Russian Scam Message Board – Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Russian Scam is the alphabetical listing of Russian scammers and Russian agencies involved in Russian dating fraud or Russian scams. The name of the person where the money is sent is the key issue in a Russian scam, and the same Russian scammer may use different photos. Also, the same set of photos may be used under different names.
Same Russian Scammers
Most known Russian scams appear to be run by the same few groups of Russian scammers using different names and photos. Photos used in a Russian scam do not necessarily belong to the Russian scammer, and may be simply downloaded from the Internet.
Publishes Data of Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Please remember that Russian Scam is not a law enforcement agency and do not investigate or prosecute criminals. Only authorized law enforcement agencies can prosecute your offenders. To have them prosecuted, you will need to make an official statement to police and lay charges. Russian scam collects and publishes data of Russian scams and Russian scammers only.
Report a Russian Scam or Russian Scammer
If you would like to report a Russian scam or a Russian scammer and to be listed on the pages of Russian scams, please do it here.
Russian scam listings are in alphabetical order according to Last Name of Russian scammer or Russian Agency Name
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H| I | J| K | L | M | N | O | P | Q| R | S | T | U | V | W | X| Y | Z
Macharet, Mikhail – Novosibirsk Russia
Phone: +7 8124 311785
Address: SAVINGS BANK OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION MOSCOW, RUSSIA, SWIFT: SABRRUMMNH1 NOVOSIBIRSK OFFICE BRACH 6695/0243 BO A/C 42301840444087400482/01 or Address2: Mihail Macheret, a/ya 167, Novosibirsk 630073, Russia
Details: A real person running a fake agency that asks for money for translations, correspondence, professional photographs, videos, legal advice and even ‘private information’ ie. Private shootings, address book and insight into her moral and ethical behavior. Not to mention the usual visa/airfare scam.
First reported: Fooled no more
Makhova, Valeriya (aka Valeria, Val, Lera, and Lariya, Ira Shishakova) – Kharkov, Ukraine
Phone: 38-0572-23-32-55, 38-050-63-77-964
Address: Constitution’s Square 3 Flat 6-A, Kharkov Ukraine 310003
Details: She has account at and when she meets with you, she used all your money.
Reported: FedUp

Makiienko Iryna – Poltava, Ukraine
Address: Ap.30, 5 Kurchatova st, Poltava, Ukraine
Phone: +38 066 02 00023
Skype: estrelochka
Facebook: estrela estrelochka
Account: 04-097-778
Details: Very nice girl, very charming! (In the beginning and as long as you keep paying…of course!) Everything seemed to be going great. I even proposed to her and we got engaged. I bought her many nice gifts and sent her a lot of cash. Then, some things started to look out of the ordinary. I know she had dated a few other wealthy men before me and she used to tell me how terrible they were to her. She would tell me how they still try to contact her and are abusive when they reach her by phone or Skype.
Now, I understand that sometimes there is one loser boyfriend who just can not accept that a relationship is over, but, having so many men who are angry at her??? all at the same time??? Something was wrong. One day she was telling me in the case of divorce, she wanted half of everything and that included my business or she would not marry me. I explained to her that the business is not something I could use as a bartering chip in a divorce settlement. Even though I am the sole owner with no partners, I have many agents worldwide who have their money tied up in stock that they have purchased and their reputations put on the line for the product brand. Ethically it is just something that I can’t do. Her response was “so…you would rather trust other people before you trust your own wife” There were many other similar small incidents that got my alarm bells ringing. One day, I confided my situation with an old female friend who immediately warned me to stop sending money. She told me not to be a bastard about it and to be very tactful and polite about the situation, but, at the same time to be firm about it and to see her reaction. I decided to set up the test and when she asked for money, I told her I was unable to send it to her. Very quickly the love dried up, the romance ended and we became totally alienated from each other.
I was so disappointed…I was deeply in love with her, but, I have more self-confidence in myself to allow myself to be used like that. I sent her a text message telling her that I would no longer be willing to let her steal money from me. She has not replied to even defend herself…she just ignores me and seems to have just vanished! In total I have lost more than $10 000.00 and she has clearly moved onto the next victim. Hopefully he gets to read this BEFORE he loses more than $10 000.00…like I did! Beware of this woman, she is a smart, deceptive and very clever liar
First reported: Mark

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Malenko, Olga Aleksandrova (AKA Olga Kutsanova, or Taisia Kutsanova) – Cental’aya, Russia
Details: Met her in real life. Really good and clever scammer.
First reported: Carl S.
Malenkova, Olga Aleksandrovna – St.Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 8124 311785, 812 115 36 03
Address 1: 5-17 Shkolnaya, St Petersburg, 197183 Russia,
Address 2: Russia, St.Petersburg, 197349 Novokolomyazsky 8/10-284
Bankers Trus Co., New York, USA
Swift Code: BKRT US 33
Account: 04-097-778
Baltiyskiy Bank, St.Petersburg, Russia
Swift Code: BABJ RU 2P
In Favour: Malenkova Olga
Account: 42301840601001308511
Details: A real person living in St Petersburg, Russia. Eager to meet men at her native city, and promises to marry to them, asking money for dentists, sick mother in hospital, tickets to come to visit you etc. Invites different excuses for delays with her trip, such as “her girlfriend stole the money”, she herself is sick etc.
First reported: Anthony
Second reported: Frank

Malinina, Ekaterina – Chelyabinsk, Russia
Address: Kirova street 8-23 Chelyabinsk Russia
Details: Asks for money for visa and airfare.
Reported: Pablo

Malyarova, Olga – Voronezh/Moscow – Russia
Postal address: Mehkolonna str. 114 zip:394010
Details: She quickly fell in love with me and want to meet me in my country. She went to the travel agency and she said they told her it’s differcult to get an American VISA, but they will help her. Then she said she paid the agency the first part of the payment and make me feel sorry for her and I pay the second part of the payment, which is for the airline ticket and the train ride from Voronezh to Moscow. She said she’s the only child, living with her parents in a cozy three bedroom appartment. Claiming that she’s 26 yrs old, working at a children’s hospital. She send lots of photos. As time quickly pass by, she tell a bit about her daily activity with her friends, going to a club, or birthday party, and how she always think of me. Saying that herself and her parents got some gifts for me, that she will bring with her when she meet me. When time to go to the Airport, she claim that the custom workers will not let her fly unless she show them $2800 US Dollars. She claim that she only have x-amount with her, need my support of x-amount of dollars and will pay back as soon as she meet me at the airport in America. She want me to send money faster. After I send the money, she claim that she had her bag cut and the x-amount of dollars got stolen. Also, she keep changing the flight schedule. This scammer is pro at making up stories to make you believed.
First reported: Vincent

Malzceva, Natalya – Pushkino, Russia
Address: Pushkino, Russia
Details: THE COMMON VISA TICKETS SCAM. I’M NOT STUPID TU BUY THIS. “I tried to find out about the ways of your help to me. I saw the advertisement of Moneygram on the TV, I asked about it, on my work and I know now, that exists reliable and fast company which makes remittances in world and it’s Moneygram. And today I was in a bank and found out about the ways of getting money transfers, I was told that you will need to fill the form, in which you need to write my full name and my city. And they will give you eight-digit code, which I will need later to get the money. Also I need to know your full name, and city from which you will send the money. Hope to be with you soon. I appreciate all you do to me I love you and I miss you! I love you all my heart, I want to be with you now… I want to be with you forever.”
First reported: Player

Mamedova, Svetlana – Novyy Urengoy, Russia
Address: Novyy Urengoy, Russia
Lenina Street 22-54
Details: Ticket scam, she wanted to visit me so, she went to a travel agency call World Travel Agency. They sent me info about her flight here and was cheaper than what I could get. So I sent $988 to this Pavel Polulyah to order the plane tickets.
Reported: Rich

Mamleeva, Nailia – Balakovo, Russia
Postal address: 157-13 Lenin street, Balakovo Russia 413840
Details: Requested money for visa and tickets.
First reported: Garry

Manukyan, Alina Ishxanovna – Yerevan, Armenia
Address: Yerevan, Armenia
Details: She wanted to visit me, according to her paid for the ticket but need funds in her bank account. Consular needs proof that she has funds in her bank account requirement before a visa will be issued.
Reported: David

Marahanove, Evgenia – Nizhny, Novgorod
Address: Troeschina 30 Drajzera flat 125 Kiev Ukraine 02222
Phone: 011-380-44-515-3508
Details: This person scammed me for over 3,000 dollars. She was very good & patient. Contacted me by yahoo personals. Thank you for this web site it helped me a lot , I only wish I had looked into it before it was to late.
First reported: Bryan

Marakova, Ekaterina – Ohansk, Perm, Russia
Address: Lenina street house 14 apartment 3, Ohansk, Perm, Russia
Details: Typical Scammer
First reported: Calvin H.
Maria – Yerevan, Armenia
Grandpas Name: Mardirozian David
Grandpa’s address: Armenia,Yerevan, Acharyana 34 str,bld.47.apt.57
Details: Live with Grandpa. She never give her full name or address but give her Grandpa’s Address to receive money. After I sent the money, she disappeared and never heard from her again.
First reported: Craig

Maria A. ,aka, Natasha, aka, Anna (Dreamy) – Yerevan, Armenia
Details: Asking for $690.00 US, for travel to Dallas, TX. She said she would enlist in a US Exchange program to learn the english language in the US. We communicated for approximately one month before she asked for money. I decided to check the scam pages and there she was… I will include a few more photos of her. She initially contacted me through the Yahoo Personals on December 17, 2004. She deleted her profile 3 days after she contacted me.
First Reported: Almost Scammed

Marina – Bryansk, Russia
Address: Bryansk, Russia
Details: Initiated contact. Pretended to be from England. Then told later that she’s from Russia. She falls in love with u. She wanted money money for the Visa, Passport & Travel Arrangements etc.
First Reported: Adil
Marina (AKA Anna Milchakova, Ekaterina Batstrakova, Irina Yandulova) – Kazan, Russia
Address: Kazan, Russia
Details: Noticed her from your site. Thanks for the opportunity and thanks for your work well done to help us.
First reported: Campos

Marina – Odessa, Ukraine
Address: Charles Marksa, 25 Apt 8, Odessa, Ukraine
Details: Tells of betrayal by men in Russia. Lives with mom and dad. Uses Prewritten letters when you don’t write back. Gives prewritten letters to all my email addresses. Found me thru old Absolute penpal request.
First Reported: JAC20902

Marinova, Maria (aka Masha) – Kirov, Russia
Address: 29-19 Nekrasova street, Kirov,Russia
Details: Asks for money for visa and airfare.
First Reported: Stuart
Markin, Natalia – Omskaya Oblast’, Russia
Address: Shkolnaya 5 Achair,Omskaya Oblast’ Russia 644543
Has no phone,she says !
Details: Asked for money for ticket.
First reported: Jeffrey

Markina, Natalia – Omskaya oblast’, Russia
Postal address:
Shkolnaya, 5
Achair, Omskaya oblast’
Russia, 644543
E-mail address:
Agency: Village Voice Personals /Dating Faces
Details: Typical online dating scam needing $680 for visa and plane ticket. She initiated the contact with me. Won’t answer all my questions.
First reported: Anthony

Markova, Eugenia – Read also about Ivanoca Anna
Martinowa, Larisa – Troitskoe, Russia
Address: Bulgun Street 7, apt 3, Troitskoe, 359180, Russia
Details: Typical visa/ticket scam. “Maybe you can help me 650 USD? This is to speed up our meeting, and I’ll fly to you within 2-3 weeks.” “My Love, I am very worried about our future. You have not explained why you sent me only 200 USD. My love, we lose time, I can not even begin to design my documents. How much do you still need time to send me 475 USD. I’m waiting for accurate information from you.”
Reported: Allen

Martynkina, Vitalina – Krimea, Ukraine
Address: 10-5 Stahanovstev St.Simferopol City Krimea Ukraine 95033
Details: Typical visa/ticket scam.
Reported: Allen
Martynyuk, Aleksey – Krasnayarsk (Moscow), Russia
Address: Krasnayarsk (Moscow), Russia
Details: Responded to a Substantive Profile on Yahoo. Like all the others, requested money for the visa and ticket. Writing Style different in every paragraph.
First reported: Jim

Martynova, Natasha – Tatarstan, Yelabuga
Address: tatarstan,yelabuga – st. proletarskaya 45-24
Details: She wanted money sent western union and she said send it in her mothers name, Evgenia. She emailed me 2nd a half months wanting money for visa, airfare and insurance. she got money. Told me her mother had accident couldn’t come for 2 months and no more emails.
Reported: Berry

Details: She is already in love after 5 emails. I actually joined a website called singlesnet to meet people local. Somehow this person contacted me from my profile. Profile states Kentucky and Asian.
First reported: Dough

Maslova, Olga – Surgut, Russia (aka Nataliya Shustova, Rumia Heyrullina, Tatyana Ermakova and Ekaterina Smirnova)
Address: Street of the world 12/2, Surgut, Russia, 976054
Details: Requests money for visa and airfare, proclaims her undying love for you.sks for money.
Reported: Denis

Matveeva, Kristina – Kirov or Cheboksary, Russia
Address: MONTAZHNIKOV 43 APT 21, Orenburg, Russia (Fake Address)
Details: She contacted me from Yahoo Personals. She is also on She wrote my name on the sign so she is real. She sent usual romantic letters and request money for her to visit. She never write again when i said i’d visit her.
Note from Viewers please note that the second photo is not really her. Notice that her head has been cut and pasted on to the picture to show you that she is real. Also notice how the color of her face doesn’t really match the color of her hands and her face is more blurred than others.
First reported: David

Matveeva, Tatyana – Kazan, Russia
Address: Kirova street 8-23 Chelyabinsk Russia
Details: Initiates contact. Correspond for a few weeks before she says she received a phone call from the university saying she needed to pay more money ($370 US). She tells me if I send her money she will continue to write me.
Reported: Randy

Matvienko, Julia – Kharkov, Ukraine
Address: Ukraine, Kharkov, Kharkovskaya oblast Zmeevskoy rayon Poselok Komsomolskiy ulica Lermontova dom 81 kvartira 2
Phone: +380665514878
Agency: and Bella_Vista in Natasha club, ID Number: 1673957
Details: I would like to warn you about a woman who applied to many agencies and was deleted on some of them, but still appear on some. This woman is a dishonest and impudent scammer. She only looks for a rich husband, does not plan to marry at all. Please be careful! This woman is out to cheat you.
First reported: Alex

Mav, Julia – Omsk, Russia
Address: 677009, Omsk, Russia
Details: Found her on ORIGIN International Dating Club. Known Scammer.
First reported: CC

Mavlikeeva, Julia – Omsk, Russia
Address: Omsk, Russia
Email:, Sweet777@pochta.wa,
Details: She on HIV dating site. Call on the phone. Didn’t give her number. Didn’t talk about sex. Speaks good English. Fell madly in love within a week. Asked money for travelling, visa, accommodation and preparation for the wedding.
First reported: Jay
Second reported: Betrayedbutwiser

Maxim – Smolensk, Russia
Address: Smolensk, Russia
This Russian guy Maxsim (city Smolensk) ( contacted me on a gay site
Manhunt. He immediately asked my email and wished to chat with me away from the site. I gave my email, and we chatted for about three weeks. He wanted frequent emails, and was disappointed when I did not send a daily mail. He loved me and wanted to move to Mexico to live with me. He felt persecuted in Russia, thus his goal was to live in a country where he could live freely. I was the kind of person he had always dreamed of. (He was supposedly 26.) Soon he no longer had funds to rent an apartment, so was moving into a simple room in a house. (no request for money at this point).
He had a dear aunt who had raised him. She suddenly became very ill and needed open heart surgery. He very remotely hinted that he could either provide his dear aunt a proper surgery with noted doctors OR she would need to have a “free surgery” via socialized medicine. Again, he made no direct request for money, just played on my sympathy to see if I might respond with help. It went over my head. The aunt died during surgery, and shortly after the supposed funeral for the aunt he finds out he is legally able to receive her house although she had left no legal will. He needed $1200 USD for a lawyer, government and notary fees. He had tried all his friends—even went to a bank, yet no one could help him. Could I possibly loan him the $1200 and he would pay me back immediately after he sold his aunt’s house (worth 45-50,000 USD). I immediately told him my finances as a retired person would not permit my helping him. He was disappointed and a couple of days later he AGAIN asked if I could help him a little, if not all the amount he needed. I repeated my status that I was sorry I could not help. I was already getting perturbed when he wrote a THIRD TIME almost demanding that I to go to a bank and borrow the money to send him. This time I explained that I was not a Mexican citizen, had no credit from living here and could not ask for a loan. He seemed angry, and wrote back insisting that I at least TRY, for he was in so much emotional pain. That is when I wrote an email to say that we could no longer communicate because I was uncomfortable with his requests and motives. Fortunately, he never wrote back after that final email. That was a couple of weeks ago, early February 2024.
First reported: Unknown

Mayorova, Yuliya – Saratov, Russia
Address: 50 October Ave, Saratov, 41000, Russia
Details: She was so good at it, the Visa is fake, had this checked out, needed 2100 Euros from us to prove to the Russian Consulate Financial Stability for her holiday, promised to pay back, what a liar, all accommodation include food, was hers for the asking up to 30 days need to send some more on this bitch pictures if that was even her, she was so good, but did not get the 2100.
First reported: Peter

Medvedeva, Nadezhda (aka Tatyana Kuzminyh) – Nachalovo, Russia
Address: Nachalovo Russia
Details: Typical Scammer. AKA. Tatyana Kuzminyh. Met through Yahoo personals.
First Reported: Fooled once

Medyanik, Elena – Read also about Pirogova, Luba
Melnik, Olesya – Ekaterinburg, Ukraine/see also Zaripova Maria
Address: Russia, Ekaterinburg, Lagernaya 35-176.
Details: Never answer questions. Withing a few emails, she fall in loves, hinted that she doesn’t have any money and finally said she needs to come to USA to be with you.
First Reported: Bluewee

Mel’nik, Lesya – Lugansk,Ukraine
Phone: 380- 642 530173
Address: Alekseeva 34/45, Lugansk 90040, Ukraine
Details: Use pre-written letters, hardly answer any questions. Ask money for correspondence and translation
First Reported: Frank

Melnikova, Ira or Irina- Kurgan, Russia
Phone: 011-7-352-257 77 44
Address: M. Gorkogo street 17-80, Kurgan, Russian, 640000.
Details: I was scam out of $300 to meet at the airport. She asked for $40 more for Taxi. I knew there is a scam and told that I will give you the money in Moscow. She said now or not. I called her, she answered in Russian then a man talked in Russian
First Reported: Kragan Scammer
Menzelintseva, Neonila – Artemovskiy, Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Artemovskiy, Mira Street 19, Apartment #4
Details: Some pictures she sent of hers are sometime different girls. Don’t answer question. They claimed that in order to acquire a “tourist visa” they needed $300.00 for the foreign passport, visa, medical exam, registration, etc.
First Reported: Inyourface
Second Reported: Bill

Merezhko, Olga – Krasnayarsk, Russia
Address: Gagarin str. 12-45, Kazan Russia.
Details: Met at First requested $300, then $150 to buy her mobile. Then insisted to get her a visa. Tried sending her flowers but florist said that she doesn’t live there. She is listed at,,, All the sites said they are not responsible.
First reported: Andrew

Merezhko, Olga – Krasnayarsk, Russia
Address: Gagarin str. 12-45, Kazan Russia.
Details: Met at First requested $300, then $150 to buy her mobile. Then insisted to get her a visa. Tried sending her flowers but florist said that she doesn’t live there. She is listed at,,, All the sites said they are not responsible.
First reported: Andrew

Meteleva, Olga – Saratov, Russia
Address: Saratov, Russia
Details: Typical visa/airfare scam. Falls in love with you, wants to visit you. Asks for money
First Reported: Baxter

Mihailova (Mukhina) Larisa Konstantinovna, Yalta, Ukraine
Phone: 00380677320780, 00380654314580
Address: 28 Grigoreva street, Ukraine Crimea. 98600
Details: Asks money for visa, airfares and other costs. When specious, she doesn’t reply messages and answer phones anymore.
First reported: Rockyboy

Mihaylova, Marina – Murmansk, Russia
Address: Addresses on file: 12-22 Sovetskaya Str. Murmansk Russia 183010; 12-22 Lenin Str. Murmansk Russia 183002; 25-99 Gagarin Str. Orenburg Russia
Verified Banks of Use: Gazprombank 161 Turkestanskaya Str. Orenburg Russia 460021 Petrovskiy Narodny Bank 6 Egorova Str. Murmansk Russia 183038 Alfa Bank 1 Dimitrov Str. Novosibirsk Russia
Transfer System: Western Union request MTCN or Money Transfer Control Number.
Details: They will make first contact, a false address is given. Love is declared and money will be requested to proceed in efforts to obtain a visa and transportation to the United States.
NOTE: multipy sets of photos can be used
Reported: Mike Baxter

Miheeva, Tatyana – Samara, Russia
Phone: +7 8124 311785
Address: 5-17 Shkolnaya, St Petersburg, 197183 Russia
Details: Asks for money for visa and airfare.
First reported: Mike

Miheyeva or Komarova, Tatyana or Elena – Novosibirsk or Moscow, Russia
Address: Vatutina str. 9, apt. 14, Novosibirsk, 630078, Russia.
Details: Contacted me through She wrote about love starting from the second letter. Said both her parents are dead. Request money for visa afterwards.
First reported: Fox Mulder
Second reported: Rik

Mikisheva, Olga – Sayanogorsk, Russia
Address: Street Gagarina 8, Apartment 17, Sayanogorsk, Russia, 665600
Details: Typical Passport/Visa/ ticket scam
First reported: VIC
Second reported: Tom
Third reported: Jerry
Fourth reported: Michael
Fifth reported: David O.

Milaya, Lyudmila – Vladimi, Russia
Details: Said she might need money if wat she has is not enough for her and her daughter to travel.
First reported: Charles

Milaya (Milaja) Oksana Butovchenko Gennadievna (Hennadievna) – Lugansk, Ukraine
Phone: 0038 642 54 7511, 0038 642 63 60 97.
Address: Shevchenko area, 27, flat #51, Lugansk Ukraine
Details: Typical Passport/Visa/ ticket scam and hospital fee for accicdent. Falls in love with you. Wants money for correspondence, etc. Use Western Union. Always hint that she needs money. Very convincing scammer
First reported: Bob

Milenok, Natasha – Volsk/Kazan, Russia
Age: 29 or 30 ?
Hair Colour: Blonde
Details: Met Natasha on and also advertised on and she wanted to start and friendship with me and later wanted a Relationship with me and marriage? She was asking me to pay for her flight from Russia to England and I thought was a Scam to get money out of me? She was also asking for Marriage she she can get British Citizenship to England and Have a job here? She said that she was poor and can’t afford the Flight but I did not Believe her? It started as email letters then friendship and then she wanted relationship and Marriage and to have Children? She was advertised as Lovenat on Faceparty website and Country preference is Russia and U.S.A! Advertised as Natalie on Amoreux website and country Preference is Russia! I fell out with her because she was Asking for Money to pay for her Flight from Russia to England.
Then I fought this was a Scam because I did believe that she was telling the Truth and i thought she only wants scam my Money and come to England! Her plan was to marrying me to get British Citizenship so she can work in England and I thought was a Scam Farce!
First reported: Kevin

Millan, Serai – Moscow
Phone: 07 812 2456704
Address: 1-Murinski pr.15-16 St Petersburg, 197183 Russia
Details: Needs money for travel with student-organisation.
First reported: Gunther

Mirnaya, Julia (aka Ludmila Domashneva, Veronika Stepanova) – Novodvinsk / Arkhangelsk, Russia / Arkhangelsk, Russia
Address: Elite Brides – International Dating Club 164900, Russia, Novodvinsk, Novaya street 16.
Details: Just after one email correspondence, the agency requested money for more correspondence and join the agency which don’t even have a website at the time.
First reported: Sam
Second reported: Brigante

Mironova, Svetlana – Ivanovo, Russia
Postal address: The Russian Federation, Ivanovo 153000, Street Lenina 26 apartment 8
Details: This girl falls in love in 2 to 3 emails and than wants money for a passport and airline tickets to come to America. I offered to reimburse any type of loan she could get to pay for her trip to America, but she insist on money from me upfront. She sends pictures of family and friends. I ask her to pose with her parents in a holding a sign that read “I love you and I want to come to America to be with you”. I could never get her to make that picture.
First reported: Unknown

Mizhinko, Inga – Moscow, Russia
Details: She contacted me. Her first email just appeared in my inbox. She never did answer me when I asked her how she got my email address. She spoke of improving her life by visiting the west. She wanted money to help pay for the ticket to come to me. I never once told her she could stay with me. I looked on and found her listed as Nekrasova, Elena.
First reported: Matt

Mnushko Elena – St.Petersburg, Russia
Phone: 07 812 2456704
Address: 1-Murinski pr.15-16 St Petersburg, 197183 Russia;
Details: Asking money For visa and airfare.
First reported: SRP

Molchanova, Anna/Alexandra
Phone: no phone
Address: Socialisticheskay 20-A 33 Volgograd Russia 400074
Email Address:
Details: Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals in response to your ad. Informs that her cousin borrowed money from Russian mafia and needs your help to pay them off so that her cousin isn’t harmed. She asks for the money to be sent through Western Union.
First reported: Kevin

Morozova, Irina – Penza, Russia
Agency: Discreet
Details: This lady assures you that irrespective of age difference and without contacting you by phone,it is her lifelong wish to be married to you .Requests funding of Flight insurance costs of 900USD as she cannot obtain this either through family or work.
First reported: W.
Morozova, Natalia (aka Alena) – Mari-El, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Phone: +7906 – 139 -30 – 42
Details: I was contacted by her initially, and after 7 emails declared her LOVE for me, and wanted to come immediately to live with me in England, and asked me to send £350 to her at western union site in Russia. When I told her that I would not send money, she never replied again.
First reported: Dave S

Morozova, Natalia (aka Ekaterina Demakova) – Kazan, Russia
Address: 27 Makisimova Street, Kazan, Russia
Phone: 011 7906 139 3042
Details: Works for ministry of trades needs money for visa, tickets total $1600
First reported: Donald

Morozova, Olga – Penza, Russia
Address: Penza Lenina,18 440620, Russia
Email Address:;
Details: Starts by her initiating contact through personals website. She never gives her phone number. She starts asking for money for a visa and wants you to wire her the money through western union. Don’t be fooled.
First reported: Eric C

Moskalev, Aleksandr – Zarechnyi, Russia
Address: 17 Sportivnaja St, Zarechnyi, 442960, Russia, 424033
Details: Typical visa/airfare scam. He contacted me through and fell in love very quickly. Complained of loneliness and persecution of gays to gain sympathy. He even acted as though he were afraid I was a white slaver to distract me from thinking he was trying to scam me!
Details of another scam: I have been scammed of almost $4000.00 by Aleksandr Moskalev
We have been e-mailing each other for over 1 yr. Same scam story that is on your site now. I sent him money for visa, air far and $2000.00 to show customs for travel. He had me send money western union to his so called Aunt that is a veteran and clamed that he could get the money that way tax exempt.
Her name is ( Kislukhina Ekaterina ) in the same city.
After sending him the money he claims he was robed after getting off the train in Moscow.
I have contacted Western Union fraud dept and have filed a report and will be contacting the FBI as they have requested.
First reported: Bruce
Second reported: Paul

Moskvina, Nastya (Anastassia)
– Magadan, Russia
Address: Russia, 685015, city of Magadan, Pushkin street, 23-34
Details: Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals in response to your ad. Informs that she can obtain visa to your country with the help of “her friend” who works in travel agency on visa B-2, then asks for money for tickets, then for insurance.
First reported: Eric Jones

Moskvina, Olya
Details: This person contacted me from I sent a letter from another email address and another name and she responded to me with the same letter as she did when we first met, along with the same pictures.
First reported: C. S.

Motorina, Natalia / Tsaregorodseva, Elena
– Kazan, Russia
Phone: 78432929951
Address: Kramatorskaja 11-23 Russia
Details: I sent her 983.00 and I tried to obtain information from both embassies and waited month, the news came about two days after I sent that she had never received or applied for visa. The touring agency that I was supposedly working with was:
Travel agency Global Turs
Address: Russia, Kazan
Street 9 Sverdlova (420107-I don’t know what that is)
I met her on I didn’t send her the money. She tried like hell.
First reported: Gary

Motovilova, Svetlana (aka Svetlana, Nadejda Hlyibova) – Novodvinsk, Russia
Address: Elite Brides – International Dating Club 164900, Russia, Novodvinsk, Novaya street 16.
Details: I sent one thousand dollars on 01\28\04, and it was for a visa and plane tickets, needless to say I haven’t herd any thing from her since 02\07\04.
First reported: Robert

Mriya Agency
Names used by this group:
Olga B; Elena Burdukova
Details: They place photographs of women on other sites. After 3 letters you will recieve a money request from one Elena Burdukova from an unknown, unheard of Mriya Agency (time difference between the two emails is one minute), asking for money for any further correspondnce with this “Olga” to one. Their site, which has no address, telephone number or any other detail or reference, and about 20 odd photos.
Muchametova, Elvira (aka Elena, Tatyana Berezina, Elena Medyanik, Luba Pirogova, Tatyana Tyumen)- Yoshkar-ola, Russia
Address: Proletarian 45 ap. 18. Yoshkar-ola, Russia
Details: She started out legitimate then fell in love fast. Then wanted to come and see me in America.
First reported: William

Muntean, Anna – Simferopol, Ukraine
Phone: 050-7947671
Address: ul.Kievskaya 133-60, Simferopol, 95050, Ukraine
Details: After talking three days she asked for $15,000. She give to some agency. Got mad because I would not send. Said I was crazy, did not trust her.
First reported: Mike
Mushtacova, Anastasia – Turinsk, Russia
Postal address: Sverdlovsk area, Sverdlova street, 41-9
Details: I was contacted through a personals website. And then did not get a reply for about a week. Then she sent me this letter with her information, along with a picture. And we corresponded basically everyday (me one day, her the next) and each letter came with a different picture. About the fifth letter she tells about her friend Maria being sick in the hospital, but also reveals she believes she has fallen in love with me. Several more letters follow talking more about love and then her sexual likes and dislikes. Then she says she has two surprises but won’t tell you right now. One turns out to be she is making a sweater for you. The other is that she is getting the proper paperwork together to meet you. A couple more letters go by and then bang she gets her Visa and begs the travel agent to also schedule a flight (without checking with you about it). But it is too expensive so she uses all her savings and pawns her jewelry to pay for it. But wouldn’t you know it she is still about $1000 too short. “And if you really love her and trust her” you will find it in your heart to help her out and send her the money.
First reported: Daniel

Mushtai, Valentina (Valya) – Kharkov (University) and Kiev, Ukraine
Phone: +661961708
D.O.B: 12/24/1981
Details: Valya and I met on the website She used Interpreter as her english is not good but when talked on the phone her english is fine. On the last day I received an email asking for money. Her profile had been removed, shortly after this, from
First reported: Ben

Musina, Tanya – Volzhsk, Russia
Address: bogus. Apt 11, 16 Lenina Street, Volzhsk.
Details: Found her on ORIGIN International Dating Club. You have a great site, thank you very much.
First reported: Mark S.

Mykhalova, Iryna – Kherson, Ukraine
Address: Apt7, Kherson on Vostrebyvaniyu, Kherson, 73003, Ukraine
Details: All information about a woman who scammed me out of $18,000+. I have attached letters and Internet Crime Complaint. I also attach the response to a fake profile I set up to catch her. We were engaged and I had filed the Fiancée’ Petition for a Visa.
First reported: Jay

Myriad of Hearts Internet Club – (also known as Scarlett Agency, Dinasty Visa and Internet Club, Cupid Internet Club, Angelina etc) – Ekaterinburg, Russia
Address: Gerasimova St 101, 2nd floor, St Petersburg, Russia
Email: Myriad_of_Hearts@mail.ruManagers: Svetlana Orlova, Pavel Alexeev, Yuriy Kutorgenko
Details: Non-existing agency. Ads of pretty girls are placed on popular personals sites. When answer the ad, you find yourself corresponding through an agency in St Petersburg. The “agency” promises to fly the lady of your interest to you using a student exchange program, asking money for tickets and visa, and giving you deadlines when money should be paid, or “her visa expires”. They write good English, and pressurize with deadlines very well. You may be requested to send money on the name of the girl of your interest or one of the “managers”. May supply you with “addresses” and phone numbers of “clients who successfully used their services”; also have references listed on their website. All email addresses are registered at free services like Hotmail, and those people are non-existent. Ask you to arrange payment via Western Union or MoneyGram.
Most often connected with Irina Kiseleva scam
First reported: Robert
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