Russian Scam Message Board – Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Russian Scam is the alphabetical listing of Russian scammers and Russian agencies involved in Russian dating fraud or Russian scams. The name of the person where the money is sent is the key issue in a Russian scam, and the same Russian scammer may use different photos. Also, the same set of photos may be used under different names.
Same Russian Scammers
Most known Russian scams appear to be run by the same few groups of Russian scammers using different names and photos. Photos used in a Russian scam do not necessarily belong to the Russian scammer, and may be simply downloaded from the Internet.
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Russian scam listings are in alphabetical order according to Last Name of Russian scammer or Russian Agency Name
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Vahreneva, Svetlana – Cheboksary, Russia
E-mail address:
Details: She claims she is from Cheboksary and is coming to New Zealand very shortly as her visa is almost ready and then asks for money to enter the country. Shw eill give it back on arrival. Never asked any questions about me or my life.
Details from another scam: 1st see her ad on with a USA address. 2; she says she has visa already setup, 3; she likes my pics and will come to USA to see me. 4; Says she is saying goodbye to her friends and nervious about trip. 5; On the way to Moscow br train. 6; Will go to Embassy to get documents 7; Has Visa and will get Airline ticket and e-mail witharrival time. E-mail says Customs requires her to have $1500 to travel with and requests $ 1200 by Western Union at Moscow Airport and cannot trravel unless I send it. I didn’t buy into it, neither should anyone else.
First reported: Jay
Second reported: Richard
Vahreneva, Svetlana – Moscow, Russia
Details: Requested money for visa, tickets, and “pocket expenses” to flight to USA (through Western Union).
First reported: Matthew

Valechka, Valentina/Valya – Cheboksary, Russia aka Ribakova/Rebakova, Olga – Yoshkar-ola, Russia aka Anna – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Postal address: Russia, Cheboksary city, Marksa street, 101-27.
E-mail address:
Details: I started coresponding with one that was nicknamed “olgalovely” who’s supposely real name was Olga Rebakova. Then when she asked me money to get papers done changed to Ribakova. I was coreesponding with her and at the same time, in the beginning, I was chatting with another girl, met on the same website, called Anna (lovely80). Olga once asked me if I was corresponding with another woman. After telling her that I was, Anna stopped corresponding with me. She never wrote back to me.. I think that it is the same person writing, that’s why she wanted me to stop. When Olga quit our relation, because I was asking too many questions and I wasn’t sending money, another russian girl wrote to me. Her name was Valentina. After a couple of letters, she made a mistake and sent me twice the same message. She even forgot to fill the blanks there was on her template I should say….
First reported: Roy

Voloshyna Alla – Kharkiv, Alcevsk, Ukraine
Address: Kharkiv, Alcevsk, Ukraine
Phone: +380955143304
Details: She told You her phone mobile number immediately, she works as make-up artist, she lives in Alcevsk, war zone ukrainian, she send You many fake photos, retouched by photoshop, after 20 days of messages on WhatsApp, she ask to You money for international passport, money for trip to Kiev or Kharkiv…. Dont trust of her… She is a great scammer… She send the same messages to many many her suitors, she connect only for 8 hours a day, no connection in the evening… I dont know why… Be careful

Vyalkova Olga – Moscow, Russia
Address: 91/69 Borodina street, Moscow, Russia, 129366
Details: Told me originally that she is from somewhere in Siberia but when she asks for the money, she wants me to use a Moscow address where so was so called live temporarily. Asks money for plane ticket. When she has to pay for plane ticket and taxes to visit me, all of sudden does not have enough money to pay for the ticket.
First reported: Jim

Vohmentseva, Natalia – Archangel, Russia
Address: Archangel Russia
Details: Use the same letters as Marina Petrova came from the same net. Both asked for money and replaced the money with notices of undying love and devotion. Both had no fathers.
First reported: ernieh
Vokolva, Tatiana, Tanechka, Tanya – Volgograd, Russia
Postal address: 125212 Mira str. 25
Details: I bet she thought she struck gold because I’m the one that approached her. I have probably been talking to her for about three weeks. I would send her very detailed e-mails and I’d ask her questions but it seemed she never answered my questions. I attributed this to her English not being perfect so I let it slide. After a few weeks she mentions meeting in Europe. A red flag came up because we had not even talked on the phone before. This made me grow suspicious. I copied and pasted some of the text from her e-mails into google — lo, and behold; I found the exact letters she had written to me, (in sequence and everything) on messageboards where others have been claiming to have been scammed. My heart sank but I’m glad I found this out before it could go any further. She does not know I am aware of the scam yet — so we’ll see what happens. Beware.
First reported: Unknown

Volgunova, Alevtina – Volgograd, Russia
Phone number: (7 ) (844 ) 231586
Name of the bank: PETROCOMMERCE BANK
Address of the bank: LENINA, 102
City: VOLGOGRAD zip: 400005
First reported: Frank

Volkova, Nadegda (aka Nadegda Valer’evna) – Kirov, Russia
Address: Friendship House 1 Flat 11, 610003 Kirov, Kirovskaya oblast ‘, Russia
Details: Typical visa/ticket scammer. Having sent the money, never got her emails or reply anymore.
First reported: Anonymous

Volkova, Tatyana – Narva, Estonia
Address: House 12, flat 137, Estonia, Narva, Tallinskoe shosse
Details: She initiated contact via Yahoo personals. She has just started to request financial assistance. She wants me to send money to her at the Admiralteyskiy Bank, Leningradskoe shosse, 5, Moscow, 125871, Russia via Western Union.
First reported: Judd
Vollara, Olga – Arzamas, Russia
Address: Arzamas, Niżny Nowogród Oblast Russia
Details: She asked me for money. I didn’t send her any money.
First reported: Tanki

Volzhanina, Tatyana (aka tatyana demitrova)
Details: She has contacted me through site and did the same like other scammers. Request money for visa, passport and airfares. I get the same letters as a other victims.
First reported: Laurent
Vorobev, Maksim – Cheboksary, Russia
Postal address: Lenina Street
Details: I found him when i first subscribed, he was one of the first persons i knew on this for me very new and unknown website, i checked for gays in new york because i was about to take a flight there for the first time (i’m a flight attendant), i searched for pictures of pretty guys and found him by mistake registered as new yorker but russian, he wrote a lot about him and true love and honesty asf… i decided to write him a short message, he replied immediately with his first letter on the 27.03.2006. on the same day i went online to gayromeo to check his account profile, i found out that it has already been deleted. So we wrote e-mails to each other, after a while he asked for money for tickets and visa to visit me as i invited him to austria. I told him that i do not have the money, not now, i need to safe first. After a few weeks of writing e-mails to each other he told me that he loves me, but i replied that i do not love him and that i want to meet him first and that he is just a friend for me. I always checked the internet by entering his name and the city and as well the university he told me he was working at, i didn’t find him anywhere. Today was the day where i received enough money to send him the amount which has gotten more, from $350 to $500, via western union and i did send it to him, after returning home i searched again the internet by entering the name of the street he lives at in cheboksary and i found the exact adress at google under this website and checked, as i am still very young and naive(as i know for sure now) i have never heard something like that before in my life, well now i know. I have already written him a letter with all the details to pick up the money, but i ran back to western union to get my money back and i got it back, he had not taken it jet. So actually i have no loss then the €30,- of transfer fee. On your website he is registered as kuznetsov ilya-4/23-lenina street-cheboksary-russia with the mail adress but i got his mails from i am not sure if it is the same guy but they have got the same adress and wishes. If you want me to stay in contact with him i can by telling a little lie to him like he did with me for a few months now, if that would be any help for you to find him. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate in contacting me.
First reported: Rinder

Voronkova, Galina – Republic Chuvashia, Kanash, Russia
Address: Lenin’s street, the house 6 – 4, Republic Chuvashia, Kanash 429 330, Russia
Email: and
Details: Here are pictures of a Russian girl that email me thru a dating web site. This girl I really
like her until one day I found her in another scammers site? It was the same pictures that she had recently send me. Her mother is Ekaterina. She said her father was killed in a bus accident 8 years ago. She claims to be a Nurse in Kanash but when I contacted the hospitals nobody heard of her, lying bitch. After six months she start asking me for travel money to be with for marriage. I believed her to be genuine but she was just scammer and I fell for her/he lies. I did not send any money I told that was bull because when she arrived in the UK I would take care of you. After that letter I never heard from her again. I did write many times but no reply from her again. She is I presume shopping in the most expensive stores in Russia and planning a nice little holiday. I was thinking after she maybe but she/he is a lying bitch. My mistake for not checking Russian Scam dating scammer first.
First reported: Kerr

Votyakowa, Irina (aka Elena Bogomolowa, Ekaterina Sokolova, Galina, Natalia)- Murmasnk, Russia
Address: Murmasnk city, Lenina prospekt 23-6. Russia
Details: She was given $2,000. Typical Scammer.
First reported: Daniel

Vshiwkova, Anna – Lipetsk, Russia
Address: Menatep St.Petersburg, Zavodskaya ploschad 1, Lipetsk, Russian Federation
Email: girl@
Details: Typical Scammer. Initiate contact by saying “thank you for replying” without contacting her before.
First reported: birdman
Vyazova, Natalya – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Postal address: Antciferova St. 6-15
Phone number: 8836245849
Details: She contacted me thru dating site and gave me her email address. Said she wnted to come to Australia then sent me picture to me with my name and date to prove she’s real. Then she says she need $1500 US for ticket and if I could send it to her via Western Union she would get plane and come to me here, even had scanned image of her passport. I got sus and said a friend of mine was a contract computer programmer there and told him to go and she her at her address. Haven’t heard from her since.
First reported: David
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