Russian Scam Message Board – Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Russian Scam is the alphabetical listing of Russian scammers and Russian agencies involved in Russian dating fraud or Russian scams. The name of the person where the money is sent is the key issue in a Russian scam, and the same Russian scammer may use different photos. Also, the same set of photos may be used under different names.
Same Russian Scammers
Most known Russian scams appear to be run by the same few groups of Russian scammers using different names and photos. Photos used in a Russian scam do not necessarily belong to the Russian scammer, and may be simply downloaded from the Internet.
Publishes Data of Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Please remember that Russian Scam is not a law enforcement agency and do not investigate or prosecute criminals. Only authorized law enforcement agencies can prosecute your offenders. To have them prosecuted, you will need to make an official statement to police and lay charges. Russian scam collects and publishes data of Russian scams and Russian scammers only.
Report a Russian Scam or Russian Scammer
If you would like to report a Russian scam or a Russian scammer and to be listed on the pages of Russian scams, please do it here.
Russian scam listings are in alphabetical order according to Last Name of Russian scammer or Russian Agency Name
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H| I | J| K | L | M | N | O | P | Q| R | S | T | U | V | W | X| Y | Z
Radchenko, Larisa – Poltava, Ukraine
Address: Ul.Chapaeva 56-23, g. Poltava Poltava region Ukraina 32650
Details: Ask money for correspondence and translation.
Reported: Riquet

Rahmanova, Marina – Russia
Address: Pholetarskaya #16, apt 26,Sovetskaya Gavan 664011 Russia
Details: I sent no money thank god. I found her on your website under different name.
First reported: Tim

Rafailovna, Elena – Samara, Russia
Postal address: claimed this was the address of her uncle Romanov K.E. Samara, Russia 443105 Livenskaja St. House 26 Apartment 5
Details: This person was unreal. “She” was so patient with everything. She knew how to push all of the right buttons and wait patiently for things to happen naturally. We e-mailed each other everyday and after about a month, I offered to help her pay for airline tickets to fly to the U.S. to see me. She acted like she was too ashamed to accept my offer claiming that she was “raised not to accept money from other people”.
It took me 3 e-mails just to convince” her to accept my help. I wired her $1200 and she claimed to purchase airline tickets and then go to Moscow to interview for her visa. She then claimed that the Russian Federation would not issue her a visa because she did not have the $2000 minimum required to “declare” in a bank account.
She told me that this policy was to protect Russian citizens trying to leave the country without money to fend for themselves or get back home. She then claimed that she was able to borrow $900 from her bank, but still needed $1100 more to declare. I agreed to send her another $1100 and told her that she could pay me back as soon as she meets me. Of course she never showed up at the airport and then wrote me an e-mail claiming to get mugged on the way to the airport in Moscow. Unreal. I googled “russian scam” and this was the first website that popped up.
Sure enough, one of the stories on here that lists bank account details matched the bank account used in the wire transfer perfectly! I can’t believe how stupid I was! She even continued to contact me afterwards.
Here is the bank account information she used to receive the wire tranfers:
Beneficiary Bank: CBGURUMM
Account with correspondent Bank: 04413603
Name: JSC Vneshtory Bank Retail Financial Services
Address: 5 Dolgorukovskaya Street, Moscow
Beneficiary: Romanov K.E.
Beneficiary’s account number: 42301840515001004367
Private transfer to telebank client: 914403
First reported: Joshua

Raschupkina, Tatyana – Novosibirsk, Russia
Address: Novosibirsk, Russia
Details: I got scammed bye a girl from Russia, Novosibirsk, by the name of Tatyana Raschupkina, i send her 2 times 200 dollars by a W U transfer,21st September : MTCN: 926-071-2957, 2nd of October: MTCN = 008-152-0961. I will ad al the pictures she send me from which 2 are her passport and fake visa she put together for her to make me believe she was coming to see me.
First reported: Markus

Raskina, Olga – Kazan, Russia
Address: 74 Zorge str, Kazan, Russia
Email: and
Phone: +79172880251
Details: She is different than other scammers. She uses email in the beginning only asking you your photos, then she gives you her telephone and ”cooking ” you by telephone. After some time she tells you that you are the man of her dreams and want to visit you, but her 200 Euros salary is impossible to visit you, if you do not send her the money. She says she can arrange with a relative of her working in Aeroflot cheap tickets and visa. You can read many reports for this scammer if you put in google: olga raskina, kazan, russia. Please add her in your scammer list.
First reported: Chriss

Raupova, Elena/Florena26- Magadan
Details: Says she works selling cosmetics and lives with her mom. Says she can obtain visa to visit and asks for money to help pay for airfare.
First reported: B.M.
Please note: The photos used belong to a Russian model and seem to be downloaded from the Internet. The woman on the photo is not a part of the scam, has a different name and lives in a different city.
Second reported: J.

Raupova, Tanya – Yoshkar Ola, Russia
Address: Yoshkar Ola, Russia
E-mail address:
Details: Requested money for tickets and visa
First reported: T

Rebakova/Ribakova, Olga – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia aka Valechka, Valentina/Valya – Cheboksary, Russia aka Anna – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Postal address: Yoshkar-Ola, Komunisticheskaya st. 24, pa 89. state Mariy El
E-mail address:
Nickname: olgalovely
Details: I started coresponding with one that was nicknamed “olgalovely” who’s supposely real name was Olga Rebakova. Then when she asked me money to get papers done changed to Ribakova. I was coresponding with her and at the same time, in the beginning, I was chatting with another girl, met on the same website, called Anna (lovely80). Olga once asked me if I was corresponding with another woman. After telling her that I was, Anna stopped corresponding with me. She never wrote back to me..
I think that it is the same person writing, that’s why she wanted me to stop. When Olga quit our relation, because I was asking too many questions and I wasn’t sending money, another russian girl wrote to me. Her name was Valentina. After a couple of letters, she made a mistake and sent me twice the same message. She even forgot to fill the blanks there was on her template I should say….
First reported: Roy

Rechkina, Vasilina – Zelenodolsk, Russia
Address: 89-67, Mayskaya street, Zelenodolsk city, Tatarstan, Russia 420076
Details: Vasilina initiated contact with me after I signed up with Absolute Agency. I ran a Google on Vasilina / Zelenodolsk (I did not have her last name at this time) and immediately found a report about her. Her first few letters varied somewhat from those she wrote to the other men, but there were bits and pieces that were the same.
First reported: Not Nyet Stupid

Red’kina, Elena – Orsk city, Russia
Address: Stanislavskogo st. 86 apt. 12. Orenburgskaya oblast’, Orsk city, Russia 462403
Details: Scammer from Russia initiated contact, falls in love immediately and had no phone number and used fake pictures. Also she ask money for passport, visa, application, medical certificate, insurance, tickets to come and marry you.
First reported: Bret
Rekus, Yulia – Kremenchug, Ukraine
Address: Pervomajskaya street, 39 , Section 6 apprt. 6 Kremenchug – town,Ukraine, 39600 Email:
Details: Says she is poor, has no money for food, claims she loves you and wants you to pay for your correspondence.
First reported: S.H.
Repina, Tamara – Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia
Address: street Kirov 38-90. City of Yuzhno-Sahalinsk, Russia, 693020
Details: Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals Calling there self Tamara, she said she was replying to a personal. THE IP address comes back to Moscow after checking the island she lives on it is supplied with a satellite up link to Moscow but the list of IP numbers she used returns to a dial up account in Moscow. Eventually she asks for money
First reported: Ralph

Repka, Yana Vladimirovna (aka Yana Repka Kvartal) – Lugansk, Ukraine
Phone (real): 0642 47 89 77
Phone (fake): 38 0642 61 38 23 and 38 050 55 444 27
Address (real): 39/206 30 Let Pobedi Street, Lugansk
Address (fake): Yakira 3/117 Lugansk Ukraine
Details: Initiated contact. After the 12th letter Yana began inviting to Lugansk, Ukraine. Yana was very glad about my visit and began Vladimirovna offering me to use LuganskRental’s service The agency and Yana Repka has the same IP address. The agency doesn’t have a permit or licence to occupy yet.
First reported: John

Reshetnikova, Anastasya – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Address: Yoshkar-Ola 42400, Russia
Details: Typical scam. She doesn’t exist and scam for a lot of money to come and visit you.
First reported: Steve
Reshetnikova, Darja – Russia
Address: Russia
Details: Spam of scam attempt: over 4 months
First reported: Peter

Reshnikova, Anna – Lugansk, Ukraine
Address: Tuhachevskogo street 1/19, Lugansk, Ukraine
Details: Requests $400 to help pay for her tuition at school.
First reported: S.H.

Revtova, Elena – Ekaterinburg, Russia
Email:, or
Details: Initiates contact herself through YAHOO! personals a U.S. dating service. Very convincing scammer. She wishes to come to US and prepared to come. She requested money for all together US$2000. Never heard back from her after.
First reported: Brandon
Second reported: John USA

Rez’ko, Irina – Perm, Russia
Address: Perm, Russia
Details: Initiates the contact herself through popular online personals. Proclaims her undying love for you and eventually she asks for money for visa and airfare.
First reported: Mark

Ribakova, Anna (aka Anna Busyigina) – St. Petersburg, Russia
Address: Street Narodnaya, House 71 Apt 48, St Petersburg Russia 198231
Details: Found her on Datadate. She didn’t give her phone number. She sent me about half a dozen emails, and in the last one, she told me she was in love with me and hinted that she wanted to visit me. Airline tickets and visa scams.
First reported: Scamhunter
Second reported: John
Third reported: Scott

Ribakova/Rebakova, Olga – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia aka Valechka, Valentina/Valya – Cheboksary, Russia aka Anna – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Postal address: Yoshkar-Ola, Komunisticheskaya st. 24, pa 89. state Mariy El
E-mail address:
Nickname: olgalovely
Details: I started coresponding with one that was nicknamed “olgalovely” who’s supposely real name was Olga Rebakova. Then when she asked me money to get papers done changed to Ribakova. I was corresponding with her and at the same time, in the beginning, I was chatting with another girl, met on the same website, called Anna (lovely80). Olga once asked me if I was corresponding with another woman. After telling her that I was, Anna stopped corresponding with me. She never wrote back to me..
I think that it is the same person writing, that’s why she wanted me to stop. When Olga quit our relation, because I was asking too many questions and I wasn’t sending money, another russian girl wrote to me. Her name was Valentina. After a couple of letters, she made a mistake and sent me twice the same message. She even forgot to fill the blanks there was on her template I should say….
First reported: Roy

Rina (Short for Irina) – Izhevsk, Russia
E-mail addresses: and
Details: I originally sent her a flirt message thinking she was from West Virginia. Within a few message I found that she was from Russia. She said that she indicated that she was from West Virginia because the site would not allow Russian profiles. She went on in her messages saying that she was a school teacher, never married, living with parents. I even received a fake email from who was suppose to be her mother. She stated that Rina was hurt in a previous relationship and wanted to know my intentions.
Everything seemed legit, then she asked for money to pay for a plane ticket. That was my first Red Flag. I initially, with caution said I would help pay, I indicated that I would pay the money directly to the travel agency. She came up with an excuse stating that they only except cash and that I would have to Western Union her the money. That was the second Red Flag. I then conducted a search on sites such as this. I found the information on another site that listed previously used email addresses. Sure enough, her email address and her supposed mothers email address was listed on the site. Watch out for this one!!! The email addresses to watch out for are: and
First reported: Jamie

Rings Marriage Agency -Lugansk, Ukraine
Address 1: 91000 Ukraine, Lugansk region, Lugansk, Lomonosov street, 98.
Address 2: 93400 Ukraine, Lugansk region, Severodontesk, Partizanskaya street, 8.
Email: Marriage agency “Rings”,,
Manager: Mikhail Osipov
Details: say to be in business since 4 years and now in 3 cities in Ukraine. They have no adress, no phone number, no name of a responsible person. The only name is whom to make the Western Union payments payable to: Mikhail Osipov. Impossible to transfer the money in the name of the lady, as she does not exist in reallity. Some of their profiles of girls are already known as having abused many men. This agency barely answers to any question, or give out unexisting adresses in Ukraine. In fact the only place you can find them is on the net.
First reported: George
Riyna aka Anna/Nadezhda/Svetlana – Russia
Postal address: Russian Federation, street Lenina 85, apartment 69
Details: She found me, says through a penpal site i went on, BUT i canceled that account 6 months ago? that made me question er right there as being odd. then she mentioned about “me asking her to come to us” which i found odd, i never did, so i knew she was bringing it up in a starnge way, odd…then i had a gut feeling to look under scam sites, found her photo, then info anbout her scamming allot of people under tons of names. she still dont know im aware, and its the 5th letter now, shes now starting to bring up money things, so its coming! found her on:
First reported: Joe

Rodionov, Konstantin(Kostya) – Zelenodolsk, Russia
Address: Lenina 35, Zelenodolsk or do vostrebovanija, 420000, Russia
Details: Typical contacted via, wanted money. Gave sob story about no money, he was studying to be a dentist. Mention two friends’ names: Kirill and Grisha.
Another scam’s details:
Agency: ICQ and
Details: Initially made contact through ICQ possibly as far back as 2002, then, almost a year ago, Kostya ‘found me’ through and began to communicate with me. Told very believable story about just completing dentistry school….sent me a copy of his passport when I questioned him and feared a scam…the passport LOOKS legitimate. Used names of friends Kirill and Girsha, talked much about his 15 yo brother Misha who is employed by the state as a boxer…his Mother Vera is either a physician or works for one…Father Nikolay is a teacher…
Our emails were personal ‘life’ stories, where we were from, school history, college history, stories about family and occasionally sex, sometimes detailed, sometimes romantic…We exchanged MANY photos of family and friends came to know each others family by name, well.
He was always hesitant to ask for money…once had ‘frostbite’ and discouraged me sending $240 for meds he needed for treatment..I felt sorry and sent $180 for which he thanked me repeatedly, he was always very gracious about my monetary gifts. All were geared toward his $360 requirement for a visa to come live with me, then recently $1232 for a plane ticket…his arrival time and destination all disclosed by him to me…I am still in the process of seeing if the name actually appears on a manifest for the airline.
I sent a total of approximately $1800 over the course of 6 months. His Uncle Sergey Tkachenko was my Western Union contact, as I could not send directly to him since this would cue officials that he had a benefactor in the US and he would not be able to leave the Country.
He supposedly left Zelenodolsk by train with the Uncle Sergey, who is disabled from Afghanistan War, and lived in Hotel in Moscow for one month while AGENCY helped him secure his visa…Great detail about daily interviews, medical testing, etc. Then, the REQUIREMENT that he have $2400 with him before he can leave Russia so that he will not be ‘dependent’ upon anyone while he is in America.
This concerned me, so I checked the pick up point of my more recent contribution, it was Stragegya Bank in Cheboksary, Russia…NOT Moscow where he would have been at the time.
He gives a birthdate of 11JUN1983, confirmed on the passport I have scanned image of.
It is hard to believe he is a scammer, he is VERY convincing!
First reported: Rob
Second reported: Darja P.
Third reported: Dough
Fourth reported: Paul

Rogova, Maria – Kaliningrad, Russia
Address 1: Lenin street, 35-98, Kaliningrad, Russia
Address 2: Kaliningrad, 236001 Yaltinskaya street, 34-15
Details: Typical “visa and tickets” scam. Initiates the contact through a personals website, falls in love with you, wants to visit you, asks money for visa and tickets, then insurance. Prewritten letters. Your questions may be answered in the form of PS.
First reported: Heron, USA

Rogova, Riyna – Primorsk, Russia
Postal address: Lebedeva street 6-15
Photos she sent:
Details: Kind of strange this one is always expressed wanting to be with me. But Money is tight all she asks is for $200 for a visa. After telling her no I won’t do it but would help her out when she got here, she goes into a guilt trip routine saying how awlful she feels but will do what she has to do to get here. 4 days later she has it taken care of. wow so I look through some of the stories about the scams and swore to god I seen here picture under different name Abromova, Natalia (Natasha)-St. Petersburg Russia
First reported: Dennis
Romanova, Iraida – Kazan, Russia
Postal address: street Pushkina
the house 18 apartment 45
Index 420107
Agency: Fast Cupid Her profile said she lived in Ventura, California.
Details: Iraida contacted me orginally on the Fast Cupid dating website. We began corresponding, and I suspected that something was not quite right. I read about scams and studied examples of different scams. I hope that you are able to prevent her from attempting to scam others. I never sent her any money. She seemed nice. If it sound to good to be true….
First reported: Robert

Romanova, Natalaya (aka Yulia Galina Gonchar)– Severodvinsk, Russia
Address: Russia, Severodvinsk, 164511, Sovetskaya Str. 54-21
Details: Initiated contact by your Yahoo personals. She immediately falls in love with you and she hardly answer any of your questions. Even after insisting to come to Russia, she kept suggested for her to visit you.
First reported: Grimm

Romanova, Valentina- Blagoveschensk, Russia
Address: Russia, Blagoveschensk
Details: I was scam for this Russian girl, her name is Valentina Romanova 25 y/o she ask for money and try to take advantage of my situation, she only looks for some person in United States most of them who are desperate looking for a girl, for example I am a fat person I have problems with my weight and she said that I am cute, beauty I have 50 y/o something like, she is like candy, she post that she is not going to work and she is only looking for the old family values. She post some advertisements in some internet sites one is www rosebrides com under the nick vipdiva007 and in china daily, she sent me email in and her telephone in her home is 416 236 4116 i think she lives in the city of Blagoveschensk, I sent her some big huge money in June 2012 and i saw again in other internet page, please don’t say my name she said that she has a lot of connections in Moscow and scary me and that is why i write you. I don’t report to the agency because I don’t want any problem.
First reported: Luigi

Romaschova, Alexandra – Toguchin (Novosibirsk), Russia aka Osipova/Zhirova, Anastasiya aka Vasilyeva, Margarita aka Donika, Anna
Address: 55-54 Lenina St
Phone Number: Said she had no phone
E-mail Address:
Details: Like others before me, I was contacted initially through (May 2006 – her profile said she was in S.C. USA), then on
Must be the same scammer, even the street address is the same, although a different town!
Sent same e-mail pictures (actually of Russian TV actress Ekaterina Guseva!)
Said she was a surgeon, making $200 a month, after 4 e-mails wanted to marry me & move to US IF I sent her $970 for visa, ticker, etc etc.
Also uses fake travel agency (Satellite/Skylink Travel) – only accepts Western Union money transfers!
First reported: Dave

Ronzhina, Tatiyana – Kazan, Russia
Address: Kazan 467000 Dekabristov 169 Flat 62 Russian Federation
Details: Initiate contact through Yahoo Personals. Fell in love through computer. She was requesting money for visa and tickets.
First reported: Pavel

Rostova Sasha/Irina Busina/elena1264/Sasha1264 – Kiev Ukraine
Address: Moskovskaya str. 12-6, Kiev, Ukraine
Details: Suspect makes contact with you via know “free” internet sites. She and the Director make e-mail contact letters. Director explains that she represents the young lady and provides a presentation and introduction to the agency. She outlines the expenses such as cost for Passport, Visa application and its process’s, and the cost of airfare from the Ukraine to the United States. When funds are received via Western Union, letters begin to decline. The last letter is an emergency appeal to you, that her mother has cancer and needs an emergency operation, and must receive $1,700 for cost of this operation.
First reported: Deputy Dawg

Rozbitskaya, Galina – Lugansk Ukraine
Address: Ziolkovskogo 32, Luhansk, Ukraine, 91005
Details: Requests money for visa and airfare. Before she is about to arrive her dad needs ‘heart surgery” so she cannot come.
First reported: Dirty Harry
Rozhenkova, Lena – Cheboksary, Russia
Phone: 007-902-713-4619
Address: Sovetskaya 57-23
Details: Met through online dating service. Falls in love with you, wants money $350 for Visa & Airfare. Then her mom gets a tumor & needs surgery or she’ll die of breast cancer. Asks for $1500.
First reported: Mike Rogers

Rozhenstova, Elena – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Phone: +7 83 62 21 64 25
Address: 8 Petrova Street Apartment 21, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Details: Scammer who meets you in person. Make you fall in love with her and said yes to your proposal. She accepted all the money and the ring just to stay with another man.
First reported: Bob

Rudziankova Volha – Minsk, Belarus
Address: Agronomicheskay 23, Smolevichi, Minsk, Belarus 222210
Phone Number: +375447982620
Agency: Ladyfrombelarus
I would like to report Volha Rudziankova (alias Olga Rudenkova) from Smolevichi, Minsk region, Belarus who has scammed me of almost $30,000+ USD through an online romance scam for women looking for marriage in Belarus. I first met her online on May 3rd, 2020. I was in an online relationship with her till July 2022 for 2.5 years. I visited her twice during this time for brief periods. During this time, I proposed to her and she accepted my marriage proposal. The whole relationship was a sham without commitment where she had me buy her expensive gifts and send her cash transfers thru Western Union and Money Gram. Gifts included expensive gold jewelry, iPhone, clothes, coats, shoes, purses, perfumes, car repairs, money for English classes etc. I also bought her an expensive engagement ring during my trip to Belarus in October 2020. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until recently when I realized what she was up to. I promptly broke off the relationship with her. I realized that she is a professional MANIPULATOR who uses men from the West for monetary benefits. I have also reported Olga Rudenkova (Volha Rudziankova) to the law enforcement authorities in both United States & Canada. Please avoid this scammer!!!
She knows how to play men, she is a gold digger! Do not trust anything she says!!!
First reported: JD

Rukavishnikova, Tatyana – Tambov, Russia
Address: Tambov Street Leningradskaya, 42392036
Email: tatyana_ru@INBOX.RU
Details: Contacted through Yahoo Personals. After a few letters she fell in love, and then she asked me $350 via Western Union. Her name is listed on
First reported: Russell

Ryabinina, Natalya – Volgograd, Russia
Address: 169 Dekabristov Street, Flat #62, Kazan, Russia 467000
Details: After doing some research on Russian Women Blacklist I have discovered that she is using multiple aliases and email addresses. Some of her aliases are:
– Tatyana Gorbunova, and and
– Tatyana,
– Elena Snezhana,
– Ekatarina Batstrakova,
– Irina Kondratyeva,
– Olga or Llona Ekaterinbury,
– Olga Andreeve.
– Irena Yandulova
He/She uses the exact same letters with different names. Doesn’t respond to any questions.
First reported: Brent

Rybachenko, Lidiya/Svetlana – Severodvinsk, Russia
Address: Severnaya str. 9, apt 27, Severodvinsk, Archangelsk region, 164509 Russia
Details: Typical “visa and tickets” scam. Falls in love with you, wants to visit you, asks money for visa and tickets, then insurance.
First reported: Andson Chung

Rybachenko, Oleg – Severodvinsk, Russia
Phone: 347-28-80, 903-171-05-90
Address: Kolomenskaya str. 9, apt 733, Moscow, Russia 115142.
Details: Ladies and Gentleman, i think i solve one of the main scammers real name. I think the real name behind; Yulia SUKHONDYAEVSKAYA, Lidiya Rybachenko , Svetlana Propst, Rybachenko Oksana is: OLEG RYBACHENKO and ALEXEY PANKIN
Their yahoo messenger: skatbowl, aflake30, diksas13, flake30, julia247, lidiya, lidiya102, nordicgal, olegryb, olgapetrova, yulia72, yuliak, yuliasuh, skatbowl and diksas13 is often online…..
Their MSN: svetlana (,,,,,
maybe this too:
Their icq: snowlady 15021343436 (svetlana propst), svetlana 318480435, yulia 125542279
First reported: Scammer Spion
Rybakova, Oksana – Krasnoyarsk Siberia
Address: Puskin30-78 Krasnoyarsk Siberia
Details: Typical “visa and tickets” scam. Falls in love with you, wants to visit you, asks money for visa and tickets via Western Union.
First reported: Harold

Rybakova, Olga – Orel, Russia
Address: 78-4 Leskova St., Orel, Russia 302000
Details: Contacted me through Adult Loveline, also known as SK Singles. She fell in love quickly, decided to come to see me, and she asked for $300 for visa. I have seen her photo at another site attached to the names Maria Zolotova and Marina Yamaeva
First reported: Sonny

Ryabokonenko, Oksana – Kostroma, Russia
Address: Kostroma, Russia
Details: Initiates contact through online personals site. Requests money for visa/airfare/mothers operation. If none of that works she informs you that she has secretly been saving money to come and visit you only to have it stolen. And if that to fails to work, she informs you that her mothers friends computer is having problems and you never hear from her again.
First reported: Jim
Ryzhkova, Sviatlana – Mogilev, Belarus
Phone: +375299814371
Address: Dimitrova 64-135, Mogilev, Belarus
Details: Basically, Sviatlana is very deceitful and has fake romances with men. She lies about being serious regarding marriage and immigration and deceives them into getting a visitor or fiancée visa for her. She then travels to his country merely for the purpose of a very long vacation, using him for his financial resources, wasting his time, and ultimately breaking his heart. She is also unfaithful to these men during the process. In my case, she became the mistress of a married man from Hong Kong who sent her money while we were engaged. Luckily, I found out Sveta was faking from an ex-boyfriend that she had scammed by travelling to Australia on a 1-month visitor visa he had gotten her on the premise she loved him. In reality, Sveta already had another Australian boyfriend lined up in Sydney and dated him during her stay while he was working, behind his back. I discovered all this 3 months before Sveta was to fly to the USA in March 2014 with the K-1 Fiancee Visa that I had financed. Never mind all the time and money wasted romancing and vacationing with her in Berlin, Mogilev, and Kiev. I was very fortunate that Sveta’s K-1 Visa was cancelled and revoked by the US Consulate in Warsaw in time. Otherwise, she could have ruined me in many ways (accusing me of abuse, etc.) after coming to the USA. I broke off our engagement by phone while Sveta was in Singapore meeting her married lover. Strangely, her English improved dramatically during this conversation. She expressed no remorse, even after admitting her affair. I realized afterwards that she is a sociopath. At 31 years of age, Sviatlana has never established a career even though she is intelligent and has a business degree from a top Belarus university. I believe she actually prefers being a serial scammer, living off her many marks like a parasite, and wreaking havoc on their lives. In some perverse way, Sveta enjoys the pain she inflicts on men who love her. I met her on Elena’s Models.
First reported: Scammed by Fiancée

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