Russian Scam Message Board – Russian Scams and Russian Scammers
Russian Scam is the alphabetical listing of Russian scammers and Russian agencies involved in Russian dating fraud or Russian scams. The name of the person where the money is sent is the key issue in a Russian scam, and the same Russian scammer may use different photos. Also, the same set of photos may be used under different names.
Same Russian Scammers
Most known Russian scams appear to be run by the same few groups of Russian scammers using different names and photos. Photos used in a Russian scam do not necessarily belong to the Russian scammer, and may be simply downloaded from the Internet.
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Please remember that Russian Scam is not a law enforcement agency and do not investigate or prosecute criminals. Only authorized law enforcement agencies can prosecute your offenders. To have them prosecuted, you will need to make an official statement to police and lay charges. Russian scam collects and publishes data of Russian scams and Russian scammers only.
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Russian scam listings are in alphabetical order according to Last Name of Russian scammer or Russian Agency Name
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Zager, Yuliya (aka Nina Simonova, Elena Novoselova, Svetlana Kazankina) – Khabarovsk / Tumen / Kazan, Russia
Address: 127-12 Sheronova street, Khabarovsk, 680000, Russia
Details: Initiated contact though my account. The letters are very believable. After the last letter I offered to visit her in Russia, Instead for sending her money for the visa. I never heard from he/she again.
First reported: Matthew
Second reported: Ake

Zagryvko Oksana – Poltava, Ukraine
Address: Poltava, Ukraine
Details: Correpond for a while, even spoke to someone on the phone. Ask $1600.00 for plane tickets and tell me only to send with Western Union. In fact she lives in Leuhansk Ukraine. I did not sent money.
First reported: Leland

Zakalina Yuliya – Moscow, Russia
Address: Russia, Moskowskaya Oblast, zip code: 141425
I suspect a scam, from this women. I reported a scam today from Yuliya Zakalina, I still remain in contact and agreed to pay money, (I am not actualy going to do that… but if there is anny possibility to stop this please tel me what to do next.) I include here her last email.
“Good day my love Frank!
How are you? I hope that you have good day and you have good morning today. I very much regret that could not write earlier. But here in Moscow, it was complex to find the Internet of cafe who works on Saturday. But today I could receive the information on the ticket. Also I can send it to you. I AM HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hasten to write to you the letter to inform information about my ticket. Today I already have the information on my ticket, and I can send it to you.
E-ticket: Russia, Moscow (MOW) Flight to Brussels, Belgium (BRU)
Tue Nov 9, 2010 – Thu Dec 9, 2010 1 Adult
Czech Airlines, Flights 893 / 632
1 Stop
Depart: 2:45 PM
Moscow, Russian Federation (SVO)
Arrive: 6:30 PM
Brussels, Belgium (BRU)
Connect in: Prague
Flight 1
Czech Airlines, Flight 893
Depart: 2:45 PM
Moscow, Russian Federation (SVO)
Arrive: 3:40 PM
Prague, Czech Republic (PRG)
Airbus A319
Connection Time: 1 hr 20 mins in Prague, Czech Republic (PRG)
Flight 2
Czech Airlines, Flight 632
Depart: 5:00 PM
Prague, Czech Republic (PRG)
Arrive: 6:30 PM
Brussels, Belgium (BRU)
Airbus A319
Total Travel Time: 5 hrs 45 mins
I very much hope that this date and time will be convenient for you and we can have our meeting. Other details of my ticket I can receive all on Tuesday in the morning, when I shall pay my ticket in the airport. You understand me? I am very happy that already soon we shall together, and I can embrace and kiss you. What do you think to do in this day? You already to be prepared to our meeting? :))) To me it is very boring without you because I am here one in Moscow, and I very much would like to will with you already today. Today I shall remain too in Moscow one, and it really is very boring. I have no whom in Moscow, here I do not have friends, there are no friends, I simply remain in Moscow and I miss without your letters. And greater pleasure for me when I can read your letters, and see that you really wish our meeting and we soon shall together. Today I to plan to walk on Moscow, and to go shopping. I really wish to buy a gift for you which will remind you of me, and about Russia. I in general when I do not wish to leave you, I always wish to be with you. I HOPE THAT WE CAN HAVE LOVE. The love already starts to grow in my heart, and I hope that it will be mutual, and you when you will not damage my heart. I hope on your love and support. I trust that our letters it not simply words…………………… And it is words of our hearts!!! I am really very happy that very soon we can have our meeting. I think that one meeting it even better than millions letters, I understand that we can be happy together I am valid I can not wait more when we shall be together. I think of you every minute. And our meeting it is very important for me. Whether I should know convenient these dates for you, and whether there can be you at this time in the airport? To meet the LOVE!!! :))) Also I hope that you can inform in what clothes you will to meet me? I think that I shall be dressed in a grey classical coat, and I will have a blue scarf. I think that you without problems can see me 🙂 I shall wait for your letter today and I hope that you will write very soon. Millions kisses for you. For ever yours Yuliya.”
First Reported: Frank

Zakarlyuka, Elena – Lugansk, Ukraine
E-mail address:
Details: She sent to me the same information she has sent to a friend of mine.
First reported: Johan

Zakhareeva, Elena – Ekaterinburg, Russia
Details: Ads are placed on popular personals sites. When answer the ad, you find yourself corresponding through an agency in Ekaterinburg (non-existing agency Angelina etc). The “agency” promises to fly Elena to you, asking money for tickets and visa, and giving you deadlines when money should be paid, or “her visa expires”. You may also receive letters from “father” Anatoliy Isaakovich Zakhareev and photos with family. “She” may call you and ask you to call “her” at the agency phone number.
NOTE: different pictures may be used
First reported: Mike

Zaporoshenko, Tatyana – Omsk, Russia
E-mail address:
Phone number: +79600930144
Details: I was just scammed out of $1,500, and almost lost up to $4,000. But, I got suspicious after I read your website.
I emailed her after seeing her picture on the website (she has now changed her address on the website to California (before it was North Carolina), although she has always been in Russia. Her nickname on the website is Milayadevushka, although she changes this name as frequently as her address. She asked me for $1,620 to pay for a tourist visa and airfare to the USA, and like an idiot I sent it to her, because I believed she had feelings for me. I sent the money to the following address:
Tatyana Zaporoshenko
Prokhorov Street
House 34, Apt 79
Omsk, Russia
The money was picked up the next morning (about 10 days ago). She told me her ID # is 8803546789, and her contact phone number is +79600930144.
First reported: Unknown
Zaripova, Maria /Viktor Shiller/Langepas
travel agency – Russia/ see also Melnik Olesya
Agency: Langepas travel agency
Phone: +7 912 617 0088
Details: Falls in love quickly then wants to
meet…..very sophisticated scam. Asks money for ticket
First reported: Mark
Second reported: Lee

Zavodina, Elena – St Petersburg, Russia
Address: Leninskiy prospect 67 korpus 1, apartment 210, St Petersburg, 198332, Russia
Phone: +7-919-151-0430
Details: “Please understand me right, I don’t ask for a gift of 500 USD. Could you borrow me this sum of money? When I come to your country and find work I’ll give you money back with the first possibility. The documents which I prepare are:- Travel passport; – Police report; – Medical certificate, – Documents from the bank and from my work and others… I’ve made a calculation how much do I have to pay more for documents + visa fees. The sum is about 500 USD or a little more. Of course it looks like very expensive but this money will cover very many expenses connected with visa and documents. I have already paid and received new foreign passport and I’ve got it on hand. My previous passport became invalid as its period expired. I could not even imagine that they will do visa so quickly. But here is one important rule: if I don’t pay for visa now it’ll be a problem for me to get it next time. I can’t miss this chance now.”
First reported: Gabi

Zayceva, Svetlana – Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Home address: Apartment 31 house 40 Volodarskogo street
E-mail address:
Details: She contacted me throw RSVP they have closed her sit but she will go to another. She put the work in there was Emails every day then she said she wanted to come & visit but had checked about it & gave me detailed accout of cost & didn’t have the money 8/dec/05 I thougt about it & felt I could trust her.I know there was a risk & sent about $2300 AU to her she said she paid money to travel inspection & they were orgining it all inclueding visa 19/dec/05 & would confern booking on the 6/jan/06 on that day she said she had confermion she had travel on the 9/jan/06 gave me all details had to say over in Moscow 2 nights I ask if she had enough money for that thinking she mite need $100 AU she then asked me to email $300 USD to a friend who lent her the money if you had borrowed it I should have thought & realised they would not have been expecting it payed back so quick & fool me did. I’d become to trusting of her. Now the real scam starts for the cream I got phoned from moscow ?? at 4.00 am Aust time 8.00 pm ru she said they would not give her visa she didn’t have enough money for travel she needed $1690 AD we got cut of . I got up & tryed to ring hotel but she was not there but also found out that the hotel was divided into a few & with luagage barrier it was hard the a email arived form internet cafe saying what she needed & would give it back when she arived I then Emailed her knowing her friend was going to her email ?? & asked how to contact her in moscow in the mean time I sent the money & the number then herd nothing I rang the australian embussy & found out that she would have needed under a$1000 AD & she had not aplied for or been given visa they also had had a conplaite from someone in Dec about the same thing, I also found out that she picked up the money at AK BARS BANK Yoshkar-Ola at 10 am I then sent an Email to her & her friend replied saying the mother had been in & was upset by it & was crying not Knowing were her daughter was I then got concened that maybe I was Wrong thats when I checked were the money was collected I then sent another email saying she was in Yoshkar I then got a email saying she was in hospital in moscow I will send these 3 letters All up it’s $4750 AD including western union fees . The first money I choose to take the risk the next I thought was cheeky the third she rang knowing I’d be asleep & not thinks clearly . The second money I should not have sent so quick the third I should have wieghted until I got contact detail in Moscow then I would have Known I do wish I’d found these sites before but then I was not looking for a Russian girl & I started out to just talk to her as a friend
First reported: Greg

Zhaboriuk, Svetlana – Odessa, Ukraine
Address: Odessa, Ukraine
E-mail address:
Details: She contacted me with a normal email. I think she got it from a site Single Baltic-Lady agency or another woman Oksana Starostina. she is now operating at but the don’t answer my emails at all. Her id there 1139942. I transferred her first 240 dollars, we met in Odessa, and she needed 1000 dollars for taxi, since she lived outside the city, but I don’t think so. She uses a little fat gipsy and say she is her aunt. She also says that this little gipsy is sick, problems with the nears, but it is a fake, look at the pictures, she is 100 % healthy. A very nice woman, but so greedy and like a devil.
First reported: Dr.Zinner

Zharkova, Irina- Kinel, Russia
Address: Russia, 446400, Kinel, Shosseinaya, 34
Details: Typical “visa and tickets” scam. Falls in love with you, wants to visit you, asks money for visa and tickets. Also use the antique coin story.
First reported: Jim
Zhguleva, Anastasiya- Voronezh, Russia
Address: Russia, Voronezh, Pushkina str. 15
Details: Initiated contact from yahoo Tried to scam for $875 for visa and ticket.
First reported: Artur

Zhimanchuk, Tatyana – Kazan, Russia
Address: Petrova 23 apartment 5, Kazan, Russia
Phone: 89613778850
Details: I initiated contact with this woman and she seemed eager to begin correspondence. We corresponded for about 2 and a half weeks. She professed strong feelings for me within a week and expressed interest in visiting me in Australia on a tourist visa. At first, she said that she would pay it all herself. However, a few days later, she asked for money to complete the trip and provided me with a fake passport and travel agency statement. I lead her on a bit, but she soon left me alone. The photos she used belong to a celebrity named Victoria Lopyreva. Seemed too good to be true and told believable lies to try to make me send money, but I didn’t send any.
First reported: Tatyana busted

Zhirovva, Julia – Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia
Address: 33-2 Garden St.
E-mail address:
Details: I was contacted in early November of last year on Yahoo by Julia Zhirova. after several leters and a few phone contacts we were talking of her coming to the U.S.. She had sent me several pictures and finally a copy of her passport before I purchased a E-Ticket and sent her $1700.00 to arrive which of course, she never did.We had talked several times about scams and I mailed her several articles. This person is very convincing. After talking by mail and a few phone conversations, we had agreed for her to come to the US. I sent her a small amount of money to get her Visa and purchaed a E-ticket for her. When it came time for her to leave Moscow, she e-mailed that she that customs had turned her away because she had no cash. After researching the customs and border patrol website I agreed to send her $1700.00 as long as she sent a copy of her passport which she did. Surprise, she did not show up the second time and has not mailed me since.
First reported: James

Zhizhura, Svetlana- Volgograd, Russia
Address: Street October, House Number 141, Apt. 35
Details: Typical “visa and tickets” scam. Her first note was a very brief message from a Lavalife ad, I have, that gave her email and asked to be contacted directly! And everything was the same as all the other scammers.
First reported: Remarkable The Man
Zhmur, Tanya – Cheboksary, Russia
Address: Mira 34, apartment 23, Cheboksary, Chuvashia, Russia
Details: Initiates contact through the personals website; falls in love, requests money for visa and passport.
First reported: Bob

Zhoroka, Anastazhya – Vinnitsa, Ukraine
Address: Vinnitsa, Ukraine
Details: After 6to7 emails, she “lost her job” as a dance instructor, she claimed to be a former dancer for the folk dancing group called “Kazachok”, but, she torned a “ligament couldn’t continue. She was hinting about getting help to pay for “translation firm” expenses, now, she never did ask for money but she was very cautious about how how to get to me without asking directly, she was asked certain questions but never answered them, her letters seem to be almost photocopies. After I told her that I knew she was a Scammer she stopped writing me. NOT 1 dollar spent here, I will never send money to any one I have never met. I just wanted to report this. I did not get her IP address.
First reported: Marty

Zhuryd, Volha – Vitsebsk Belarus
Address: Lenina St. 17, Apt 8 Vitsebsk, 210000 Belarus
Details: Declares her undying love within a few letters. Before long she asks for money for visa and airfares.
NOTE: Two sets of pictures may be used
First reported: Dissappointed

Zimakova, Anna – St. Petersburg, Russia
Details: I was in contact with her for six months her email now is Annaokoulova I have real pictures of her not photo shop. She sent it through Skype she wanted money for a visa to the USA 2250 I have all the emails asking for money. She got me for other expenses 2450 sent money gram and western union. I have seen the photos on your site and the same address posted. She contacted me to day via Skype even after I told her I new everything ,she said she is going after more men and try to take there money she is pretty arrogant watch out. She is slick. she is bold she contacted me on may 3 asking for more money after she knew I knew it was a scam her new email is she was under Also see Oloukova Anna
First reported: Kevin

Zinina, Lubov (Syktyvkar, Russia)
Phone number: 167000 7 (821) 2441931
Details: Declares her undying love within a few letters. Before long she asks for money for visa and airfares.
First reported: Louis

Zlatogorskaya, Anna – Saratov Russia
Details: Wants money for visa/passport and airfare. Requests money to be sent via western union.
First reported: Devilishly good
Zlatousova, Anna – Gryazi, Russia
Address: 111-5 Leninskaya Ui Gryazi in the reagin of Lipesk Russia
Details: I was corresponding with Anna for some time. Slowly she was falling in love, building up until it comes to the point where she wanted to come and visit me. According to her she have paid for everything needed to visit me, all in place for the visit but when she wanted to collect her visa, she was told she needs to proof that she has $2000 in her bank account to support herself on the visit. According to her she did not have the fund, asking me in a very emotional way to send the money so that she can travel to me. I did not sent any money.
First reported: Dave

Zobnina, Elena (AKA Elena Usachevskaya, Natalya Komarova, Evgenya Chelyabinsk) – Ekaterinburg, Russia
Address: Ekaterinburg, Russia
Travel Agency Name: “Siberiatravel”
Address: 620066, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Lenina street 57
Phone: +7-343-266-77-21
Email:, or
Details: Initiate contact through Yahoo Personals saying she was from Milwaukee Wisconsin. She quickly fell in love. She in the meantime had sent me airline ticket/visa/passport costs from a travel agency called “SIberia Travel Agency”. Its not included in web search and emails were returned.
First reported: Illinois

Zolatova, Maria – Omsk Russia
Address: 644099, Omsk, Moskovskaya street 22, apartment 17
Details: Wants money for visa. Requests money to be sent via western union.
First reported: Fred
Zubova, Anna – Minsk, Belarus
Address: Minsk, Belarus
Email:, and
Details: Her trick is to get as much holidays as possible. She tries to make you believe she likes or loves you and then slowly lets you pay for her holidays. It all goes slowly, and her excuses for her not calling you ( so you are calling her ) for her not mailing you ( so she can think about another trick) It all goes slowly but in the end you find yourself paying for everything basically.
First reported: Jeroen

Zverava, Irina – Vitebsk, Belarus
Phone: claims to don’t have a phone
Address: Rosa Luksemburg St. 1a, Apt. 14, Vitebsk, 210000, Belarus
Details: One of the names used by Minsk group. Acquaintance usually originates from a personals site where you placed your ad, and she responded. Writes personal letters, answering all your questions. After 2-3 months informs that her aunt working at University may help her to come to USA including her in student exchange group, and asks for money for visa and tickets. Doesn’t stop writing after receiving the money.
First reported: Bobby Brown

Zwerewa, Ekaterina – Batyrevo, Russia
Address: Batyrevo, Russia
Details: Made contact with her on She asked for money for flight tickets.
First reported: Erene

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