48 Sovetskiy, Magnitogorsk, Russia.
Phone number: 73519310972
Cell phone number: 79090921672
E-mail address:
Details: At first she asks for money for the internet. Later she tells me that she finds out that she has Hepatitis C and wants money for medical care. She admits she was a heroin addict and prostitute for 2 years, she is 26 years old. Later she says she owes money to drug dealers and they will kill her if they to not get the money. She tells so many lies that she can not keep up. Most of our correspondence was thru the phone, or MSN messenger, or webcam. She is a real person. She just keeps asking for money to support her drug habit.
First reported: Dick

Kuklina, Tatyana – Kirov, Russia
Address: Russia, Kirov, street Lenina, the house 38, an apartment 19
Details: I can only report Tatyana as a potential, however as soon as I missed her deadline for sending money she no longer answered letters and stopped writing.
First reported: Geoffrey

Kulakov, Andreya – Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Phone: 996(502)354-180
Address: Kulakov Andreya, Kyrghyz Republic, Bishkek, Manasa 130/21, 720000
Details: initiates the contact through the personals sites. Uses prewritten letters. Asks for money for visa and airfare
First reported: Walter

Kulakova, Lyudmila – Cholpon, Kyrgyzstan
Address: Kyrghyz Republic Cholpon. Suvanberdiev 106
Details: Asks for money for visa and airfare under cover of a fake marriage agency; Marriage Agency ‘ANGEL’ – Best Marriage Agency in Kyrgizstan
First reported: Stan

Kulpena , Svetlana – Abakan, Russia
Address: Abakan, Russia.
E-mail address:
Details: This girl by the name of Svetlana Kulpena played a scam on me and after sending her 1500 USD she disappear and emails are not going through and she never showed up in the USA like she said.
She contacted me through Yahoo personals and we became friends. Her story was she’s all alone as her parents have died in an automobile accident a year ago. She said that she liked me on the first sight when she saw me on yahoo and wanted to be my friend and maybe future lovers or couple. She said that she work for a factory which manufacture navigational system in Abakan Russia. She wanted to come and visit the USA on her vacation as a tourist. She said doesn’t make much money as her salary was only 150 USD a month and she has saved but not enough money to go on vacation. After months of communications she finally got a US Visa and sent a copy to me (attached to this email) I helped her by sending her 500 USD to purchase her return ticket and she sent me the flight schedule and asked me to pick her up upon arrival. A day before her departure on Dec 25 2005, she email and said she was at the airport to check in so that she won’t miss the flight but when she got there the officials will not let her check-in because she didn’t have any money on her and they told her that American authorities will not let her enter the USA if she is traveling without any money because she has a tourist visa and tourists are suppose to carry at least 1000 USD for them to enter USA. She pleaded with me and asks me to send her the money to declare to them and board the next flight so that all her efforts will not be in vain and her dreams of coming to America will be fulfilled and she will hand over my money to me once I pick her up on arrival. It was a desperate moment for her as she narrated so I did that for her and waited but she was neither on the next flight nor the following flight. I wrote to her email address but it bounced back to me. The following is her Full name and address and the last email letter that she wrote to me and attached are some of the photos and the visa copy that she sent to me overtime.
First reported: Dan

Kunetc, Anna – Lugansk, Ukraine
Details: I wrote to her and she wrote me back with very sweet, romantic letters. After 2 letters I was contacted by an agency named Glory-club, I was told she had no more money for correspondence, letter translations and such. She needed 99.00 per month for unlimited
translations. I sent her money for this. I also sent her a good deal of money to buy a computer so we could email directly since months had passed
and I had already sent her money for English lessons. It was already too late when I got suspicious, but I decided to write her at her dating website from another persons profile. What do you know, she loved me she said but wrote back right away to this other guy! Then, just like me, she asked for money for correspondence after 3 letters. In fact, the first 2 letters I got from her were the same exact letters that this other guy’s profile received. If you have any more questions, please write. I’ve been scammed, but I hope this gets posted quickly with her picture so noone else does
First reported: Roberto

Kuprieva, Natalya (Natasha) – Lugansk, Ukraine
Bank Details: Western Union
Stepnoy, 18, 160 Lugansk 91015, Ukraine
Details: Typical scammer.
First reported: Ajeit

Kurganova, Olya – Petrozavodsk, Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk,
Street Marshal Meretskov, 11
Phone: + 7 8921 226 10 82
Details: Contacted me through… saying she was Swedish. Sent an email address, I responded, and found out she was Russian, a policewoman in north west Russian, asked me to use Skype, said Skype was not allowed. I was suspicious now…likewise her telephone number shouldn’t not be dialled, and she could use her phone to call me! So called me from a call box. Said Facebook was disallowed in Russia, so I knew now this was a scam, but she asked for no money but was declaring love etc. Today I received an email for a travel agent not asking for money but showing me a total of 490 Euro for expenses related to Olya visiting UK.
First reported: ER

Kurmakova, Svetlana – Uralskiy, Russia
Address: Appart 78, House 5, Sovetskaya Street, Uralskiy, Russia 650056
Details: Intelligent women with a graduate knowledge but particularly naive at visa processing case. She requested money for visa/ticket to visit to you. It is typical scammer behaviour and story that they use. She uses the ancient ruble coin story and also how her friend married through a dating service to a man in Chicago.
First reported: Mark

Kushakova, Marina – Ussuriysk, Russia
Address: Ussuriysk, Russia
Details: Found me on MSN Latin Amor singles listings. She proposed marriage just over a week of correspondence.
First reported: Kevin B.

Kuvshinova, Natalia/Zenaida Petrova/ Olga Yurievna/Olga Yurevna (Kazan, Russia) – Irkutsk (Ekaterinburg, Saratov etc), Russia
Address: Sovetskay 58 – 25, Irkutsk, Russia and many others
Email: and others
Details: Typical “visa and tickets” scam. Initiates the contact through a personals website, falls in love with you, wants to visit you, asks money for visa and tickets, then insurance. Prewritten letters. Your questions may be answered in the form of PS.
NOTE: different pictures may be used
First reported: Gary

Kurochkina, Irina – Kirov, Russia
Address: Russia, Kirov, street lenina 12-76
Details: Typical “visa and tickets” scam. Falls in love with you, wants to visit you, says her mother works in a travel agency and she won’t have a problem with a visa.Asks for partial money for plane ticket.
First reported: FromMilano

Kuzminyh, Anna (Anyuta) – Tomsk, Russia
Address: 634000 Russia, Tomsk city, LEBEDEVA Street 11-7
Details: Contacted me through Yahoo Personals. Didn’t answer any question. Thanks to Google and your site, i found out that she is a scammer.
First reported: Lonely_Ranger

Kuznetsov, Ilya – Cheboksary, Russia
Postal address: 4/23 Lenina Street
Email address:
Details: Typical “visa and tickets” scam. Falls in love with you, wants to visit you, asks money for visa and tickets via Western Union.
First reported: David

Kuznetcova, Tatyana (Tanya) – Irkutsk, Russia
Address: Russia, 678876 IRKUTSK, koneva st. 23-98
Details: Asked for money for visa and tickets
Reported: Anton
Note: two sets of photos have been used.

Kuzovkova, Snechinca or Tatyana – Votkinsk, Russia
Postal address: #23 Pushkina st.
Details: she was writing to me wanting me to send her money through the Western Union she was using the e-mail address, I did not send any money to her, but became suspicious when she kept requesting money after I had initially said that I would not. Then enquiring into the possibility that this was a scam artist noticed her photo on your site under the name Semyonova and it all made sense. I hope this person gets caught as it is a awful thing that she is doing to people that are wanting to believe in the ability to trust another good person, obviously it is not always so.
First reported: Kirstin

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