Russian Scam is the alphabetical listing of Russian scammers and Russian agencies involved in Russian dating fraud or Russian scams. The name of the person where the money is sent is the key issue in a Russian scam, and the same Russian scammer may use different photos. Also, the same set of photos may be used under different names.
Same Russian Scammers
Most known Russian scams appear to be run by the same few groups of Russian scammers using different names and photos. Photos used in a Russian scam do not necessarily belong to the Russian scammer, and may be simply downloaded from the Internet.
Publishes Data of Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Please remember that Russian Scam is not a law enforcement agency and do not investigate or prosecute criminals. Only authorized law enforcement agencies can prosecute your offenders. To have them prosecuted, you will need to make an official statement to police and lay charges. Russian scam collects and publishes data of Russian scams and Russian scammers only.
Report a Russian Scam or Russian Scammer
If you would like to report a Russian scam or a Russian scammer and to be listed on the pages of Russian scams, please do it here.
Russian scam listings are in alphabetical order according to Last Name of Russian scammer or Russian Agency Name
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H| I | J| K | L | M | N | O | P | Q| R | S | T | U | V | W | X| Y | Z
Lapicheva, Nelli (aka Ina Adamova) – Minsk, Belarus
Phone: + 375 296 20 70 80
Address: Kirova 3-71, Minsk 220050, Belarus
Details: Claims to be a manager in a travel agency. Asks money for Internet, or for visa and tickets to come to your country. Usually works through placing her data at international dating agencies. Money are to be sent via Western Union. Using 2 sets of photos (blond-haired and dark haired).
First reported: R B

Lapova, Elena (aka Elena Proleeva)
Details: I was contacted by this lady when I went on to I figured something was up when she never answered any of my personal questions. Finally she asked for money.
First reported: Rick

Lapova, Elena – Isheevka, Russia
Address: Isheevka, Russia, street Novokombinatovskaya house 34
Details: She had a 1704 ruble found worth a lot in America so she would bring it to me in America if she got airfare. She offered to spend all her savings on visa and and $160 on airfare I just needed to send the other $620.
Reported: not easily scammed in USA

Lapteva, Elena – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Phone: +7-8362648742
Address: Mira, house 68, appartment 71
Details: Ask money for English courses
Reported: Riquet

Lapteva, Evgeniya – Omsk, Russia
Address: Omsk, Russia
Details: Visa/ticket scam
Reported: Rod

Larkina, Nataliya (aka Natty) – Lugansk, Ukraine
Phone: +38 – 0642 -539706
Address: Lugansk, Ukraine
Details: Ask money for correspondence and translation.
Reported: David – anti-scam agent

Lazareva, Tatyana – Dniepropetrovsk region, Ukraine
Phone: 38 056 796 52 28
Address: Lenina street 47/12, 52500, Sinelnikovo, Dniepropetrovsk region, Ukraine
Details: Ask money to buy a mobile and after that the phone was robbed by a teenager after work. Uses an actor’s photo from TV series “Roswell“.
Reported: Mnedal

Lebedeva, Anna – Lugansk, Ukraine
Details: She has a profile posted on a free web site like MatchDoctor and then her agency wants money for her letters and translations. No questions are ever answered in her letters that you ask. She talks about how she has a low salary in her very first letter. After 2 letters in which nothing is ever said or any of your questions are answered the request for money letter is sent saying that her account is over and that you must pay in order to continue letters to her.
Reported: Patrick

Lebedeva, Darya – Read also about Ivanoca Anna
Lebedeva, Galina – Balakovo, Russia
Address: House 18,Room 2, Lenin’s Street, Balakovo, 413865, Russia
Details: Requesting 400 pounds sterling for plane Ticket, I sent 200 pounds she said that would be alright. She got the ticket and sent a copy in e-mail, and said she had to have another 22,000 roubles or 220 pounds sterling to pay her rent and owed the bank 200 pounds for a loan for university fee’s, but weeks ago she was living with her mother in small flat in centre of town ” BALAKOVO “. When I said I could not send any more money, she said she was in tears and she would loose me and her new life as she was been sent by the university to finish her final training as a pupil of STOMATOLOGIST, She also said that because she coming to stay with me ( that was at her request ) the university would not pay for the plane ticket coming to BIRMINGHAM AIRPORT and that her expense would be given to her by her employer, Mean while I checked with the English Dental School in Birmingham they could answer if they did an exchange student programme, they said they would let me know, they never did. The last E – mail said she was changing the ticket for cash and she would return the money, it didn’t come so I E – Mailed her and told her to keep it, I DO MISS HER SO MUCH.
Reported: Jamie

Lebedeva, Nadya – Kazan, Russia
Phone: +38 – 0642 -539706
Address: Ibragimova st, 45.423620, Kazan, Russia
Details: Initiated contact to my profile of Exchanged a few “what stuff do you like to do” emails. Received email saying she was getting VISA, had money to travel, money for hotel and wanted to visit me. But ask for money after.
Reported: Sammy

Lebedkina, Elena – Moscow, Russia
Phone: +38 – 0642 -539706
Address: Dom 23, Lenina Street, Moscow Russian 117997
Details: She wants money for her airline ticket, $900 to be sent with western union.
Reported: Christopher

Lekunovych, Nataliya (Angel) – Kherson, Ukraine
Address: Str. Kutuzova, 8, fl.410, t. Kherson, 73034, Ukraine
Friend’s Name: Mariya Kisyel
Friend’s Address (for sending money): Stepana Razina 73, fl.14, t.Kherson, 73013, Ukraine
Friend’s Email:
Details: Requested money for her alleged surgery.
First reported: Big Daddy

Details: Avoid questions. Quickly mentioned lack of money and finally request money for correspondence and said she wants to visit you.
Reported: Alex75

Lena – Balaklava Ukraine
Details: Ask money for correspondence through the following bank:
Bank Account: Western Union, St.Stroitelnaya 39/44, Sevastopol, Ukraine or USD (Message types MT-100) BENEFICIARY AND HIS ACCOUNT: 39018945087 / 29096946021001 Gavrilenko Elena, Pasport – AP-182337, SEVASTOPOL BRANCH of Ukrsotsbank. BENEFICIARY’S BANK AND HIS ACCOUNT: USD 8900260947 UKRSOTSBANK, KIEV SWIFT: UKRSUAUX CORRESPONDENT BANK: BANK OF NEW YORK.
First Reported: Chris

Lena, Elena Sultaikina – Kirov & Novgorod, Russia
Address: Mosolova street House 114 flat 11
Details: Write poetic letters and very romantic. Ask for money to come to you. When requested money is sent, she disappear.
Reported: Abdul

Lenchik, Elena – Donetsk/Lugank, Ukraine
Agency: hotmatch
Details: met this girl on dating site, falls easily in love and thinking if you, pre-written letters, pictures with no name but following numbers, and after 3 letter, her translating agency ask for money because she is in financial trouble. Goes to a university but doesn’t speak english. No answers to you re questions and so on. Changing name and profile several times, but with same pictures.
First reported: Stephan

Leongardt, Kseniya – Aldan, Russia
Details: She contacted me on but could not remember profile my name. I corresponded for a while and he fell in love. Then came the request for money for visa and tickets.
First reported: Antonio

Lepehina, Tatyana – Zelenodolsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
Details: I have been in correspondence with a young Russian girl from a small town called Zelenodolsk in the republic of Tatarstan. We have exchanged over 30 emails and many photo’s, when we first met she contacted me, I never found out how she got my email address from. She told me that she was a nurse in the emergency Dept. I informed her that I have many letters from Russian girls but they are scammers, she said that was so sad and she was just looking for love! We spoke about our family’s ect. And she invited me to visit her and to stay at her apartment I was do to visit at the end of this year. I have been searching the web to find out all I could about traditions etc. And had really fallen for her, she told me that her parents were happy for her and she did not want any money from me and not to send her anything of value as it could be stolen in the post as there is alot of corruption in their postal system! While searching this site I found my Girl but under another last name! with one of the same photo’s she had sent to me! Well I was very hurt and emailed her and told her of this site, I said that I did not believe that it was true but could she offer any explanation? I told her that I still loved her and it must be a mistake! ! ? That was on 28/5/2006. I have heard nothing from her since and I just wanted an answer!
First reported: Mark

Lepina, Anna – Moscow, Russia
Details: This girl in her pictures has black hair and gray eyes she contacts you through a dating service and sends several pictures as you correspond. She claims to be from Molochny the town somewhat close to Murmansk it’s the typical visa / ticket scam. What makes her different is it will take about six weeks for her to ask for money.She does it in a convoluted way which is what threw me off guard.When you offer to send her a ticket through Aeroflot she seems receptive to the idea but in a letter that follows she then tells you that doing it this way she will have to travel to Moscow to get her visas and that this will cost more and take as much as three months.She claims to only know about western union because her aunt who lives in Moscow suggests it as an alternative to speed up the process.She claims to be so anxious to come see you then she begs you to use western union as this will make it possible to arrange the visa,tickets and medical requirements more quickly .Supposedly an agency called MINVA , Murmansk international visa agency will provide her with a package dealt for the visa and ticket but she must pay cash so you can’t deal directly with them. At first she asks for the money for the visa , then the ticket and then she claims she made a mistake and only bought a one way ticket and claims she needs more money for the roundtrip portion or she can’t get the visa as the US government requires a round trip ticket to provide for INS guidelines. She will go to the trouble of getting the airline company’s flight numbers and dates correct.Where I tripped her up was when I asked for a reservation code although she gave me one , Aeroflot told me, when I called to confirm her flights as I was beginning to smell a rat, that not only was she not on their computer but that the reservation code she gave me made no sense to them at all. A tasty bit of information for you is that you cannot get a visa until your ticket has been purchased. All in all she got me for $1,500.00 through western union. I wished I had saved the pictures for you but I deleted them after I realized this was a scam. I was able to contact the bank she had me wire the money to but it became apparent to me after a couple of calls that this bank consisted of an older woman who spoke Russian only and a younger woman who spoke broken English who asked me to e-mail her and gave me an e-mail address that does not exist. I hope this is of some help to you regarding adding information to the database please feel free to contact me should you desire any additional information
First reported: Paul
Leschinskaya, Tatiana (aka Olga Selezneva) Alekseyevna – St.Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7-812-5999204
Address: Engelsa pr, 143-1-139, St. Petersburg, , 194358 Russia
Details: Says that she works in a travel agency, so a tourist visa to USA is not a problem, asking for money for the plane tickets. Sends many photos that become more and more erotic. Says she has her own money, and will pay half of the airfare herself asking for 300-400 dollars to be transferred to her via Western Union.
Reported: Steve Brown

Letyagina, Olga – Cheboksary, Russia
Address: P.O 141,Index: 428034, 9th Five-year Plan of Prospectus, House 2/3 êâ 118.
Details: Writes poetry. Fell in love, doesn’t respond to anything of the letters. Use Same addess with Olga Svistunova.
First reported: Secret squirrel

Leuyshuna, Elena – Kozlovka, Russia
Address: 31 Linena street apt.7, Kozlovka, 429430, Russia
Agency: singlesnet dating site
Details: I fell hook line and sinker for this scammer. I was actually crushed and in heartbreak. I had a 2-3 month long relationship with he/she whoever all throughout the holidays, thanksgiving and Christmas. I lost a total of 417 dollars. I actually sent her another 500 dollars more to try and get her on a plane. The people at western Union told me that she was unable to get the money due to her surname wasn’t correct, her story. So I went back to talk it over as to why my girlfriend could not get the money i sent and talked to a man named Kevin and he convinced me on the phone that when a person goes to get a tourist visa they have to prove they have enough money to support themselves for the 3 months they are visiting. The way she got the 4 hundred ,she said that she needed a 2 round trip airline tickets to get here to suffice the ambassador in Moscow. If all she had was a one way ticket then she couldn’t get the visa. She almost got an additional 500 if not for Kevin I would have lost even more.
First reported: Jeff

Levenets, Svetlana – Maripol, Ukraine
Address: Maripol, Ukraine
Details: I have meet Svetlana levenets on november 2009, on anastasiadate wedding website. I also had letter and chat on jump4love and dream-marriage.
For 18 months we had many letters and hundreds of hours of chat together For all this time she never asked me anything After one year she told me she was madly in love with me and wanted to meet me. For all year she wanted and promised me to meet her mom, Jeanna and her father. She wanted to make me see her city Maripol. First thing weird who happened, Svetlana gave me 2 differents names for his father ? She explained me that was an error of the translator In may 2011 i was ready to come to meet her Even if it tried and tried and tried she strictly refused to let me come in her city I wanted to see her life, family and city Even if she promised me and told me so often all she wanted to make me discover and see in her city, now suddently she was agressivly again I agreed finnaly to meet her at Kharkov for 8 days She was there at airport and waited for me She taked my hand and we gone together to a restaurent and put my thing in appartement I discovered at first moment that she was smoking even if she told me she don’t, not a real problem for me but why lied to me ? Immediatly after first hours we visited a zoo at kharkov and she send me back to appartment.
Next day she arrived to me and wanted to go shopping From there the « strange attitude » began We taked many clothes, jewels, very expensive boots and asked me to pay After 2 hours of shopping she was tired and wanted to back alone in her appartement FOR the next 5 days, the same thing happened, everyday we gone for a activity of one hour about, bowling, billard and others and after SHOPPING Everyday new expensive clothes, more jewels , sunglasses In same time ABSOLUTLY ZERO sign of tenderness and affection, not one single touch or even a simple words of love NOTHING Everyday she was with me for 3-4 hours only for shopping and left me alone 20 hours a day In resume in our first meeting she asked me to buy her for more than 3000$ of things in a week At this moment i was so confuse, i dont knew what is the Ukrainien women personnality and view of relation I thought that may be she wanted to see if i was serious with her The next week when i came home we began to chat on skype as we exchanged personnal informations Very fast she asked me to send her money for her graduation party, and she told me she was so sad and cried because all girls there have money for big celebration and not here So i send her 300$ with western union When i conected on wedding website and asked her in chat if she received money, she was furious and told me to never ever talk about money on website, it was not accepted and she will have problem and be banned.
We began to organise our second meeting This time i wanted to go in mariupol and meet her parents and real life AGAIN , even if she made me promises, she refused with energy again and again, even if i told her how much i wanted to see her real life and family, she firmly refused She wanted to go back again in kharkov with me and she promised me to be much more closer and even stay alone with me in appartment In july she cried again after me , told me she had no money to offer a gift for her mother Jeanna, asked me to buy her a televisor, i send her 400$ She also explained me with such love and energy that SHE NEED to see me every day life on skype we could spend hours of live video talking to each other, she was so passionnate with this offer to me ! But for it, she needed a ipad 3
She prayed me to buy her a ipad and bring in august and how our love will be more closer if we have video chat everyday, and she wanted that more than everything YES i bought her and bring a 800$ ipad August 2011, second meeting at kharkov First bad surprise , she totally changed her mind and refused to live closer to me she gave me the same appart, the other side of city from her She just told me she just changed her mind EXACTLY the same thing happened, she immediately the first day gone with me in shopping, but this time more expensive jewels, more expensive clothes and boots and many others objects to go with her new ipad The third day, i refused to continue this game and told her that i was not a bank and i was tired to pay for everything and even don’t have one single sign of tenderness or love , even not a single words of thanks you.
She began to give me some kisses , but continued to refused with agressivity that i hold her in my arms and just touch her just simply and tenderly Even after that moment, she waited one day and again asked me to buy her more things But big surprise, she had to leave for mariupol ,2 days before for some reasons, and she left me there alone at kharkov Second meeting resume, about 3000$ dollars of objects again and an ipad , THE IPAD were not used one single time to have video chat with Sevtlana, i asked her more than 10 times in the next weeks to respect her promises but she refused to answer my demands
After second meeting because i was not happy of what happened she promised to leave all wedding website to proof me that she really love me and only me In the next weeks, one of my friend made a profile and began to talk with her and he had many hours of chat with her, she told him she have meet no man and she wanted to meet him as soon as possible in ukraine. I was with my friend often and Svetlanaclosed our talk telling me she had to go to work and she continued to chat with my friend for long long at same moment. I was totally in shock as i had closed my profiles and i respected our agreement. When i told her about my friend, she just told me i was not honest and made a trap for her and i was only responsable of the problem In automn 2011 she wrote to me that she had to go in kiev for an incredible chance to have study to work in cosmetic world and woman beauty At last minutes she send me message that she taked the train and need my help because she will arrive to kiev and no money to live, she told me, i was her man and i had to protect her and do real actions, For the next month, i had to send her thousands of dollars to pay appart at kiev and all she needed. I planned a 3rd meeting with her in october 2011 for her birthday, she was so happy so happy to see me, i was her love , her man ,her savor, i gave her proof of my real love and now she wanted me to live with me at kiev like real couple Some days before my plane, i wrote to her that i am coming but we will have to be quiet, i have less money than useless because i already pay for all her need , food ,apart. BIG surprise and so strange hazard, after i told her we will not make shopping like we use she send me a letter that she have to move one week to another city for a very special formation, only her and another woman were choose because they are the 2 best So she refused to let me come to her, and cancelled my trip. I tried and tried to ask her to come to the other city with her, SHE firmly refused told me that she will study 7 days a weeks, it was a so bad HAZARD that surprise formation was exactly same time than my trip to her, where i had less money ,so strange She made me lose 1200$ because it was too late to get a refund to my ticket It is FAR to be the end, just the begining After all this i made a search on scammers black list website and i found SVETLANA with many pictures, i found 3 reports about her A man called Robert said that she asked him to buy a computer and thousands of dollars of clothes and many expensive things and she asked him many hundreds of dollars to buy thing for her family. They had some pictures of Svetlana, that was the same woman I was in shock and i wrote to her it was over and she was just a scammer and lier She wrote to me again and again and again email and on skype to tell me how she love me, she will die if she lose me and she can’t survive without my love, again all will be change now and she will be totally and forever mine She told me that « Robert » the man who have report her was a bad men and he was very bad with her and he was jealous because she told him that she found her true love (me) and that was just a revenge The story of this man was so exactly the same as i lived, I know i am a stupid silly man but Svetlana is a so incredible lier and manipulator that she were able to make me believe in her again She wanted to meet me again at kiev and this time she will be totaly mine, forever mine I decided to buy a ticket again and i came to Kiev in January 2012 All was perfectly planned by Svetlana, it was the moment to « play the big deal » She organised a great evening with champagne and everything and we had a great lover night. The next morning all the worst side of her personality played her best role Before she go to work she taked in my pocket 600$ , she wanted a new telephone, a iphone
She never bought the telephone, she told me she just changed her mind but kept the money
She came back after work and opened the door of apartment and began to cry Her mom needed 6000$ dollars to save her apartment, someone in her family had part of apartment and wanted to sale and if mom don’t had this money she will be in street She perfectly knew that the moment after we had first moments together was the perfect timing, i found and gave her 6000$ dollars.
She told me her mom was ill and in hospital and she had to left me alone in Kiev and go to her mom The next hour she was gone and left me alone in Kiev all week I tried to come with her at Mariupol but she refused strictly told me she will have no time for me 7 days later she came back , and asked me to pay the trip Mariupol-Kiev, another 250$ , it was late at night and she knew i had my plane the next morning When she arrived i tried to take her in my arms to kiss her and she aggressively pushed me away again, refused that i just hold her in my arms.
I left the next morning totally confused and lost She were very quiet for many weeks, and the 11th of April i received an email,
She can’t work anymore and from June 2012 to Febuary 2013 i send her 9000$ to make sure she miss nothing She asked me to come to her in October and again last minute cancellation by her SHE REFUSED me to come , she told me she have no place to live for me. Then she offered me to come to Canada in march 2012, she asked me to buy tickets for us I asked her in December to complete the visa demand , i made a lot of things and made everything needed , all she had to do is get her visa and passport, i have send her so many letter and papers with all she had to do.
The 21th febuary i receive a letter, she is sad and so sorry, she done nothing and she was too late, she even don’t made papers for passport.
She made me lost AGAIN 2000$ for the tickets lost Than i told her, ok i come to see you and we will complete the last papers together SHE refused to see me and let me come, no explanation, no letter just a total refuse to let me come at Mariupol.
I told her that I will not give her one more dollar until I see her and her mother and real life She stopped to write and never answered I never ever been able to come at Mariupol,
Svetlana have taked of me, more than 20,000$ dollars in less than 2 years She have lied to me so much so many times She is an horrible manipulator, a professional patient and determinated scammer She is not a silly scammer who ask money online and fall in love at 3rd letter, she is patient and careful and her goal is to have real meeting where she ask thousands of dollars of gifts and after a moment she ask a big amount of money (5000-6000$) NOW i see she have opened again many profiles on wedding website If we do nothing she will find another victim.
Now she saw that I have reported her on some scammer list, she have send me letters where she promise me to ask to a old witche of Ukraine to make a curse on me and make me ill ? Thanks for your understanding, this woman have destroyed my life and taked all my economy and no way i will let her destroy another person. I have more than 20 letters where she ask money, I have more than 9000$ of western union receipt at her name and I have many pictures to prove all I say in this letter.
First Reported: Kitty

Leznina, Evgeniya – Yoshkar Ola, Russia
Address: Russia, 612370, Lenina street 51 – 2
Bank Details: Address: Yoshkar Ola city, Palantay str., 112
Name: Vneshtorgbank
Details: Contacted me through Yahoo personals. Typical scammer. Requested money for visa/ticket, etc.
First Reported: Don
Second reported: Steve

Lihtenvald, Natalia – Cheboksary, Russia
Address: Elgera street 1, apt.98, Cheboksary, Chuvashia, Russia 428000
Details: Visa and tickets scam
Reported: Byebee

Liolita, Julia – Vilnius, Lithuania
Address: Arkhangelsk, Russia
Details: Typical visa/plane ticket scammer.
First reported: Paul

Llona – Ekaterinburg, Russia
Address: Ekaterinburg, Russia
Details: She sent me 2 mails, told me how much she loves me, before she makes her next move, I found her IP address isn’t stable at all, so I asked one of my friends did a little check up, found she’s kind of mobile all the time, I started doubting, then I found out. She didn’t get a chance to move on.
First reported: em2life
Liss, Tanya (Talia) – Syktyvkar, Russia
Address: Syktyvkar, Russia
Details: The scammers have been creating several temporary accounts on over the last few days having targeted me sending mails on the site then quickly deleting their accounts. Tanya asked for an external mail address as she did not have access to the internet. She then mailed me. There were several others interested in may account. I have attached their files which I copied before they deleted them. They pretend to have UK addresses and be aged between 27 and 28. The attached pictures are of Tanya. They use names of Russian models.
First reported: Janus

Lobacheva, Anna- Volgograd, Russia
Phone: 007 8442 381713
Address: 400131 Volgograds Russia Alleya Geroev 5-36
Details: Without even knowing you, she asked for Internet fee and already asking to meet her at Russia
First reported: Ademaro

Lobanova, Svetlana – Surgut, Russia
Postal address: Apartment 34, 15 Enthusiast Street, Surgut, Russia.
E-mail address:
Details: She wrote to me through yahoo personals at first using a name svetopolka, then using her own e-mail address. We were sending letters over a month or so , getting really close ( I thought). I had fallen for her, she sent two pics with some of her letters. Then we agreed she should come to England to meet me on a tourist visa.She lived in Surgut which is far from Moscow where she needed to go to obtain a tourist visa. So she asked for £280 to help travel to Moscow and pay for visa, because no one had that sort of money in her family there. So I sent it via Western Union to a bank she said where she could pick it up from. We had spoke on the phone a few times, each time she phoned me because she said she didn`t have a phoneline in apartment, ( even on my mobile ). She sent me letter saying she had arrived in Moscow safely and was staying with a friend. All through this she was very polite and appreciative of what I was doing for her and sounded like she hated asking me for the money. Then she sent me a letter and rang me being very upset saying she needed £780 for a round trip for proof she was returning, before the Embassy would grant her a visa.I usually have good common sense in normal life and am weary of peop[le, but was blinded by the excitement of all what was happening. I started to wonder and sent her details of return flights which cost £420 and would buy them and send them to her, but she said she had to pay for tickets herself from there. Being stupid and nieve I sent money through Western Union again to a bank she had stated in Moscow. So I knew the original money was picked up in Surgut and this money was picked up in Moscow ( I thought this was real because she had travelled to Moscow ). The next few letters were good then she was in a state again ( crying on phone etc ) saying she needed a guarentee of £1500 to the Embassy so as she wouldn`t come to England as tramp etc. At this point I woke up out of fantasy land and e-mailed the British Embassy in Moscow about this, also e-mailed Home Office in England. I didn`t hear anything for a few days and with Svetlana saying she needed answer quick I rang the British Embassy in Moscow. I explained everything to them and asked about the bond or guarentee which they said they do not ask for that at all, and asked them to check if she had applied for a visa. They had no person on record of that name and told me it was a scam. I hadn`t heard of scams before then and was devastated. Then she rang me again so I told her everthing I had found out, and told her how I felt and what I thought of her, she still persisted in saying she was true and not scamming me. Also said she would return money. I haven`t received money after 10 days, also didn`t send me any letters until I said I was putting her photos and personal information on all scam sites,personals sites,Home Office, British Embassy in Moscow , Iterpol and Western Union etc.Then she rang me still sayiny she was true and needed £1500 for guarentee.I told her she wasn`t true and a scammer, amonst other things and she was not getting the £1500. I have not heard from her since and not received any money back, so thus she is now on this site and others to protect others hopefully.
First reported: Barrie

Loentyieva, Nadegda (Nadia, aka Lubov Koroleva (Luba), Tatyana Egorova (Tanya)) – Kaliningrad, Russia
Address: street Kirova, house 10, apartment 17, Kaliningrad, Russia, index 23600
Details: Write poetic letters and very romantic. Ask for money to come to you. When requested money is sent, she disappear. Now listed at American Singles site, and meetic .fr. Also Penpal site
First reported: Glenn and Steve
Second reported: Richard
Third reported: LarryG819
Fourth reported: Robert

Lomakina, Nina aka Nikolaeva Marina (Omsk, Russia) – Zelenodolsk, Russia
Address: 12-34, Mirnaya street
Email: ninochka-
Details: She fall in love with you and asks for money to get a passport to meet you. Photos used are that of Maybelline cosmetic model.
First reported: Lovecatcher

Lop, Anna – Volga , Zvenigovo
Address: Volga, Zvenigovo
Details: Anna contacted when she saw my profile. “Visa and tickets” scam. Initiates the contact through a personals website, falls in love with you, wants to visit you dying to be with you and wanting to marry you, asks money for visa and tickets. Prewritten letters. She sent same letters to Friend.
First reported: Eliseo

Lopaskina, Anastasia – Russia
Details: Asks for money for visa and airfare.
Reported: Speedy Gonzales
Loschilova, Natalia – Staroutinsk, Russia
Address: 623036 Russia, Staroutinsk, Sovetskaya, 23
Details: Mother died at birth father still alive. Works sells at a furniture company. She first contacted me through American
First reported: Babosan

Love City Marriage Agency
Address: Lenina str. 123, Bishkek
Details: They offer a travel package for your ‘lady’ to come over and visit you. All documents including visa magically take 3 days after payment.
First reported: Mr. E
Lovelyrussiangirls &
Details: They offer a three-day trial membership, after which serious billing begins automatically. They send letters from fake profiles.
First reported: Jim
Lubimova, Svetlana aka Kososplova, Yulia – Nizhni Novogorad , Russia
Meeting place =
Her age = supposed 28 years old
Her occupation = Kindergarten teacher
Her phone number = was denied
Her address = was denied
Details: Her photos are of Photos of Yulia Kososplova. started to understand this was a scam when I could not send her a gift. Luckily I was not played and have not been gone after by this person yet. Report it have fun. Ta ta
First reported: Paul

Luda – Odessa, Ukraine
Details: After the third letter she fell in love already. Requested money for visa and ticket. She was gone after that.
Reported: Alex

Lugovenko, Mariya – Odessa, Ukraine
Address: Ukraine, Odessa(zip65004), street – osipova 46, apt.17
Details: Firstly said she hasn’t got enough money to correspond. A car hit her mum and now she died at the hosipital. Because she used all the money on her mum she needs money. I was concerned enough to write several times after this letter but got no response when i did not send money. (Used a photo of a model)
Reported: Geoffrey

Lukianova, Alina AKA Lukyanova Alina – Mariupol, Ukraine
Address: Latisheva St 39, Apt 19, Mariupol, Ukraine, Donetsk Region, 87500
Details: I met this person on the website We exchanged a few letters. She started to fall for me almost immediately. Then said she wants to be with me but has little money and for me to send money so she can get her documents, passport, plane tickets etc
Reported: Robert Smith

Lukovska, Larisa (Larisa Skorenko) – Poltava, Ukraine
Address: 1-51, Kremenchug, Poltava, Ukraine
Details: Gets close after a few emails. Ask money for her dating agency and has daughter name Veronika (Vera).
Reported: Rick
Lunegova, Sergeevna Natalya – Samara, Russia
Address: Russia, Samara, Street – Karbysheva 67, Apartment – 57, 443067
Phone number: +79111750855
Details: She contacted me and after two email she started to tell that she is madly in love with me and after 4 emails she want to build a life with me. She want to come and see me and want me to pay her fare through money gram. She is also on facebook as Natalia Sergeevna. ” I hope very much that this information will be enough and you can make a money transfer and I can begin the process of preparing the necessary travel documents for the trip to you. I will be waiting for your good news about this. I hope very much that we will be with you soon and we can begin to build our relationships in life. I wish you a wonderful day and I send you all the tenderness and love that is in my heart. I love you so much xxxx! All my love belongs only to you.”
First reported: G

Lunina, Helen – Odessa, Ukraine
Address: Odessa 65000, Voroncovskiy per, 9, kv,33. Ukraine
Details: she started asking for money and I followed the route of saying no need I can arrange her passport, visa and plane tickets from this side, well never heard from her again as I thought.
First reported: Michael
Luppo, Zhanna (aka Larisa Dmitrieva) – Ivanovo, Russia
Address: Russia, city Ivanovo, 153000, Lenia str. 15.
Details: Met on Dating service. She wanted me to send money for visa and ticket.
First reported: Don

Lutzgina, Maria (AKA Olesya Melnik) – Perm, Russia
Address: Perm, Russia
Details: Same as Olesya Melnik
First reported: Russell
Luzina, Elena – Omsk, Russia
Address: 22 Bluchers Street, Apartment 33, Omsk, Russia, 644045
Phone: 7 3812 692539
Details: Ask for a lot of money saying she had no money and her computer provider needed to be paid to keep communication, and her computer broke down, also she had no money for food for her and her daughter. She scammed me for AU$1,500 overall. Met her at Free Russian Personals.
First reported: Brian

Lykova, Karina – St.Peterburg, Russia
Phone: +7 812 5400543
Address: 195221 russia, sankt-peterburg, poliustrovskiy 31-79
Details: I emailed the lady and received a reply with an invitation to call her. When I called her she immediately asked for $6000 to get a travel visa to the United States. I asked a number of questions of her regarding the Visa and none of her answers were correct.
First Reported: Gary

Lymareva, Irina – Novosibirsk, Russia
Address: 21/7 Medkadry, Novosibirsk, Novosibirskaya oblast, 630075, Russia
Details: I have been in contact with this Siberian 29-year-old woman since late, late March. I told her I never joined any Russian site, but she ignored my question. She was very persistent in writing me weekly – usually with pictures in various poses. The last one included her with a new passport in hand. She even showed me her passport in detail. It all seemed so real. She seemed so genuine. She wrote of serious marriage with me and moving to my country quickly, as he school visa was soon in her hands. She had this already? It was her wish to be with a love she could be with for many years. She convinced me to make a fool of myself in front of others. She then suddenly claimed to be 260 dollars short. She was surprised at the cost. I asked her at various times if I could telephone her. She ignored my requests. As the weeks went on, suddenly she started to add a lot of information on how I was to pay her for a school visa. She went through various ways on how to do it, including adding her local bank, Money Mart or Western Union. So she pleaded to hurry with the payment as the visa cut-off date was less than a few days away. Everything from her seemed rushed. She did not even comment on my own photo. Nothing. With each email she sent, she just kept adding her own numerous pictures of herself in various locations. I got tipped off by a few of these websites that she is a fraud. It was heart-breaking. She must be exposed, as she appears to be unstoppable on the web. She hurts with deceit. I invested my time and told others of my good luck. I am now being pointed-out as a fool. As I wrote, her letters were unlike any average Russian woman would write. Too detailed. Too perfect. No incorrect words spelt in English.
First Reported: James

Lysenko, Anastasia – Kharkov, Ukraine
Phone: 380 66714 4793 and 960749748
Address: Mayakovski Street 51, 62454, Kharkov Korotych, Ukraine
Skype: Nastyavip1
Details: This woman I saw her profile in bride ru and pussy dating ru and also is in wedding ru and brides ru and many other places if you google her, her name is Anastasia Lysenko from Ukraine, Kharkov, 28 years old she ask me for money for her passport and I sent her 300 dollars later I meet her but ask me for rent an apartment, the taxi, the food everything over strange…I meet her but she ask me for more money, but this time I did not gave her any money, after we meet she ask me for more money but I did not sent her anything and later she get sick and ask me for money and she is suffer some illness and I sent her 200 dollars, she use her daughter her name is Marina she is only 3 years old and she post her pictures for begging for money later ask me because she suffer another illness and ask me for more money but this time I did not sent any money and she disappeared. Now I realize and get in shock that her picture is around all the internet and with new pictures. Hope with she said that her daughter suffer from syndrome of down, this method she stopped to scam more victims.
First Reported: Robert

Lyubov, Sharov – Kirova, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, Moscow
Address: Flat 32, House 72
Details: I started to correspond with this girl and started to make up hardship stories and evaded many questions that I put to her. I even send her a gift of A$200 from my own volition to help her. Then I wanted to go and visit her in Chubash Republic. She does not want me to go there and wants for visa and return airfare over US$3000. Does not want to present passport to Western Union and much more that is contrary to the local law. I do not understand why she does not believe me that for a visa to come to Australia it takes months and that sending money without her visa and passport is just not logical. I am thankful that she had a photo and profile in based in Australia and was living in Russia. The language keeps on changing and that the photo may not be hers either. I tried to talk with her in Russian and my Nigerian friend thinks they might be his countrymen using Russian girl’s photo for visa and air ticket scam.
Lyusova, Yuliya – Kansk, Russia
Address: 23 Mira St Apt 29, Kansk, 663000, Russia
Details: Build a relationship over a period of time. Slowly build up to the point where she told me that she would like to visit me in my country. Then do not have enough money to pay for all expenses such as visa and plane ticket. I did not sent any money.
First reported: JY

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